VII - Mystery Plays and Nyd Fires
Saturday, September 24, 1 AM
Salt Water state park, Washington state, USA
A small and rather chilly tent
Our Witchschool fall tour has brought us to Salt Water state park in Washington state for the Harvest Mysteries Festival, sponsored by Our Lady of the Sacred Earth Witan Shrine.
We awoke early, refreshed by the crisp mountain air, to find our lovely view of Puget Sound obscured by a heavy fog. Rev. Isarma, John, Leo, and the many wonderful people we had met the night before were stirring to life and beginning the days activities. Isarma cooked a wonderful breakfast of pancakes, eggs, potatoes, and bacon, for everyone.
Rev. Jason set up a table with our Witchschool wares -we had brought books, CDs, T-shirts, literature, and of course memberships. The principle other vender was Katherine of Bountiful Woman, who offered a wide range of tunics, robes, and wall hangings in a large number of colors and motifs.
In late morning we were introduced to Jason and Barb of Pagan Ocean (paganocean.ifo), a local networking organization dedicated to building the community and focused on building a community center. Jason and Barb were very nice, and seemed to have a real handle on what they are doing as an organization.
Saturday, September 24, 1 AM
Salt Water state park, Washington state, USA
A small and rather chilly tent
Our Witchschool fall tour has brought us to Salt Water state park in Washington state for the Harvest Mysteries Festival, sponsored by Our Lady of the Sacred Earth Witan Shrine.
We awoke early, refreshed by the crisp mountain air, to find our lovely view of Puget Sound obscured by a heavy fog. Rev. Isarma, John, Leo, and the many wonderful people we had met the night before were stirring to life and beginning the days activities. Isarma cooked a wonderful breakfast of pancakes, eggs, potatoes, and bacon, for everyone.
Rev. Jason set up a table with our Witchschool wares -we had brought books, CDs, T-shirts, literature, and of course memberships. The principle other vender was Katherine of Bountiful Woman, who offered a wide range of tunics, robes, and wall hangings in a large number of colors and motifs.
In late morning we were introduced to Jason and Barb of Pagan Ocean (paganocean.ifo), a local networking organization dedicated to building the community and focused on building a community center. Jason and Barb were very nice, and seemed to have a real handle on what they are doing as an organization.
I spoke to Jason for some time -he is studying with the Georgian Tradition, and is very busy with Pagan Ocean. He is a very pleasant and level headed young man who I think has a real chance of accomplishing his goals and doing some great things for the Pagan community.
Also today we met Kona, a Witchschool student who had come out for the day. Kona and I enjoyed a long and pleasant discussion on a bench beneath the majestic cedars of the park.
In evening the second part of the Mystery Play was presented. Where the first half was set on Olympus and took a high path down the ridge to the ritual space, the second part was set in Tartarus and took another route which dipped down through a low valley.
We arrived to find the ritual space dressed in stygian black hangings, and Dragon/John enacting the role of a heart broken Hades. Believing himself abandoned by Persephone, Hades abandons himself to melancholy and dies of sorrow just before Persephone, having gotten word of her mothers plan to end her marriage, returns to Tartarus.
Horrified, Persephone beseeches Hecate to restore Hades to life. Hekate agrees, but only if Persephone can collect an amount of energy equal to that of Hades to act as his replacement. Persephone then moved from person to person asking if they could releases one part of themselves which was no longer needed in order to return her husband to life. Each person placed what they had to release into stones provided for the purpose, which were then given over to Hecate. The play ended happily when Hecate declared that enough energy had been gathered and returned Hades to life. A very interesting twist on the classic myth.
Horrified, Persephone beseeches Hecate to restore Hades to life. Hekate agrees, but only if Persephone can collect an amount of energy equal to that of Hades to act as his replacement. Persephone then moved from person to person asking if they could releases one part of themselves which was no longer needed in order to return her husband to life. Each person placed what they had to release into stones provided for the purpose, which were then given over to Hecate. The play ended happily when Hecate declared that enough energy had been gathered and returned Hades to life. A very interesting twist on the classic myth.
Now we had to hurry, for things had fallen behind and we had a second commitment to get to. Rev. Marie Windhorn and her group were holding a Nyd Fire ritual at the Oloteas event in Seattle. Rev. Marie had kindly sent someone to guide us there, so we set out following them through the now dark of night.
