IX -The Aquarian Pathfinder
Tuesday, September 26, Year 4 Aquarius, 10 PM
Super 8 Motel, Rm 413, Washington/Oregon border
Our Witchschool Fall Tour continues, bringing us many adventures. This trip is a great pleasure and we are very grateful to the school for giving us the opportunity to make it. It is wonderful to meet many of our local people in the western USA. It is a wonderful thing for us to be able to show our support for the students and members of the school, and our appreciation for all of your support over the years.
The school has been a bit of an adventure itself. When we began to build the system, there were a lot of people who tried to tell us it couldn’t be done. We don’t believe in “can’t be done” however. One still hears the occasional nay-sayer. But we are extremely pleased with the results we’ve gotten and the quality of people we have attracted.
Its been a struggle though. There have been many problems along the way. Some of these we could not have anticipated when we began: many of the programming issues we have overcome we would not even have understood when we began. The number of people we would need to run the system we did not even imagine –and we are very grateful to all those who have volunteered their time and energy, especially the wonderful Mentors. Without the Mentors this system could never have been successful, and their dedication is a great source of pride.
In the beginning I was the only instructor for all of the students under the old Daily Spell system. Then I was joined by Rev. Green Owl and Rev. Richard Lunn. As Daily Spell matured we added several new Mentors, having a total of six when we started Witchschool. Today we have 124 serving Mentors, as well as another 100 who have served as Mentors and moved on to other activities since. We are very proud of our Mentoring system, and all the people who staff it. It is truly a revolutionary system in many ways.
Tuesday, September 26, Year 4 Aquarius, 10 PM
Super 8 Motel, Rm 413, Washington/Oregon border
Our Witchschool Fall Tour continues, bringing us many adventures. This trip is a great pleasure and we are very grateful to the school for giving us the opportunity to make it. It is wonderful to meet many of our local people in the western USA. It is a wonderful thing for us to be able to show our support for the students and members of the school, and our appreciation for all of your support over the years.
The school has been a bit of an adventure itself. When we began to build the system, there were a lot of people who tried to tell us it couldn’t be done. We don’t believe in “can’t be done” however. One still hears the occasional nay-sayer. But we are extremely pleased with the results we’ve gotten and the quality of people we have attracted.
Its been a struggle though. There have been many problems along the way. Some of these we could not have anticipated when we began: many of the programming issues we have overcome we would not even have understood when we began. The number of people we would need to run the system we did not even imagine –and we are very grateful to all those who have volunteered their time and energy, especially the wonderful Mentors. Without the Mentors this system could never have been successful, and their dedication is a great source of pride.
In the beginning I was the only instructor for all of the students under the old Daily Spell system. Then I was joined by Rev. Green Owl and Rev. Richard Lunn. As Daily Spell matured we added several new Mentors, having a total of six when we started Witchschool. Today we have 124 serving Mentors, as well as another 100 who have served as Mentors and moved on to other activities since. We are very proud of our Mentoring system, and all the people who staff it. It is truly a revolutionary system in many ways.
One of our favorite Mentors is Rev. Croneraven. A popular Mentor and a former Second Degree Deemster, Croneraven has impressed us all with her depth of knowledge –the result of a long Wiccan career before coming to us- and her careful and compassionate teaching. Recently Lady Croneraven has been unwell and has had to curtail her Mentoring activities. We have all been very worried about her.
Since Lady Croneraven lives in Portland, Oregon, we had hoped to stop and see her while we were in the area, so first thing Tuesday Morning we gave her a call before leaving our hotel in Seattle. Unfortunately Lady Croneraven was not feeling well enough to have visitors, but we did have a long conversation with her. We assured her that she is in all our thoughts and prayers, and that we all look forward to her recovering soon.
Since Lady Croneraven lives in Portland, Oregon, we had hoped to stop and see her while we were in the area, so first thing Tuesday Morning we gave her a call before leaving our hotel in Seattle. Unfortunately Lady Croneraven was not feeling well enough to have visitors, but we did have a long conversation with her. We assured her that she is in all our thoughts and prayers, and that we all look forward to her recovering soon.
We were sorry that we would not be able to see Lady Croneraven, but glad to have gotten to talk to her and convey our wishes for her recovery. We all feel that Lady Croneraven is a very special person, and she has a place in all of our hearts. Lady Croneraven assured us that she will in fact recover, and plans to remain as active in the Tradition as possible.
