The Lustration of the Ancestors is a Global Lustration, meaning that there will be only one held in any given year. The ceremony is hosted by various Temples around the world, and the location changes each year -though every fifth year the Lustration of the Ancestors is held in Danville, IL, the ancestral homeland of the Correllian Tradition. It is assumed that the actual First Priestess, First Priest, and First Elder will be enacting their parts, though in some cases a representative may take their place if they are unable to attend. The Book of Life described in the ceremony is the actual Book of Life of the Tradition, containing the names of all members of the Tradition.

the_lustration_of_the_ancestors.pdf |

The Circle is prepared and made ready.
The ceremony is often introduced by a sacred dance, whose purpose is to begin the cleansing and purification of the space.
The nature of this dance varies according to the hosting Temple and its personnel. Sometimes this step is omitted, or replaced with a different sort of presentation.
After the dance is completed, the dancers exeunt and the Processional entry may begin.
The first to enter is the GUARDIAN. He carries the biggest sword available. The GUARDIAN walks forward to the center of the Circle and stops there. When he is place, the GUARDIAN raises his sword, and makes a counter-clockwise circle, saying:
The last participants to enter are the FIRST PRIESTHOOD who salute the altar then take their positions to either side of it: FIRST PRIESTESS to the left of the altar, FIRST PRIEST to the right.
Following the FIRST PRIESTHOOD those attending the ritual but not having a speaking part enter and take their places. Some Temples provide chairs, in others the Assembly stand throughout the ceremony.
When the last people have taken their places, the GUARDIAN (who has remained kneeling) rises, and goes to his position opposite the VOCIFER.
*** The SONIFER rings the Bell three times.
The AQUIFER now cleanses the Salt, making three counter-clockwise circles above it with her hand, while visualizing yellow-white light. She imagines the light forcing out all negative or unfocused energy from the Salt. She says something to the effect of:
Now the LUCIFER turns to the censor, where the charcoal is burning.
The LUCIFER cleanses the Charcoal making three counter-clockwise circles above it with his hand, while visualizing yellow-white light. He imagines the light forcing out all negative or unfocused energy from the Salt, then speaks words to the effect of:
*** The SONIFER rings the Bell three times.
The FIRST PRIEST now turns in a circle with the sword, casting the Circle from the center. As he does so he says:
*** The SONIFER rings the Bell three times.
The GENEVOCTOR now invokes the Higher Self of the FIRST PRIEST.
The JUNEVOCATOR and the GENEVOCTOR stand to one side and take up their books.
The FIRST PRIESTHOOD turns to the assembly.
*** The SONIFER rings the Bell three times.
The FIRST PRIESTHOOD now goes to the Eastern Quarter. The FIRST PRIESTESS, faces the Quarter, the FIRST PRIEST standing behind her with his Staff, the EASTERN GUARDIAN in front: all face Quarter. Using his Staff, the FIRST PRIEST calls up a column of light. The EASTERN GUARDIAN does likewise, evoking the Quarter along with him. The FIRST PRIESTESS then addresses the Great Ones of the East.
The four QUARTER GUARDIANS walk to the center of the Circle.
The FOUR GUARDIANS now return to their places.
*** The SONIFER rings the Bell three times.
Now the RITE PRIESTESS and RITE PRIEST come forward to read the combined CHARGE OF THE GODDESS / CHARGE OF THE GOD. While The FIRST PRIESTESS holds up the Chalice, the RITE LECTOR faces the RITE PRIESTESS and RITE PRIEST, and delivers the first part of the Charge:
*** The SONIFER rings the Bell three times.
The FIRST PRIEST and FIRST PRIESTESS approach from either side.
ALL PRESENT raise hands and focus energy into the FIRST PRIESTHOOD as they bless the Book.
Simultaneously the FIRST PRIESTESS draws up energy from the Earth into the Book, and the FIRST PRIEST draws down energy from the heavens into the Book. Together they form a ball of energy around the Book.
*** The SONIFER rings the Bell three times.
*** The SONIFER rings the Bell three times.
OFFERTORY PRIEST/ESS #2 now steps forward bearing an offering of flour and water. S/he approaches the altar and presents the offering.
*** The SONIFER rings the Bell three times.
The FIRST PRIEST now channels the message of the Beloved Ancestors. When the Oracle is completed, the FIRST PRIESTESS says:
The FIRST ELDER rises and takes up a feather fan. The FIRST PRIESTESS picks up the Book and holds it before the FIRST ELDER. The FIRST ELDER dips the feather fan in the blessed water and gently asperses the Book, saying:
*** The SONIFER rings the Bell three times.
The EASTERN GUARDIAN comes forward. Both the FIRST ELDER and the EASTERN GUARDIAN face the East. The EASTERN GUARDIAN dips the feather fan into the water, aspersing the East three times.
