M. Rev. Phoenix Coffin-Williams

M. Rev. Phoenix Coffin-Williams is The First Priest of the Correllian Tradition,
Succeeding Rev. Donald Lewis in the line of Correllian First Priests. Phoenix is
also a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor in New York State and is in
Private Clinical Practice. He holds a Masters degree in Clinical Mental Health
Counseling from Goddard College, a radical, liberal arts college in Vermont
and is actively pursuing a Ph.D. in Pastoral Counseling Psychology. Phoenix is
the Chief Priest of the Temple of Holistic Knowledge, an active and dedicated
temple in Buffalo, NY.
Succeeding Rev. Donald Lewis in the line of Correllian First Priests. Phoenix is
also a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor in New York State and is in
Private Clinical Practice. He holds a Masters degree in Clinical Mental Health
Counseling from Goddard College, a radical, liberal arts college in Vermont
and is actively pursuing a Ph.D. in Pastoral Counseling Psychology. Phoenix is
the Chief Priest of the Temple of Holistic Knowledge, an active and dedicated
temple in Buffalo, NY.

Phoenix enjoys addressing mental health and stigma in the Pagan
community. He also enjoys participating in Public Rituals as Demonstrations
of spiritual equality. Phoenix’s ministry and approach is considered radical due
to his education at Goddard College. His approach to integrating the shadow
frequently involves empathy, humor, radical acceptance, juxtaposition, therapy, and witchcraft. Phoenix believes in the power of faith, spirituality, and science can support the healing of individuals and communities as well as support the conscious development of organizations.

For fun, Phoenix enjoys music, specifically Dancehall, House, and Reggaeton. Phoenix is heavily influenced by R & B music as well as some Hip-Hop bangers. He incorporates these rhythms and beats into the chants and invocations for an ecstatic experience with the spirits he works with. Phoenix does not enjoy going to the movies. He considers them naptime. He does enjoy biking, hiking and rock climbing, deliciously seasoned food, dancing into the early mornings to a great Dj and breakfast with friends.
Phoenix got his first degree initiation, at the age of 21 while working on his bachelor's degree at the University at Buffalo. He completed his second degree a year later. He attained his initiation into the high clergyhood in 2014 at the age of 25 while completing his Masters at Goddard. Phoenix enjoyed a rich spiritual life growing. His family celebrated their common and diverse psychic abilities said to have been passed down by his grandfather. He also enjoys frequent conversations with his mother, aunties and cousins who have come to celebrate the ancestral lineage they have inherited.
M. Rev. Phoenix's full Titulary is as follows:
His Eminence, Most Reverend Phoenix Coffin-Williams, First Priest of the Correllian Tradition, Paramount High Priest, Arch Priest and Elder of the Correllian Tradition, Templar Grand Deemster, Grand Oracle, Fons Honorum, Witch King, Prince of Blood and Faith, High Priest and Head of Holistic Knowledge Temple, Member of the Witan Council.