We arrived at the event just after nine, to be greeted by Rev. Marie, her husband Rev. Poppi, Rev. Moonstorm, and Rev. Ourania. This was to be their very first major public ritual, and we were very glad to have the opportunity to come and support them. We had a few minutes to meet and talk to Rev. Marie and her people, and then it was time for the ritual to begin.
I was asked to say a few words about the Correllian Tradition to begin. I am always very awkward at this, because how can you put a way of life into a couple of sentences? But I did my best, explaining our emphasis on family, community, and personal spiritual growth. Then each person was given an unlit torch.
Those who preferred to represent feminine energy received a torch with a besom at one end, those who preferred to represent masculine energy took a torch with a plain end.
Singing a Goddess chant those with besom torched entered the ritual space in a tuathail motion, while we with plain torches sang a God chant and entered deosil. I would estimate that seventy to a hundred people took part.
The ritual space was truly magnificent, being marked out with tall standing stones which reminded one f the henges of old Europe.
The Quarters were invoked. Then Rev. Marie and Rev. Moonstorm invoked Goddess and God.
Now the Nyd Fire was kindled. A Nyd Fire is a sacred fire kindled in time of need to invoke the aid of the Gods. It is kindled in a special ritual way, and then the fire is spread by torches in all directions -a kind of fire equivalent of our Correllian lustration ceremony.
When the fire had been kindled, the Four Quarters each lit a torch and brought the fire to their Quarter. Then each person began lighting their torch from the person next to them. As each person lit their torch, they focused on one thing they wished to release and then took their torch to the main fire, casting it in. In this way all were cleansed by the Nyd Fire.
It was a beautiful ceremony, and Rev. Marie, Rev. Moonstorm, Rev. Poppi, Rev. Ourania, and all of their group should be justly proud of the wonderful job they did -the more so since it was their first big public ritual. It was very evocative and well done.
Now thanks were given. Then we adjured to a nearby cabin to talk. It was very nice to get to meet Rev. Marie, Rev. Poppi, Rev. Moonstorm, Rev. Ourania, and the many other good people we met. I really regret that we could not stay longer, and hope to be able to do so the next time we come through this area. Everyone was delightful, and I wish we had had more time.
All too soon we were off, returning to Salt Water state park and our tents, there to turn in for the night.
Another great day in the Witchschool Fall Tour.
We are very glad to have this opportunity to get out and meet so many of our students, Mentors, and Correllian Clergy. It is really wonderful and very gratifying. We are very grateful to everyone who is playing host to us along the way, and to the school for giving us this opportunity. It has been a long road in many ways since we first began our online outreach and teaching programs, which developed into Witchschool. Sometimes it has been very hard, but always it has been a labor of love, and deeply rewarding. Many people during the trip so far have told me what a difference the school has made in their lives, and that really makes all the effort that has gone into it worth while.
We arrived at the event just after nine, to be greeted by Rev. Marie, her husband Rev. Poppi, Rev. Moonstorm, and Rev. Ourania. This was to be their very first major public ritual, and we were very glad to have the opportunity to come and support them. We had a few minutes to meet and talk to Rev. Marie and her people, and then it was time for the ritual to begin.
I was asked to say a few words about the Correllian Tradition to begin. I am always very awkward at this, because how can you put a way of life into a couple of sentences? But I did my best, explaining our emphasis on family, community, and personal spiritual growth. Then each person was given an unlit torch.
Those who preferred to represent feminine energy received a torch with a besom at one end, those who preferred to represent masculine energy took a torch with a plain end.
Singing a Goddess chant those with besom torched entered the ritual space in a tuathail motion, while we with plain torches sang a God chant and entered deosil. I would estimate that seventy to a hundred people took part.
The ritual space was truly magnificent, being marked out with tall standing stones which reminded one f the henges of old Europe.
The Quarters were invoked. Then Rev. Marie and Rev. Moonstorm invoked Goddess and God.
Now the Nyd Fire was kindled. A Nyd Fire is a sacred fire kindled in time of need to invoke the aid of the Gods. It is kindled in a special ritual way, and then the fire is spread by torches in all directions -a kind of fire equivalent of our Correllian lustration ceremony.
When the fire had been kindled, the Four Quarters each lit a torch and brought the fire to their Quarter. Then each person began lighting their torch from the person next to them. As each person lit their torch, they focused on one thing they wished to release and then took their torch to the main fire, casting it in. In this way all were cleansed by the Nyd Fire.