After speaking with Lady Croneraven we checked out of our hotel and headed out for our next meeting, with Rev. Pete “Pathfinder” Davis, Arch Priest of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church (www.aquatabch.org), in Index, Washington.
After speaking with Lady Croneraven we checked out of our hotel and headed out for our next meeting, with Rev. Pete “Pathfinder” Davis, Arch Priest of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church (www.aquatabch.org), in Index, Washington.
I have known and worked with Pete for many years, having illustrated for the ATC’s newsletter Panegyria back in the mid 80s. When the ATC founded the Hekatee Shrine in the late 80s I contributed a number of artworks for promotional purposes, for which Rev. Pete gave me a Wheel of Hecate pendant, which I have ever since kept and made it a point to wear today. In the 90s I collaborated with Pete to create the ATC’s famous “anti-tracts” –parodies of those horrible Chick tracts that fundamentalist Christians sometimes give out. We did two anti-tracts: “The Other People” based upon an essay by Oberon Zell, and “Heathens Idolize School Prayer” both humorous approaches to sensitive issues.
I could hardly pass up the chance to see Pete while we were here. Moreover I have long wanted to see the ATC headquarters here in Index, especially the Hekatee Shrine. Now we headed along winding roads deep into Washington’s beautiful Cascade mountains.
Left: Rt. Rev. Arch Priest Pete "Pathfinder" Davis of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church
The scenery here is simultaneously lush and rugged, with rich forests clinging to the rocky sides of steep mountains, and clear, winding rivers. The ATC headquarters is nestled into a wooded enclave at the base of one such mountain, whose top was obscured by fog when we arrived.
Pete welcomed us warmly, then showed us around the grounds. Pete and the ATC have created quite a nice headquarters here, utilizing the natural landscape to create a visually arresting appearance. Adjoining the modest house and office a large deck houses a hot tub, massage table, and outdoor shower, all closed with the approach of winter. Nearby the ATC seminary building rises with its steep roof and rustic green façade: here classes are held for the ATC’s Clerical students.
Past the Seminary building is a large Fire Pit and ritual area, paved with brick and surrounded by comfortable benches. It is very elegant and it is easy to imagine the many
cheerful gatherings it must have seen.
Past the Seminary building is a large Fire Pit and ritual area, paved with brick and surrounded by comfortable benches. It is very elegant and it is easy to imagine the many
cheerful gatherings it must have seen.
Beyond the Fire Pit the path begins to wind up the hillside, to be replaced by the steep green steps which lead to the Hekatee Shrine and ritual Circle. As we ascend the stairs, we are afforded a magnificent view of the grounds below. The Shrine itself is similar to the Seminary building, constructed in a rustic style reminiscent of Swiss chalets and painted green to blend with the rich forest which unfolds on all sides. To one side of the Shrine a gated path leads off toward the Ritual Circle: this path is only used for ceremonial purposes, the ordinary entrance is via the ungated path on the other side of the Shrine.
The ante-room of the Shrine is comfortably furnished and filled with myriad works of art. Statues and paintings of all kinds fill the room, notably several commanding portraits including one of Rev. Pete. One whole wall opens onto the Shrine itself, which sits in a smaller room of its own, the entry framed by a Greco-Roman pediment in faux marble.
The ante-room of the Shrine is comfortably furnished and filled with myriad works of art. Statues and paintings of all kinds fill the room, notably several commanding portraits including one of Rev. Pete. One whole wall opens onto the Shrine itself, which sits in a smaller room of its own, the entry framed by a Greco-Roman pediment in faux marble.
The Shrine houses the famous image of the Goddess Hekate, Patron of Witches, donated to the ATC in the late ‘80s. The Shrine was built specially to house this image. The image stands upon a tall cabinet bearing the wheel of Hekate symbol. Behind is a miniature version of the famous murals from the House of the Mysteries in Pompeii painted by Pete’s former wife, the former ATC Arch Priestess Wendy. Before the image and to either side are altars celebrating the Goddess in Her three forms. It is truly magnificent: a sacred site every Pagan should see.