The SOUTHERN GUARDIAN comes forward. Both the FIRST ELDER and the SOUTHERN GUARDIAN face the South. The SOUTHERN GUARDIAN dips the feather fan into the water, aspersing the South three times.
The WESTERN GUARDIAN comes forward. Both the FIRST ELDER and the WESTERN GUARDIAN face the West. The WESTERN GUARDIAN dips the feather fan into the water, aspersing the West three times.
The NORTHERN GUARDIAN comes forward. Both the FIRST ELDER and the NORTHERN GUARDIAN face the North. The NORTHERN GUARDIAN dips the feather fan into the water, aspersing the North three times.
The FIRST ELDER picks up the cauldron and returns with it to the altar. She then steps back.
*** The SONIFER rings the Bell three times.
As the cups are being passed CALIFER 1 goes to the East and begins to fill the cups.
During this time a musical performance or liturgical reading is often enacted.
When everyone in the Circle has a full cup, (including herself) CALIFER 1 fills the cups of the FIRST PRIESTESS and FIRST PRIEST. Then she steps aside.
*** The SONIFER rings the Bell three times.
The FIRST PRIEST then goes to the West, and raises his wand as the WESTERN GUARDIAN speaks:
The FIRST PRIEST then goes to the South, and raises his Staff as the SOUTHERN GUARDIAN speaks:
The FIRST PRIEST then goes to the East, and raises his Staff as the EASTERN GUARDIAN speaks:
The FIRST PRIEST now returns to the altar with his Staff
The FIRST PRIESTESS takes up the Athame and goes to the middle of the Circle. Starting in the East she turns tuathal around the Circle, devoking it from the center.
*** The SONIFER rings the Bell three times.
All exeunt.
The Circle is prepared and made ready.
The ceremony is often introduced by a sacred dance, whose purpose is to begin the cleansing and purification of the space.
The nature of this dance varies according to the hosting Temple and its personnel. Sometimes this step is omitted, or replaced with a different sort of presentation.
After the dance is completed, the dancers exeunt and the Processional entry may begin.
The first to enter is the GUARDIAN. He carries the biggest sword available. The GUARDIAN walks forward to the center of the Circle and stops there. When he is place, the GUARDIAN raises his sword, and makes a counter-clockwise circle, saying:
- “Behold, the Sword of Art, the great Lightning Bolt, the Phallus of the God! Behold it and beware, all who would do harm or interfere with these sacred workings! I banish you –I cast you out! All negativity, all obstruction, all that would impede this sacred assembly I send away and forbid to return! By this holy blade and the mysteries, it represents and by my will as the focus of the combined will of the Correllian Priesthood I bar this place to all that is impure or injurious to our rite!”
- “Darkness: Light, Herself: Himself, Oneself: Forever.”
The last participants to enter are the FIRST PRIESTHOOD who salute the altar then take their positions to either side of it: FIRST PRIESTESS to the left of the altar, FIRST PRIEST to the right.
Following the FIRST PRIESTHOOD those attending the ritual but not having a speaking part enter and take their places. Some Temples provide chairs, in others the Assembly stand throughout the ceremony.
When the last people have taken their places, the GUARDIAN (who has remained kneeling) rises, and goes to his position opposite the VOCIFER.
*** The SONIFER rings the Bell three times.
- ” May the Temple be cleansed and blessed.”
The AQUIFER now cleanses the Salt, making three counter-clockwise circles above it with her hand, while visualizing yellow-white light. She imagines the light forcing out all negative or unfocused energy from the Salt. She says something to the effect of:
- “Behold, I exorcise you, O creature of Earth, casting out from you any impurities which may lie within.”
- “And I do Bless and Charge you to this work!”
- “Behold, I exorcise you, O creature of Water, casting out from you any impurities which may lie within.”
- “And I do Bless and Charge you to this work!”
- “Behold, the Salt is pure!”
- “Behold, the Water is pure!”
- “Purity into purity then, and purity be blessed!”
- “I cleanse you...I cleanse you…I cleanse you…”
Now the LUCIFER turns to the censor, where the charcoal is burning.