It was a beautiful ceremony, and Rev. Marie, Rev. Moonstorm, Rev. Poppi, Rev. Ourania, and all of their group should be justly proud of the wonderful job they did -the more so since it was their first big public ritual. It was very evocative and well done.
Now thanks were given. Then we adjured to a nearby cabin to talk. It was very nice to get to meet Rev. Marie, Rev. Poppi, Rev. Moonstorm, Rev. Ourania, and the many other good people we met. I really regret that we could not stay longer, and hope to be able to do so the next time we come through this area. Everyone was delightful, and I wish we had had more time.
All too soon we were off, returning to Salt Water state park and our tents, there to turn in for the night.
Another great day in the Witchschool Fall Tour.
We are very glad to have this opportunity to get out and meet so many of our students, Mentors, and Correllian Clergy. It is really wonderful and very gratifying. We are very grateful to everyone who is playing host to us along the way, and to the school for giving us this opportunity. It has been a long road in many ways since we first began our online outreach and teaching programs, which developed into Witchschool. Sometimes it has been very hard, but always it has been a labor of love, and deeply rewarding. Many people during the trip so far have told me what a difference the school has made in their lives, and that really makes all the effort that has gone into it worth while.
VIII - Sleepy In Seattle
Monday, September 26, 1 AM
Summerfield Suites, Rm. 403, Seattle, Washington
Our Witchschool Fall Tour continues.
Sunday was the final day of the Harvest Mysteries festival. It was very nice –more laid back than Saturday, we had lots of time for visiting and discussions, as well as to appreciate the beauty of Saltwater state park.
Monday, September 26, 1 AM
Summerfield Suites, Rm. 403, Seattle, Washington
Our Witchschool Fall Tour continues.
Sunday was the final day of the Harvest Mysteries festival. It was very nice –more laid back than Saturday, we had lots of time for visiting and discussions, as well as to appreciate the beauty of Saltwater state park.
All through this trip I have been especially stirred by the changes in landscape from one area to another. Here in Washington we see towering cedar forests clinging to the side of beautiful mountains. Our campsite affords a breathtaking view of Puget Sound, which spreads out majestically below the mountain. The water of the Sound is clear and silver-gray, sometimes glittering with happy sunlight, other times wholly obscured by fluffy white fog. During the night rituals the waters of the Sound were black except where turned to shades of silver and indigo by the light of the reflected Moon.
John, Chief Priest at Sacred Earth Shrine –soon to found a Shrine of his own- tells me that here at Saltwater park a ceremonial hatchet was buried some years ago to symbolize an end to the historic rivalry between Seattle and Tacoma.
The festival ends with a Thanking Circle led by Rev. Iris, who has gifts for all those who helped put the festival on. It has been a lovely weekend, and we will long remember all whom we have met here.
As the Sun sets we head out toward Seattle where Rev. Ed has arranged a hotel for us. The Summerfield Suites is a posh establishment (thank Goddess and Rev. Ed assures us that two days here will help restore our energies, which are flagging a bit after our hectic week.
Perhaps this is so –but first we have to get there. We find the I-5 corridor a bit confusing. Our directions leave us uncertain. We don’t find our exit –we turn around. We call the hotel for directions: “take the Seneca exit, #165”. We find exit #165 but its not Seneca –it leads to James St. We call back: “Oh, you’re coming from the other direction!” Apparently exit #165 leads to Seneca from one direction and James from the other. Poor Rev. Jason, who is driving, is getting more frazzled by the minute.
So we turn around and go back again. Now that we know what we are looking for we find Seneca St. and the Summerfield Suites with no problem. It really is a very nice hotel –though we are too tired to fully appreciate it. With little further ado we find our ways to bed.
Monday morning arrived and with it one of our few unscheduled days. Today we will explore Seattle and pay calls on a few metaphysical stores to leave literature and make personal connections. This is after all in the end a promotional tour, and we must make it work at that level.
Luckily a number of spiritual stores are near our hotel, and we figure we will start here. The streets of Seattle are steeply pitched –being from flat Illinois it is a bit of a shock to us and we must get used to driving up and down hill so much.
We find that the first store we plan to visit is closed –it is around 11 but they open at noon. So we begin to investigate the neighborhood. We find that Traveler’s, one store in Seattle we have particularly wanted to see, is only a couple of blocks away at 501 E. Pine St. We find it quickly.