Left: Arch Priest Pete "Pathfinder" Davis in the Hecatee Shrine
Left: Arch Priest Pete "Pathfinder" Davis in the Hecatee Shrine
Beneath the image of Hekate and inside the cabinet marked with the Wheel of Hekate is a compartment which Rev. Pete opens to show us the urn of the late Stewart Farrar which reposes in this sacred place. The urn is in the shape of a conjoined Chalice and Athame, and is quite a lovely resting place for the mortal remains of this great Wiccan leader. Rev. Pete informs us that in time his ashes shall be placed in the Shrine as well. Left: Rev. Pete and Rev. Don in the Hecatee shrine |
Next Rev. Pete leads us out and around to the Ritual Circle. Surrounded by forest, the Ritual Circle is marked out with brick, and great standing stones including a dolmen erected over the main entrance. A statue of Diana stands on one side of the Circle, and a herm of Pan on the other, both starkly white against the lush colors of the landscape. Benches of wood and wrought iron surround the Circle to accommodate worshippers during longer ceremonies. Rev. Pete confides that he only thought of using benches this way as he grew older and needed to sit during longer rituals, and I must say that they are a great idea –not only are they functional as seating, but they help to define the ritual area and add to its beauty with their elegant designs.
We discuss at some length the provenance of the standing stones, found already cut in an old local quarry, the origins of the various artworks in the Circle, and amusing stories –such as the little boy who, thinking himself unobserved, fondled the stone breast of Diana’s statue to Rev. Pete’s (and our) great amusement.
We discuss at some length the provenance of the standing stones, found already cut in an old local quarry, the origins of the various artworks in the Circle, and amusing stories –such as the little boy who, thinking himself unobserved, fondled the stone breast of Diana’s statue to Rev. Pete’s (and our) great amusement.
Now we repair back to the house where Rev. Pete shows us the spacious kitchen with its professional equipment which accommodates the crowds which must sometimes be fed. Then he leads us up a modest staircase to the house’s second level which houses a comfortable living room and library (the third level houses Rev. Pete’s bedroom and personal office). Tall bookcases stuffed with volumes of all sorts climb every wall, and artworks fill every possible position in the room. We find seats and talk for what will become several hours.
Left: Rev. Pete leads the way down from the Hekatee Shrine
Left: Rev. Pete leads the way down from the Hekatee Shrine
We talk about many things, including the nature and history of the community, mutual friends, and past adventures. Rev. Pete is among the wisest and most insightful of all Wiccan leaders, and his many years in politics and legal background have been of tremendous benefit in the development of the ATC. His many years on the Washington State Interfaith Council including a stint as its president, make him one of Wicca’s most successful interfaith figures as well.
We also talk about what it was like growing up as the child of a Pagan parent, for Rev. Pete’s mother like my own was Pagan. The effects of growing up in or with our community is something which we do not spend enough time considering as a community. Like any other community our children are our greatest resource and our future, and we must expend greater efforts on nurturing and protecting them than we currently do. Still, things have improved greatly for Pagan children over the last thirty years and one of the most hopeful developments are the Spiral Scouts which Rev. Pete founded some years ago, and which have spread throughout the country.
Among the many other things we discuss is the possibility of a new anti-tract. We have actually discussed this on and off for the last decade. Rev. Pete wants to make one more anti-tract dispelling the negative myths about Halloween, which can be handed out along with candy to trick-or-treaters.
For example, do you know that despite all the horror stories about razor blades in apples and poisoned Halloween candy the only substantiated case of a child being poisoned at Halloween was by a heartless parent hoping to collect on the insurance? And even that instance happened well after the horror stories about non-existent poisoned Halloween candy became common. Poisoned Halloween candy is an urban myth deliberately created and propagated, presumably by fundamentalists with the intent of damaging the popularity of the holiday.
Many other common myths about Halloween are equally silly.
The form this third anti-tract takes remains to be seen, as the storyline has been a long standing impediment, but we are working on ideas.
We also talk about what it was like growing up as the child of a Pagan parent, for Rev. Pete’s mother like my own was Pagan. The effects of growing up in or with our community is something which we do not spend enough time considering as a community. Like any other community our children are our greatest resource and our future, and we must expend greater efforts on nurturing and protecting them than we currently do. Still, things have improved greatly for Pagan children over the last thirty years and one of the most hopeful developments are the Spiral Scouts which Rev. Pete founded some years ago, and which have spread throughout the country.
Among the many other things we discuss is the possibility of a new anti-tract. We have actually discussed this on and off for the last decade. Rev. Pete wants to make one more anti-tract dispelling the negative myths about Halloween, which can be handed out along with candy to trick-or-treaters.