The LUCIFER cleanses the Charcoal making three counter-clockwise circles above it with his hand, while visualizing yellow-white light. He imagines the light forcing out all negative or unfocused energy from the Salt, then speaks words to the effect of:
- “Behold, I exorcise you, O creature of Fire, casting out from you any impurities which may lie within.”
- “And I do Bless and Charge you to this work!”
- “Behold, I exorcise you, O creature of Air, casting out from you any impurities which may lie within.”
- “And I do Bless and Charge you to this work!”
- “Behold, the Fire is pure!”
- “Behold, the Air is pure!”
- “Purity into purity then, and purity be blessed!”
- “I charge you….I charge you…I charge you…”
*** The SONIFER rings the Bell three times.
- ” May the Circle be cast.”
- “Behold! Inspiration! Thought! The sacred power of the East! The holy lightning bolt! In the beginning the God exploded like lightening from within the Goddess in obedience to Her command! When Earth was naught but rock and water, air and fire, it was the lightening striking the water which gave rise to the first organisms! Symbol of creation -Phallus of the God- Created and directed by the Goddess! Be now the vehicle of our focused will as we create in our turn –a place between the worlds, a time outside of time, a holy enclosure of focused energy for our rite!”
The FIRST PRIEST now turns in a circle with the sword, casting the Circle from the center. As he does so he says:
- “I do cut apart a place between the worlds of humankind and of the Mighty Ones, a Circle of Art to focus and contain the power we shall raise herein!”
*** The SONIFER rings the Bell three times.
- “May the Higher Self be invoked.”
- “Behold, I invoke the Higher Self of the First Priestess Lady Alyssa! May you be one with your Higher Self, undivided and complete, the Veil set aside as we go forward with this holy rite!”
The GENEVOCTOR now invokes the Higher Self of the FIRST PRIEST.
- "Behold, I invoke the Higher Self of the First Priest Lord Phoenix! May you be one with your Higher Self, undivided and complete, the Veil set aside as we go forward with this holy rite!”
The JUNEVOCATOR and the GENEVOCTOR stand to one side and take up their books.
The FIRST PRIESTHOOD turns to the assembly.
- “Hear then the words of Our Lady the First Priestess:
- ‘I am the Weaver of the Web. I am Omphale –The Inner Heart.
- I am the Beloved One of Endless Years. I call unto You, O Ancient Ones,
- In the name of the Great Family Who are charged with the Great Work!
- We call upon You as we have called upon You from time immemorial.
- Through many lives, and many times, and many places.
- We called upon You from the Henges and Barrows of Old Europe!
- We called to You from the Temples and Pyramids of the Nile!
- We called to You from the caves of the Ice Ages and before!
- We called to You from the stars before this world was ever formed!”
- “Here now the words of Our Lord the First Priest:
- ‘I am the Binder and Unbinder of Time. I am Ouroboros-Ophion
- The Great Dragon of the Universe.
- I am the Web which the Mother has woven and hung with bright Stars.
- I call unto You, O Ancient Ones,
- In the name of Your Children, who are in truth Yourselves!
- We are Your voice and Your hands: Your dance and Your song-
- As it was in the beginning when the Universe took form!
- From the Innermost Heart of the Goddess we are manifested
- Through the steps of Her eternal dance with the God.
- We are the Nine who are the One!
- We are the millions of souls who are the billions of lives!
- We are the children of Light and Darkness
- And our bodies are the stars made flesh!
- We call upon You, O Ancient and Holy Ones, and bid You
- Be here now!”
*** The SONIFER rings the Bell three times.
- “May the Seventy Gods be invoked.”
- “Behold! Movement! Action! The sacred power of the South! It is the Tree of Life –ever living, ever growing, ever changing! The Axis of the Planes, through which spirit takes flesh! It is manifestation, through which the desires of the heart take form! For when the Goddess had created Him, the God fled from Her, entering the world of matter where the contents of his heart took physical form according to his passions. It is even so for us! Symbol of the physical, through which Goddess is expressed by God, be now the vehicle of our prayer as we call upon our relations!”
The FIRST PRIESTHOOD now goes to the Eastern Quarter. The FIRST PRIESTESS, faces the Quarter, the FIRST PRIEST standing behind her with his Staff, the EASTERN GUARDIAN in front: all face Quarter. Using his Staff, the FIRST PRIEST calls up a column of light. The EASTERN GUARDIAN does likewise, evoking the Quarter along with him. The FIRST PRIESTESS then addresses the Great Ones of the East.