Traveler’s ( carries all manner of East Indian merchandise: Fine incenses and perfumes, magnificently patterned scarves and textiles, decorative boxes and silk garments. Traveler’s also features a chai bar, offering delicious chai and other Indian themed specialties.
There are also all manner of religious items: statues of Hindu and Buddhist Deities, incense burners and ritual lamps, musical instruments used in meditation and worship. There are also prints and post cards of the Deities, some exquisitely beautiful.
But the most interesting things for sale at Traveler’s are teas, spices, herbs, and incenses from India. Traveler's is the creation of Leon Reed, a master incense maker and teacher who has written extensively and teaches on a variety of subjects. We talk animatedly about herbs and vitamins for a long time. We offer him a business card –he has heard of us- and we have a pleasant conversation about the local Pagan and spiritual community. Seattle is very active spiritually.
We select a wide range of incense making supplies and herbs for purchase –these can be very hard to find back home. Rev. Jason and I select a number of post cards –I also buy a packet of tandoori chicken spice mix to take home to Rev. Ed who is fond of tandoori chicken.
As we prepare to leave Leon offers us a free cup of chai for the road, which we happily accept. It really is the best chai around –rich and highly flavorful. We highly recommend Traveler’s.
After leaving Traveler’s, we happen upon a store called “Everything Halloween”. This wasn’t one of our planned stops, but we couldn’t pass up a store called Everything Halloween. The store was large and well stocked with costumes and props. The manager was very friendly and helpful. Since we have at least two costume parties to attend this season we looked quite seriously for costume accessories. The current plan features a Harry Potter theme. I plan to dress as Albus Dumbledore: Rev. Jason will be Harry. I think it will be fun and an interesting allusion considering our role in the real-life Witchschool.
Next we went to “The Edge of the Circle” –a charming metaphysical bookstore with a wide range of products, including many beautiful sculptures and wonderful ritual implements. After some debate I purchased a matched set of Priestess and Priest’s short swords which I will further embellish and make a gift of later.
After my purchase we hand out our business cards and discuss the school and our various products with the manager. From behind us a voice comes: “You’re associated with” Then: “Would you be Rev. Don Lewis?” Well this is very cool –I don’t think I’ve ever had it happen to me before. It is a Raven, a lovely young lady who does psychic readings at the store. It turns out Raven is a Witchschool student, and a member of the African American Wiccan Societyheaded by Correllian Priestess Rev. Jeanine de Oya / Rev. Ladinee.
We have a delightful talk with Raven. She had been a student at the school, left for a time, and come back. She is very active in the Seattle community and invites to a late night event to be held that evening –though we warn her that we may not be able to attend, as we may be exhausted by the end of the day (and as it happens, are).
By now we are hungry. Rev. Lisa, Witchschool Web Goddess, has suggested a restaurant called Agua Verde on the waterfront, so we set off in search of it. Rev. Lisa had seen Agua Verde featured on the Food Channel, on a program called “Forty Dollars A Day”, and recommended it as being good, plentiful, and inexpensive –all our favorites.
And indeed, Agua Verde proved to be a most excellent dining experience. With a wonderful view of the waterfront we consumed plentiful portions of interesting and exotic Mexican food. We dined on catfish tacos and sampled a fascinating appetizer platter –all delicious and inexpensive.
Thereafter we returned to our hotel and had a nap. The pace of the trip is rather strenuous, so this gave us a much-needed chance to rest up.
Finally, we headed back out to Olympia to the home of Rev. Iris Crane, where we were to do a real-time initiatory confirmation. After the ceremony Rev. Iris laid out a feast for ourselves and members of the Temple who had gathered.
The evening offered much pleasant conversation, music (Rev. Jason and Rev. John know many of the same Filk songs, and Rev. Iris graced us with a lovely solo), and discussion of many pages of creative project ideas submitted by Eion Woodcraft.
At length we bid a reluctant farewell and headed back to our hotel. We have had a lovely time here in Washington state and will long remember it. Tomorrow we will begin to work our way down the coast.
So we turn around and go back again. Now that we know what we are looking for we find Seneca St. and the Summerfield Suites with no problem. It really is a very nice hotel –though we are too tired to fully appreciate it. With little further ado we find our ways to bed.
Monday morning arrived and with it one of our few unscheduled days. Today we will explore Seattle and pay calls on a few metaphysical stores to leave literature and make personal connections. This is after all in the end a promotional tour, and we must make it work at that level.