For example, do you know that despite all the horror stories about razor blades in apples and poisoned Halloween candy the only substantiated case of a child being poisoned at Halloween was by a heartless parent hoping to collect on the insurance? And even that instance happened well after the horror stories about non-existent poisoned Halloween candy became common. Poisoned Halloween candy is an urban myth deliberately created and propagated, presumably by fundamentalists with the intent of damaging the popularity of the holiday.
Many other common myths about Halloween are equally silly.
The form this third anti-tract takes remains to be seen, as the storyline has been a long standing impediment, but we are working on ideas.
We also discussed what Rev. Pete considers the high point of his career: meeting with the Dalai Lama when His Holiness was in Washington and speak at an event sponsored by the Interfaith Council. A large photo of His Holiness with the members of the Council hangs on one wall, along with the white silk scarf given to Rev. Pete as to other Council members by His Holiness in accordance with Tibetan custom.
After His Holiness spoke each member of the Council was given a chance to speak with him privately. At first His Holiness asked Rev. Pete polite but non-committal questions about the ATC. Then he asked whether the ATC was Christian. “No, Pre-Christian” replied Arch Priest Pete. The Dalai Lama responded enthusiastically to this unexpected development, pumping the Arch Priest’s hand and chatting animatedly for some time about the nature of Pagan religion.
After His Holiness spoke each member of the Council was given a chance to speak with him privately. At first His Holiness asked Rev. Pete polite but non-committal questions about the ATC. Then he asked whether the ATC was Christian. “No, Pre-Christian” replied Arch Priest Pete. The Dalai Lama responded enthusiastically to this unexpected development, pumping the Arch Priest’s hand and chatting animatedly for some time about the nature of Pagan religion.
Since we were there we asked Rev. Pete for more copies of The Other People, which is always popular and thus hard to keep in stock. Knowing that we were to see Oberon in two days Rev. Pete asked if we could also take a package of The Other People down to him, which we were happy to do.
At length we took a reluctant leave of Rev. Pete and piled back into the Witchschool van to head south. We were sorry to have to leave the ATC headquarters, but happy to have had this delightful afternoon with one of Wicca’s greatest leaders.
We spent the rest of the afternoon driving down through Washington, stopping at the Oregon border for the night and some very welcome rest.
Since we were there we asked Rev. Pete for more copies of The Other People, which is always popular and thus hard to keep in stock. Knowing that we were to see Oberon in two days Rev. Pete asked if we could also take a package of The Other People down to him, which we were happy to do.
At length we took a reluctant leave of Rev. Pete and piled back into the Witchschool van to head south. We were sorry to have to leave the ATC headquarters, but happy to have had this delightful afternoon with one of Wicca’s greatest leaders.
We spent the rest of the afternoon driving down through Washington, stopping at the Oregon border for the night and some very welcome rest.
X -Oberon the Grey and Abby of Many Colors
Thursday, September 29
On the Road, California
We awoke Wednesday morning in Oregon, where we saw what for us is the first snow of the season –just tiny flakes which melted on impact, but still a harbinger of Winter to come.
We breakfasted and spent the rest of Wednesday driving down the coast, stopping just inside the California border at another Motel 6.
Thursday we awoke early and headed for Raven Haven, home of Oberon Zell. It took us quite some time to get there, driving down winding roads deep into the country. Though we had seen snow falling the day before, here all was warm and balmy, the landscape of rolling hills and brilliant blue waters reminding us more of Summer than Autumn.
Our route took us through a number of small, picturesque towns. We have seen interesting little towns all during our travels, but these were some of the prettiest, with a sunny openness about them that matched the landscape nicely.
At length we reached our goal: Raven Haven, a deceptively ordinary looking cluster of buildings set back from the road. Only the abundant Pagan and science fiction oriented bumper stickers on the several cars gave it away as the family compound of one of our greatest Pagan leaders.
Founder of the Church of All Worlds, editor for many years of Green Egg magazine, and now headmaster of the Gray School of Wizardry, Oberon Zell is surely on the short list of the most famous and influential Pagan leaders of our time –and indeed it is he who popularized the wide use of the word Pagan in the ‘60s. A most remarkable man.
Lord Oberon is also the author of the Obienomicon -The Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard, which is the principle text book of the Grey School. This is one of the most complete books ever written on magic, and I highly recommend it.