- “Behold I invoke You, O Ancient Ones of the East! I call unto You –O lands, O Gods, O peoples of the East! As I have from the beginning, I call You forth! I invoke You, with love and with respect O Glorious and Beautiful Ones! May the Red Lady of the East Rejoice! May the Golden Lord of the East open the way! Come forth! Join and guide us now, O Ancient and Holy Ones!”
- “We call upon You, O Countless Gods of the East! Parvati, Saraswati, Kali, Shiva, Visnu, Brahma, Ganesha, Kwan Yin, Hsi Wang Mu, Amaterasu, Pele, Maui, Rongo, Bathala, Kabunyian, Kaptan, Magbaya! You and all Who are with You Join us now from the East!” (* the names of Deities as listed here are representative -in the actual ceremony the exact Deities invoked varies)
- “May the Blessing of the East be upon You, Beloved Ones! Elisi, Eduji -You and all the siblings of the Great Family! In the name of the lands, Gods, and peoples of the East. May You and Yours be blessed! May the Great Family rejoice! May every road be open unto you: every gate unbarred: every heart a friend! By the powers of the East be blessed! May clear vision and keen intelligence ever be your ready sword!”
- “May the Blessing of the East be upon you.”
- “Behold I invoke You, O Ancient Ones of the South! I call unto You –O lands, O Gods, O peoples of the South! As I have from the beginning, I call You forth! I invoke You, with love and with respect O Glorious and Beautiful Ones! May the White Lady of the South Rejoice! May the Red Lord of the South open the way! Come forth! Join and guide us now, O Ancient and Holy Ones!”
- “We call upon You, O Countless Gods of the South! Isis, Osiris, Horus, Bast, Sekhemet, Amon-Ra, Nana Buluku, Apademak, Yemaya, Oshun, Yansa, Legba, Legba, Chango, Ogun, Orunmilla, Obatalla! You and all Who are with You Join us now from the South!”
- “May the Blessing of the South be upon You, Beloved Ones! Elisi, Eduji -You and all the siblings of the Great Family! In the name of the lands, Gods, and peoples of the South. May You and Yours be blessed! May the Great Family rejoice! May every road be open unto you: every gate unbarred: every heart a friend! By the powers of the South be blessed! May just and effective action ever be your sturdy staff!”
- “May the Blessing of the South be upon you.”
- “Behold I invoke You, O Ancient Ones of the West! I call unto You –O lands, O Gods, O peoples of the West! As I have from the beginning, I call You forth! I invoke You, with love and with respect O Glorious and Beautiful Ones! May the Gray Lady of the West Rejoice! May the Blue Lord of the West open the way! Come forth! Join and guide us now, O Ancient and Holy Ones!”
- “We call upon You, O Countless Gods of the West! Selu Tvia, Kanati, Nvdo Igaehi, Geyaguga, Aguyv Kananesgi, Inagi, Quetzalcoatl, Texcatlipoca, Chalchiutlique, Tlacolteutl, Ometeutl, Tlaloc, Ah Puch, Ah Kin, Ixchell, Viracocha, Pachamama! You and all Who are with You Join us now from the West!”
- “May the Blessing of the West be upon You, Beloved Ones! Elisi, Eduji -You and all the siblings of the Great Family! In the name of the lands, Gods, and peoples of the West. May You and Yours be blessed! May the Great Family rejoice! May every road be open unto you: every gate unbarred: every heart a friend! By the powers of the West be blessed! May an open heart and psychic vision ever fill your brimming cup!”
- “May the Blessing of the West be upon you.”
- “Behold I invoke You, O Ancient Ones of the North! I call unto You –O lands, O Gods, O peoples of the North! As I have from the beginning, I call You forth! I invoke You, with love and with respect O Glorious and Beautiful Ones! May the Black Lady of the North Rejoice! May the Green Lord of the North open the way! Come forth! Join and guide us now, O Ancient and Holy Ones!”
- “We call upon You, O Countless Gods of the North! Apollo, Diana, Hecate, Hermes, Juno, Jupiter, Janus, Morgan, Brigid, Dagda, Lugh, Cernunnos, Rhiannon-Macha, Thor, Odin, Freya, Hella! You and all Who are with You Join us now from the North!”
- “May the Blessing of the North be upon You, Beloved Ones! Elisi, Eduji -You and all the siblings of the Great Family! In the name of the lands, Gods, and peoples of the North. May You and Yours be blessed! May the Great Family rejoice! May every road be open unto you: every gate unbarred: every heart a friend! By the powers of the North be blessed! May wisdom and understanding ever be your noble crown!”
- May the Blessing of the North be upon you.”