Luckily a number of spiritual stores are near our hotel, and we figure we will start here. The streets of Seattle are steeply pitched –being from flat Illinois it is a bit of a shock to us and we must get used to driving up and down hill so much.
We find that the first store we plan to visit is closed –it is around 11 but they open at noon. So we begin to investigate the neighborhood. We find that Traveler’s, one store in Seattle we have particularly wanted to see, is only a couple of blocks away at 501 E. Pine St. We find it quickly.
Traveler’s ( carries all manner of East Indian merchandise: Fine incenses and perfumes, magnificently patterned scarves and textiles, decorative boxes and silk garments. Traveler’s also features a chai bar, offering delicious chai and other Indian themed specialties.
There are also all manner of religious items: statues of Hindu and Buddhist Deities, incense burners and ritual lamps, musical instruments used in meditation and worship. There are also prints and post cards of the Deities, some exquisitely beautiful.
But the most interesting things for sale at Traveler’s are teas, spices, herbs, and incenses from India. Traveler's is the creation of Leon Reed, a master incense maker and teacher who has written extensively and teaches on a variety of subjects. We talk animatedly about herbs and vitamins for a long time. We offer him a business card –he has heard of us- and we have a pleasant conversation about the local Pagan and spiritual community. Seattle is very active spiritually.
We select a wide range of incense making supplies and herbs for purchase –these can be very hard to find back home. Rev. Jason and I select a number of post cards –I also buy a packet of tandoori chicken spice mix to take home to Rev. Ed who is fond of tandoori chicken.
As we prepare to leave Leon offers us a free cup of chai for the road, which we happily accept. It really is the best chai around –rich and highly flavorful. We highly recommend Traveler’s.
After leaving Traveler’s, we happen upon a store called “Everything Halloween”. This wasn’t one of our planned stops, but we couldn’t pass up a store called Everything Halloween. The store was large and well stocked with costumes and props. The manager was very friendly and helpful. Since we have at least two costume parties to attend this season we looked quite seriously for costume accessories. The current plan features a Harry Potter theme. I plan to dress as Albus Dumbledore: Rev. Jason will be Harry. I think it will be fun and an interesting allusion considering our role in the real-life Witchschool.
Next we went to “The Edge of the Circle” –a charming metaphysical bookstore with a wide range of products, including many beautiful sculptures and wonderful ritual implements. After some debate I purchased a matched set of Priestess and Priest’s short swords which I will further embellish and make a gift of later.
After my purchase we hand out our business cards and discuss the school and our various products with the manager. From behind us a voice comes: “You’re associated with” Then: “Would you be Rev. Don Lewis?” Well this is very cool –I don’t think I’ve ever had it happen to me before. It is a Raven, a lovely young lady who does psychic readings at the store. It turns out Raven is a Witchschool student, and a member of the African American Wiccan Societyheaded by Correllian Priestess Rev. Jeanine de Oya / Rev. Ladinee.
We have a delightful talk with Raven. She had been a student at the school, left for a time, and come back. She is very active in the Seattle community and invites to a late night event to be held that evening –though we warn her that we may not be able to attend, as we may be exhausted by the end of the day (and as it happens, are).
By now we are hungry. Rev. Lisa, Witchschool Web Goddess, has suggested a restaurant called Agua Verde on the waterfront, so we set off in search of it. Rev. Lisa had seen Agua Verde featured on the Food Channel, on a program called “Forty Dollars A Day”, and recommended it as being good, plentiful, and inexpensive –all our favorites.
And indeed, Agua Verde proved to be a most excellent dining experience. With a wonderful view of the waterfront we consumed plentiful portions of interesting and exotic Mexican food. We dined on catfish tacos and sampled a fascinating appetizer platter –all delicious and inexpensive.
Thereafter we returned to our hotel and had a nap. The pace of the trip is rather strenuous, so this gave us a much-needed chance to rest up.
Finally, we headed back out to Olympia to the home of Rev. Iris Crane, where we were to do a real-time initiatory confirmation. After the ceremony Rev. Iris laid out a feast for ourselves and members of the Temple who had gathered.
The evening offered much pleasant conversation, music (Rev. Jason and Rev. John know many of the same Filk songs, and Rev. Iris graced us with a lovely solo), and discussion of many pages of creative project ideas submitted by Eion Woodcraft.
At length we bid a reluctant farewell and headed back to our hotel. We have had a lovely time here in Washington state and will long remember it. Tomorrow we will begin to work our way down the coast.