We entered the grounds, not sure which of the various buildings we should go to first. Beautiful trees heavy with foliage and dappled in the afternoon sunlight, surrounded the buildings, giving a peaceful and secluded feeling to the compound.
It is a busy time for the house of Ravenheart, as Oberon’s polyamorous family style themselves. Composed of Oberon, his wife Morning Glory, and three other partners, the Ravenhearts form a large and happy family. This evening there is to be a meet-the-parents dinner for the wedding to be held this weekend of Morning Glory’s daughter and her long time companion. Consequently all is in a turmoil of preparation. Still, though he has much to do, Lord Oberon welcomes us and makes time for us.
I had last seen Oberon at a Pagan Leadership Conference held in May at the Witchschool campus in Hoopeston Illinois. Though we have had mutual friends for many years and I have had occasion to illustrate Lord Oberon’s writings while working with Pete Pathfinder on the ATC’s anti-tracts, the Pagan Leadership Conference was the first time we had actually met. I was very impressed with Oberon –both his love of life and strong spirituality were inspiring. He very kindly described me as being among his favorite Pagan artists for many years, a statement he repeated during this visit to my great honor. It was very good to see him again, and I had been very much looking forward to it.
Thursday, September 29
On the Road, California
We awoke Wednesday morning in Oregon, where we saw what for us is the first snow of the season –just tiny flakes which melted on impact, but still a harbinger of Winter to come.
We breakfasted and spent the rest of Wednesday driving down the coast, stopping just inside the California border at another Motel 6.
Thursday we awoke early and headed for Raven Haven, home of Oberon Zell. It took us quite some time to get there, driving down winding roads deep into the country. Though we had seen snow falling the day before, here all was warm and balmy, the landscape of rolling hills and brilliant blue waters reminding us more of Summer than Autumn.
Our route took us through a number of small, picturesque towns. We have seen interesting little towns all during our travels, but these were some of the prettiest, with a sunny openness about them that matched the landscape nicely.
At length we reached our goal: Raven Haven, a deceptively ordinary looking cluster of buildings set back from the road. Only the abundant Pagan and science fiction oriented bumper stickers on the several cars gave it away as the family compound of one of our greatest Pagan leaders.
Founder of the Church of All Worlds, editor for many years of Green Egg magazine, and now headmaster of the Gray School of Wizardry, Oberon Zell is surely on the short list of the most famous and influential Pagan leaders of our time –and indeed it is he who popularized the wide use of the word Pagan in the ‘60s. A most remarkable man.
Lord Oberon is also the author of the Obienomicon -The Grimoire for the Apprentice Wizard, which is the principle text book of the Grey School. This is one of the most complete books ever written on magic, and I highly recommend it.
We entered the grounds, not sure which of the various buildings we should go to first. Beautiful trees heavy with foliage and dappled in the afternoon sunlight, surrounded the buildings, giving a peaceful and secluded feeling to the compound.
It is a busy time for the house of Ravenheart, as Oberon’s polyamorous family style themselves. Composed of Oberon, his wife Morning Glory, and three other partners, the Ravenhearts form a large and happy family. This evening there is to be a meet-the-parents dinner for the wedding to be held this weekend of Morning Glory’s daughter and her long time companion. Consequently all is in a turmoil of preparation. Still, though he has much to do, Lord Oberon welcomes us and makes time for us.
I had last seen Oberon at a Pagan Leadership Conference held in May at the Witchschool campus in Hoopeston Illinois. Though we have had mutual friends for many years and I have had occasion to illustrate Lord Oberon’s writings while working with Pete Pathfinder on the ATC’s anti-tracts, the Pagan Leadership Conference was the first time we had actually met. I was very impressed with Oberon –both his love of life and strong spirituality were inspiring. He very kindly described me as being among his favorite Pagan artists for many years, a statement he repeated during this visit to my great honor. It was very good to see him again, and I had been very much looking forward to it.
After talking with us for a bit, Lord Oberon gave a tour of the house, which is quite lovely. Large and spacious, with tall ceilings and airy white walls, the house makes a splendid showcase for the many works of art which fill it and a number of fascinating collections of science fiction memorabilia.
The living room is dominated by an impressive mantle piece decorated with fanciful shawls and textiles. In one corner is a small altar dedicated to Lord Oberon’s Grey School of Wizardry –here we see figures of Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger, as well as a small trophy which we are told is the Grey School’s House Cup, given to whichever house of the school achieves the most points in a year, like the Hogwarts House Cup in the Harry Potter books. Rev. Jason is quite excited by this, since he has a notorious Harry Potter fetish. A nearby office boasts a large collection of Star Wars memorabilia.