The four QUARTER GUARDIANS walk to the center of the Circle.
- “The realm of East is Air, and as Air I call forth my children of Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius!”
- "The realm of South is Fire, and as Fire I call forth my children of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius!”
- “The realm of West is Water, and as Water I call forth my children of Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces!”
- “The realm of North is Earth, and as Earth I call forth my children of Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn!”
- “I am Air: I am Fire: I am Water: I am Earth: We are Spirit!”
The FOUR GUARDIANS now return to their places.
- “Behold the Four Powers dance, and by Their dance a Circle is formed –a Circle of power recreating the Circle of creation. As thought is mother to action, and action is mother to reflection, reflection is mother to understanding, and understanding mother to thought. This is the dance that set the world in motion. It is the dance we dance every day. It is the process of creation.”
- “We invoke You, O Mother Goddess! You Who are the origin of all things! Yours was the small, still voice Which spoke before the first creation, and speaks in us today. Yours is the heart of infinite love and joy Which guides the Universe and Which beats within all things. You are the soul of all existence, from Whom all existence has developed. You are the wind in the trees, the Earth beneath our feet, the very atoms of our body. You are the essence of all things. We invoke You, yet we know You are never absent from us, for we carry You always in our hearts. Holy Mother, with love and with respect we call upon You. We ask you to aid us, to guide us, to move through us as we enact this holy ritual!”
- “We invoke You, O Father God! You Who are the vehicle of all things! Yours is the fire of creation, which first exploded when You emerged from the Goddess Your Mother. Yours is the Light of Life, from Which the Seven Planes and all things are made. You are the Lord of Measures: of Life and Death: of Space and Time. You turn the Wheel of Fate, Wheel of the Zodiac and the Wheel of the Galaxies at Her direction. You are the manifestation of the Goddess‘ thought. We invoke You, yet we know You are never absent from us, for we carry You always in our hearts. Holy Father, with love and with respect we call upon You. We ask You to aid us, to guide us, to move through us as we enact this holy ritual!”
*** The SONIFER rings the Bell three times.
- ” Behold, may the Great Rite be enacted.”
- “Behold! Contemplation! Reflection! The sacred power of the West! Emotion, which is reaction, informs but also obscures our vision. It expresses, but also hides our true self. But self-examination and attunement with the Divine reveals again our true heart, and the love and balance which are its natural state. When the Goddess pursued the God into the physical, and reunited with Him, Their Union brought the soul into the world of matter. But the soul did not know itself, and had to search inside itself to find again its true identity –a process still going forward. Symbol of Divine Love, through which God rediscovers Goddess, be also the symbol of our love for one another and for all beings -and for the Divine parents Who have given birth to all!”
Now the RITE PRIESTESS and RITE PRIEST come forward to read the combined CHARGE OF THE GODDESS / CHARGE OF THE GOD. While The FIRST PRIESTESS holds up the Chalice, the RITE LECTOR faces the RITE PRIESTESS and RITE PRIEST, and delivers the first part of the Charge:
- “O Great Mother! You Who are known by many names in the hearts of humankind: Brighid, Isis, Laksmi, Selu! These and many other names, both known and unknown! Whenever we have need of anything, once in a month and better it be when the Moon is full, then we shall assemble in some sacred place and adore You, Who are the spirit of the Moon. And we shall sing and dance, make music and make love, all in Your name, Who are the Queen of all the Wise. And we shall be free from all slavery. And as a sign that we are truly free, we shall be open in your rites! For Yours is the ecstasy of spirit, and Yours too the joys of the senses. And Your law is love unto all beings. Nor do You demand ought of sacrifice, for You are the Mother of All Living, and Your love is poured out upon creation. We shall keep pure this highest ideal, striving ever towards it . Nothing shall turn us aside. For Yours is the cup of the wine of life, the sacred cauldron which is the grail of immortality.
- On Earth You give knowledge of the Spirit Eternal And beyond Death You give peace and freedom, and reunion with those who have gone before. For You are the Gracious Goddess, Who gives joy unto the human heart.”
- “Hear now the words of the Star Goddess, in the dust of Whose feet are the Hosts of Heaven, and Whose body encircles the Universe;”
- “Hear then the words of the God, in the crown of Whose head are the millions of lives, and Whose body is the Great Dragon of the Universe;”
- “I am the beauty of the Green Earth and the White Moon among the stars, and the Mystery of the Waters. I call unto your soul; ‘Arise and come unto Me.’ For I am the Soul of Nature, Who gives life to the Universe.”
- “I am the forest, the field, and the golden Sun. I am lightening and fire. I am the Lord of Time and Space, Who turns the Wheel and calls the Dance of Life.”
- “From Me all things proceed, and unto Me all must return.
- Before My face –O beloved of Gods and humankind- Let your Highest Self rejoice and be enfolded in the rapture of the Infinite.”
- “I am the radiant Sun Who shares His light with Earth, that all upon Her may live. I am the fruitful harvest and verdant greenery, offering My body that all who eat may thrive.”
- "For My worship is in the Heart that rejoices. And behold –All acts of love and pleasure are my rituals. Therefore, let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you.”
- “In life I am the Green Man, spirit of life and freedom, Who spurs all on to growth. At death I am the Stag King with His staff, Who guards the gate between the worlds.”
- “And you who seek to find Me in the depths of the sea or the shining stars”
- “If you would seek Me in the green field or the blue sky, or the cry of the stag or the flight of the hawk”
- “Know that your seeking will avail you not -Unless you know the Mystery; For if that which you seek you find not within yourself, you will never find it. For behold –I have been with you since the beginning, and I am that Which is attained at the end of desire.”
- “Behold, the Goddess is not greater than the God.”
- “Nor is the God greater than the Goddess.”
- “But Both are equal”
- “And Neither is complete without the Other.”
- “In the name of Goddess and God may this Chalice be blessed.”
*** The SONIFER rings the Bell three times.
- “May the Book of Life be blessed.”
- “Behold, the holy Book of Life, which is also the Book of the Ancestors. Within this book are inscribed the names of all known Correllians, incarnate and discarnate. The names of the discarnate remain side by side with the names of the incarnate, for we know that death is no separation and that the Beloved Ancestors are with us still, one with us in the Great Work which is the birth of the New Age and the continual rebirth of the Earth. For this ceremony the names of any Correllians who have joined the Beloved in the Otherworld during the previous year are updated in the Book as being now among the Ancestors. Therefore, may the names of those who Correllians who have crossed over during this time be read out, their souls called forth and honored.”
- “None of us have crossed this year, my sister.”
- “May the Blessing Be.”
The FIRST PRIEST and FIRST PRIESTESS approach from either side.
ALL PRESENT raise hands and focus energy into the FIRST PRIESTHOOD as they bless the Book.
Simultaneously the FIRST PRIESTESS draws up energy from the Earth into the Book, and the FIRST PRIEST draws down energy from the heavens into the Book. Together they form a ball of energy around the Book.
- “Behold, in the name of the Great Mother Goddess may this Book be blessed, and may all those whose names are in the Book be blessed, and may the sacred Tradition which they form be Blessed. Mother Goddess, grant us purity of heart and clarity of understanding, be with us and guide us for we are Your children.”
- “Behold, in the name of the Great Father God may this Book be Blessed, may all those whose names are in the Book be blessed, and may the sacred Tradition which they form be blessed. Father God, bring us prosperity and success, protect us and keep us safe from all harm, for we are Your children.”
- “May the Blessing Be!”
- “May the Blessing Be!”
- “So Mote it Be.”
- “So Mote it Be.”
*** The SONIFER rings the Bell three times.
- “May the Beloved Ancestors be invoked.”
- “Because we want our connection to the Beloved Ancestors to grow always stronger, we honor Them at this time of year, when life returns and grows stronger in the world. It is the waxing time of the year, and so too we desire our connection to the Ancestors and to Deity to wax and Their influence to increase in our lives. The Ancestors Whom we honor in this ceremony are not our physical ancestors, though in some cases they are that too. They are our spiritual ancestors. They are the Spirits of those who built the Correllian Tradition, and also those who, while not directly part of the Tradition nonetheless shaped it with their thoughts and lives. All are bound by a common thread –they were called by the Goddess and inspired by Her to aid in the reshaping of the world and the birthing of the Aquarian Age. We are privileged to live at the Coming of the Age. But it is a great responsibility that rests upon us as upon all spiritual people. For many years we were called by the Goddess to labor as the midwives of the Age –to prepare the world for a spiritual rebirth and the Earth for a new beginning free of the injustices of the past. Now we must be the teachers of this newborn Age. Before us stand the unknown generations to come. Beside us stand the Beloved Ancestors whose efforts have taught and guided us, as we have joined them in the Great Work. The Ancestors were remarkable people in life, and are remarkable people in spirit. They were and are healers, teachers, artists and magicians of the highest caliber. From their work we who are Correllian Priesthood were trained, and it is upon their work that we are building as we grow. Nor is the Veil a separation between us, for incarnate and discarnate we stand together, one Tradition, one Family –straddling life and death, transcending time and space! Beloved Ancestors, we honor You!”