Lord Oberon now leads us out into the grounds. We do not have as much time to tour Raven Haven as we did the ATC Headquarters on Tuesday, but we do get to see much of it. There is much artwork on the grounds, and many beautiful flowers. Lord Oberon proudly shows us his animals –a number of chickens and sleek plump rabbits. Lord Oberon has quite a history with animals, having spent many years raising unicorns.
The unicorns are a subject on which Oberon often speaks. Oberon and Morning Glory raised unicorns from 1979 until 1984, and toured widely with them. I remember being quite amazed by them when they were traveling with the circus –who would think there could be real unicorns in the world? I also remember the bizarre and hurtful speculations of some less than reputable members of the Pagan community at the time –these suggested that the unicorns were not natural but were created by surgery. Not true –anyone with experience of animal husbandry knows that any two-horned animal will occasionally produce offspring with the horns fused into a single one, which like other unusual but desired traits can then be bred for.
Oberon often cites the unicorns as an example of the fact that all things are possible. He also sees then as heralds of the New Age, pointing out that at other crucial times in history unicorns have appeared in a similar manner –he says that he believes this happens to give humanity renewed hope for its future. It certainly does show that most people’s ideas of what is and is not possible are far too shallow.
Living in a world which is often punctuated by meaningless politics and needless Witchwars, Oberon’s sincere spirituality and optimistic outlook is very refreshing to me. It reminds me that there is hope. This is true to varying extents about all of the major leaders we saw on our trip –the petty fighting and silliness so prevalent among the lesser types of our community are absent from them: rather these great people are motivated not by lust for power but by sincere spirituality and a desire to help others. The example set by people like Oberon, Pete, Olivia Robertson, and the other leaders we visited reminds us of what it is all really about: bringing Deity into everyday life in real and effective ways, and making the world a better place than we found it. I wonder sometimes whether the people who spend their time playing at Witchwars ever think of things like that –but in truth I know that they do not, because they cannot get that far outside of themselves.
At length we return indoors, entering Lord Oberon’s workshop, from which his sculpture company, Mythic Images (www.mythicimages.com), is run. Here Morning Glory greets us enthusiastically.
Great tables are piled with sculpture and with boxes. Along the walls run shelves which display a hug collection of sculptures from which many Mythic Images offerings have been inspired. Egyptian, Celtic, Greek, and other cultures are represented by reproductions of historic sculptures. There is a huge variety and all are beautiful. Oberon and Morning Glory have spent many years amassing this collection. The modern era is also represented by a number of original pieces.
Lord Oberon explains that the collection was started in the days when museum replicas of famous Pagan sculptures were not so easily available as today, and was quite unique at the time. It is still extremely impressive. The sculptures are beautiful and delicate, and chronicle thousands of years of Pagan artistic development. Of all the artwork and the collections of memorabilia in Raven Haven, this collection is easily the most striking and memorable.
Oberon and Morning Glory talk exuberantly of the upcoming wedding, and the meet-the-parents dinner for which they must depart shortly. The marriage is the latest development in a long-standing romance, and it gives Oberon and Morning Glory much pleasure.
We return to the living room where Rev. Jason notices a shelf of carnivorous plants. Oberon explains that these are not usually displayed together, but have been assembles as “Morticia’s Garden” for an upcoming Addams Family party. There are common carnivorous plants such as Venus Flytrap and Pitcher Plant, but also others more rare and unfamiliar to us. One, glittering with what appears to be golden dew, is an example of a carnivorous plant only recently discovered. Oberon explains that an unexpected side effect of assembling the carnivorous plants in this way is that they have eaten some of the house spiders, who are not familiar with them.
At last time runs out –Oberon and Morning Glory must finish preparing for the dinner and we must be on our way. It has been a delightful visit and one we will long remember. Now we must be on our way to our next meeting –with Abby Willowroot.
Oberon and Morning Glory talk exuberantly of the upcoming wedding, and the meet-the-parents dinner for which they must depart shortly. The marriage is the latest development in a long-standing romance, and it gives Oberon and Morning Glory much pleasure.