- “Behold, in the name of the Correllian Nativist Tradition I call forth the Spirits of the Beloved Ancestors! Holy Ones, we your children, your sisters and brothers, physical and spiritual descendants and incarnations invoke you and call you forth! I call forth the spirits of the Ancestors who stand with you in the House but whom we have not named, Beloved all. I call forth the spirits of the Ancestors who stand with you but are not of the House. I call forth the spirits of all the Ancestors of the Correllian Tradition, physical and philosophical, whether written in the Book or unknown by name –I call you forth Beloved Ones that we may honor you!”
*** The SONIFER rings the Bell three times.
- “May the offerings be brought forward.”
- “We make an offering of incense and flowers to you, O Siblings of the Great Family, in token of the love we bear you as members of our Family. May the Blessing Be upon you.”
OFFERTORY PRIEST/ESS #2 now steps forward bearing an offering of flour and water. S/he approaches the altar and presents the offering.
- “We make an offering of flour and water to you, O Siblings of the Great Family, in token of the respect we bear you and in gratitude for all your efforts in advancing the Great Work. May the Blessing Be upon you.”
- “Many generations have come before, and many shall follow after. We are not alone, but part of continuum. We are one with our Ancestors and our Descendants –united in love and respect. The work we do has taken and will take many generations, yet it is as the blink of an eye to the eternity of the soul.”
*** The SONIFER rings the Bell three times.
- “May the Blessing of the Ancestors be invoked.”
- “Are you ready Beloved One?”
- “I am ready.”
- “Hail unto you, O one of ancient days, Two-Horned Lord, Master of the forked staff, child of the Sun and Moon, beloved of the Earth.”
- “I invoke you, O Beloved Ancestors -I call upon you and ask you to enter into this your Priest, descended from and taught by you, that you may see with his eyes, speak with his voice. Come to us! Speak to us! Give us your message and your blessing!”
The FIRST PRIEST now channels the message of the Beloved Ancestors. When the Oracle is completed, the FIRST PRIESTESS says:
- “May the Beloved Ancestors now give their blessing to the Tradition and its members!”
- “Behold these sacred waters, symbol of spirit, brought for this purpose from the holy Vermilion. May these waters and all they touch be blessed, O Beloved Ancestors.”
The FIRST ELDER rises and takes up a feather fan. The FIRST PRIESTESS picks up the Book and holds it before the FIRST ELDER. The FIRST ELDER dips the feather fan in the blessed water and gently asperses the Book, saying:
- “May the sacred blessings of the holy Ancestors go forth unto all the people of the Correllian Tradition: All those whose names appear in the Book of the Living, and any who should appear but for any reason have been omitted: All those who live in flesh and all those who live in spirit. All those who are present at this ceremony and all those who are not present. May the Blessing Be upon you –may you Blessed Be. May you stand with the Holy Ancestors even as you stand with the Goddess and the God, one with the Ancestors as a great Correllian family. May you be guided by the Holy Ancestors as you walk the path of Spirit, even as the Goddess is on your left hand and the God is on your right, may we walk together in honor and happiness. May you be protected by the Holy Ancestors against all manner of harm, and aided by them in time of need, even as you are protected and aided by the Goddess and God whom we all serve together. May the Blessing Be upon you.”
- “So Mote It Be.”
- “So Mote It Be.”
*** The SONIFER rings the Bell three times.
- “May the sacred Lustration take place.”
The EASTERN GUARDIAN comes forward. Both the FIRST ELDER and the EASTERN GUARDIAN face the East. The EASTERN GUARDIAN dips the feather fan into the water, aspersing the East three times.
- “Behold may the Blessing Be upon the Correllians of the East. May the Blessing Be upon those of us who live in the East, and likewise upon those who are children of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. May the Blessing of the Beloved Ancestors be upon you, and upon all the lands and peoples of the East as well.”
- “So Mote It Be.”
- “So Mote It Be.”
The SOUTHERN GUARDIAN comes forward. Both the FIRST ELDER and the SOUTHERN GUARDIAN face the South. The SOUTHERN GUARDIAN dips the feather fan into the water, aspersing the South three times.
- “Behold may the Blessing Be upon the Correllians of the South. May the Blessing Be upon those of us who live in the South, and likewise upon those who are children of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. May the Blessing of the Beloved Ancestors be upon you, and upon all the lands and peoples of the South as well.”