We return to the living room where Rev. Jason notices a shelf of carnivorous plants. Oberon explains that these are not usually displayed together, but have been assembles as “Morticia’s Garden” for an upcoming Addams Family party. There are common carnivorous plants such as Venus Flytrap and Pitcher Plant, but also others more rare and unfamiliar to us. One, glittering with what appears to be golden dew, is an example of a carnivorous plant only recently discovered. Oberon explains that an unexpected side effect of assembling the carnivorous plants in this way is that they have eaten some of the house spiders, who are not familiar with them.
At last time runs out –Oberon and Morning Glory must finish preparing for the dinner and we must be on our way. It has been a delightful visit and one we will long remember. Now we must be on our way to our next meeting –with Abby Willowroot.
Abby has asked us to call her as soon as we leave Raven Haven, so that we can arrange where to meet. It is decided that we will meet for dinner at the Olive Garden near Abby’s home in San Francisco. This is another hour or so southwest from Raven Haven, so we set out. The ride is pleasant and takes us through California’s gorgeous vineyard country.
Arriving in San Francisco we talk with Lady Abby via cell phone and she guides us to the restaurant. She is waiting for us outside the restaurant in a beautiful blue garment with a spiral pattern which recalls her own artwork.
Arriving in San Francisco we talk with Lady Abby via cell phone and she guides us to the restaurant. She is waiting for us outside the restaurant in a beautiful blue garment with a spiral pattern which recalls her own artwork.
We have known and worked with Lady Abby since the inception of her famous Goddess 2000 Project (www.goddess2000.org). The goal of this project was to promote Goddess artwork, as a politic-free way of networking and community building. Lady Abby’s goal was “A Goddess on every block” and indeed thousands of Goddess sculptures, paintings, and other works of art were created all over the world and displayed during the Common Era Bi-Millennial Year. We ourselves held several Goddess 2000 displays in the Chicago area.
The Goddess 2000 Project was one of the most positive and successful Pagan community projects ever, and did a great deal to build and cement good relations throughout the community at the turn of the Age. We feel that the community owes a great deal of thanks to Lady Abby for having done this –we are certainly grateful.
Lady Abby is also the founder of Spiral Goddess Grove (www.spiralgoddess.com) an online Goddess Temple whose fascinating website includes an interactive online altar.
Left: Lady Abby in her Magic Wand Factory show room, wand in hand
The Goddess 2000 Project was one of the most positive and successful Pagan community projects ever, and did a great deal to build and cement good relations throughout the community at the turn of the Age. We feel that the community owes a great deal of thanks to Lady Abby for having done this –we are certainly grateful.
Lady Abby is also the founder of Spiral Goddess Grove (www.spiralgoddess.com) an online Goddess Temple whose fascinating website includes an interactive online altar.
Left: Lady Abby in her Magic Wand Factory show room, wand in hand
Like Oberon, I had last seen Abby at the Pagan Leadership Conference in Hoopeston in May –actually, I had first seen her there as well, for her public appearances are extremely rare. I had been very impressed with her –especially her practical, down to Earth attitude toward things- and was very happy to see her again.
We settled into a delightful dinner, and a far-ranging conversation. We talked about the Pagan Leadership Conference and the subjects which had been discussed there. The future of the Pagan community is very important to Lady Abby and she is passionate about it. The need for better infrastructure and community resources, and ways of avoiding the politics which so often rend our community, are vital to our future if we are to have one.
Lady Abby feels that it is vital for our community to avoid the self-defeating behaviors which have damaged or destroyed other similar movements –that we must avoid infighting and finger-pointing, and that we must especially avoid enabling bad or disruptive behavior.
Lady Abby also talked about her love of Bali. She had visited Bali some months ago and is anxious to return to it. Lady Abby was very much impressed by the openness and innocence of the culture of Bali, and by its deep spirituality.
“I love Bali so much that I would never move there” said Lady Abby, reflecting that the native beauty of the indigenous culture could easily be destroyed by too many tourists or expatriates.
Lady Abby feels that it is vital for our community to avoid the self-defeating behaviors which have damaged or destroyed other similar movements –that we must avoid infighting and finger-pointing, and that we must especially avoid enabling bad or disruptive behavior.
Lady Abby also talked about her love of Bali. She had visited Bali some months ago and is anxious to return to it. Lady Abby was very much impressed by the openness and innocence of the culture of Bali, and by its deep spirituality.
“I love Bali so much that I would never move there” said Lady Abby, reflecting that the native beauty of the indigenous culture could easily be destroyed by too many tourists or expatriates.
After dinner Lady Abby offered to show us her factory show room. Lady Abby’s wands are very popular, and she sells a number of other items as well through her company, www.RealMagicWands.com. Lady Abby has been making high quality metaphysical goods since 1569 Pisces (1969 AD).
We followed Lady Abby through the San Francisco hills to her show room. It was part of a former medical complex now turned to offices. She led us in, and we were amazed by what she had done with it.
The suite of small rooms, otherwise unremarkable commercial property, had been painted with cheery blue skies and fluffy clouds, and in the main reception area green meadows. It changed the entire atmosphere of the rooms, creating a magical and enchanted feel.
“We are a magic wand company” Lady Abby explains “We cant just have plain white walls like we were a doctors office.”
A large collection of fanciful Witch hats is displayed throughout the rooms, hanging over doors and on various walls. In the main office a large quantity of artwork is also displayed. This includes pieces of Abby’s own art as well as pieces she has collected over the years. She is particularly fond of one large Witch figure, the image of a charming old lady with a twinkle in her eye and a tall Witches hat called “Bridey Murphy”.
Lady Abby showed us around the offices, and showed us her store room full of inventory. As well as her wands and related items Abby also retails a number of wooden items made to order in Bali to help support indigenous craftspeople. The Balinese pieces were very interesting, done in a naïve style that added a charm of its own to the designs.
We followed Lady Abby through the San Francisco hills to her show room. It was part of a former medical complex now turned to offices. She led us in, and we were amazed by what she had done with it.
The suite of small rooms, otherwise unremarkable commercial property, had been painted with cheery blue skies and fluffy clouds, and in the main reception area green meadows. It changed the entire atmosphere of the rooms, creating a magical and enchanted feel.
“We are a magic wand company” Lady Abby explains “We cant just have plain white walls like we were a doctors office.”
A large collection of fanciful Witch hats is displayed throughout the rooms, hanging over doors and on various walls. In the main office a large quantity of artwork is also displayed. This includes pieces of Abby’s own art as well as pieces she has collected over the years. She is particularly fond of one large Witch figure, the image of a charming old lady with a twinkle in her eye and a tall Witches hat called “Bridey Murphy”.
Lady Abby showed us around the offices, and showed us her store room full of inventory. As well as her wands and related items Abby also retails a number of wooden items made to order in Bali to help support indigenous craftspeople. The Balinese pieces were very interesting, done in a naïve style that added a charm of its own to the designs.
From among these pieces Rev. Jason purchased a skull-topped staff which has since been named Roger. Thinking the staff too plain as it was, Lady Abby decorated it with metallic ribbons and star shaped stickers.
We stayed and talked for many hours. Lady Abby is very knowledgeable and full of great ideas. It is always very thought provoking to talk with her. She is also very generous –she gifted us with Goddess 2000 T-shirts. This is a good thing since the ones I have had been worn almost to death. Abby’s designs for the Goddess 2000 T-shirts are very striking and never fail to elicit admiration. Indeed, all of Abby’s work is magnificent.
Left: Abby Willowroot with Rev. Don, a few of her Office Witches behind
We stayed and talked for many hours. Lady Abby is very knowledgeable and full of great ideas. It is always very thought provoking to talk with her. She is also very generous –she gifted us with Goddess 2000 T-shirts. This is a good thing since the ones I have had been worn almost to death. Abby’s designs for the Goddess 2000 T-shirts are very striking and never fail to elicit admiration. Indeed, all of Abby’s work is magnificent.
Left: Abby Willowroot with Rev. Don, a few of her Office Witches behind
Daughter of the well-known artist Charles M. Kerrins, Lady Abby has spent her life in the arts and in fact is most famous as a jeweler –in fact no fewer than nine examples of Abby’s jewelry are in the permanent collections of the Smithsonian museum, a high honor and truly well deserved. All of her years of skill are brought to bear on the creation of her wands, which are of exceptional quality.
It was nearly eleven o’clock when we finally said good night to Lady Abby. We still had many hours of driving ahead of us, because we needed to reach Los Angeles by morning. And so we steeled ourselves for what was to prove a long night indeed.
It was nearly eleven o’clock when we finally said good night to Lady Abby. We still had many hours of driving ahead of us, because we needed to reach Los Angeles by morning. And so we steeled ourselves for what was to prove a long night indeed.