- “So Mote It Be.”
- “So Mote It Be.”
The WESTERN GUARDIAN comes forward. Both the FIRST ELDER and the WESTERN GUARDIAN face the West. The WESTERN GUARDIAN dips the feather fan into the water, aspersing the West three times.
- “Behold may the Blessing Be upon the Correllians of the West. May the Blessing Be upon those of us who live in the West, and likewise upon those who are children of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. May the Blessing of the Beloved Ancestors be upon you, and upon all the lands and peoples of the West as well.”
- “So Mote It Be.”
- “So Mote It Be.”
The NORTHERN GUARDIAN comes forward. Both the FIRST ELDER and the NORTHERN GUARDIAN face the North. The NORTHERN GUARDIAN dips the feather fan into the water, aspersing the North three times.
- “Behold may the Blessing Be upon the Correllians of the North. May the Blessing Be upon those of us who live in the North, and likewise upon those who are children of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. May the Blessing of the Beloved Ancestors be upon you, and upon all the lands and peoples of the North as well.”
- “So Mote It Be.”
- “So Mote It Be.”
The FIRST ELDER picks up the cauldron and returns with it to the altar. She then steps back.
- “Beloved Ancestors, we thank you for your message and for your Blessing. We pray that you will continue to work with us as we walk the path of spirit and follow the Goddess’ call to make the world a better and more spiritual place. And may you likewise receive our thanks, in token of our love and respect for you.”
*** The SONIFER rings the Bell three times.
- “May the toast be offered.”
- “This is the cup which was blessed at the beginning of our rite. It symbolizes the Union of Goddess and God, which is the Mystery of Life. May it also symbolize the bond of love between us all as children of Goddess and God, and as members and friends of the Correllian Tradition.”
As the cups are being passed CALIFER 1 goes to the East and begins to fill the cups.
During this time a musical performance or liturgical reading is often enacted.
- “Wait for the toast before you drink.”
When everyone in the Circle has a full cup, (including herself) CALIFER 1 fills the cups of the FIRST PRIESTESS and FIRST PRIEST. Then she steps aside.
- “To the God!”
- “To the Goddess!”
- “To us!”
- “To us!”
- “For the Spirits!”
*** The SONIFER rings the Bell three times.
- ” May thanks be given.”
- “Let us join hands, in token of the sacred Circle.”
- “Behold! Integration! Understanding! The sacred power of the North! It is Ourobouros –the serpent swallowing its own tail: The return to the beginning! For the cycle of creation is fulfilled when the created becomes the creator! The soul has not only its origin in the Goddess, but also its destination. The reunion of soul and creator is not a displacing of one by the other, but a realization that both have been One all along –that the journey has been shared at every step, and Union not delayed but temporarily obscured by the Veil of Flesh. We are the One, and our journey is one of enrichment and magnification beyond our original dreams and imaginings, out of which we will emerge immeasurably greater than we began, expanded and glorified a million-fold. Symbol of eternity and completion, through which existence is fulfilled and Goddess and God not merely reunited but made One again, be also the symbol of our thanks and gratitude for the wonders of life and the joy of creation!”
- “Let us give thanks.”
- “We thank the Beloved Ancestors, both named and unnamed for their presence and their blessing. Guide and protect our Tradition Beloved Ones, that we may flourish and grow, and help us to be true to the will of Deity in all things. With love and respect, we thank you –May the Blessing Be upon you now and always!”
- “We thank You, O Father God, Master of Creation and Lord of the Dance, for Your presence and Your aid now in this our ritual, and at all times in life, for You are ever with us. Help us always to make the most of the gift’s life offers us, and to see with clarity and understanding all that is before us. With love and with respect we thank You -May the Blessing Be upon You now and always!”
- “We thank You, O Mother Goddess, Heart of Existence, Source and Sustenance of All Things, for Your presence and Your aid now in this our ritual, and at all times in life, for Yours is the face mirrored in all things and You are never separate from we who are Your children and the expression of Your essence. Help us always to see the beauty in all things, and to remember that we are part and parcel of the Whole, cells in the body of Gaia, all creatures our relations and fellow manifestations of Your heart‘s yearnings. With love and with respect we thank You -May the Blessing Be upon You now and always!”
- “May thanks be given unto the Gods, lands, and peoples of the North. May the Blessing be upon them and all their works! May all the Gods of the North, both named and unnamed, be thanked and honored by all hearts. May all the lands of the North by fruitful and prosperous. May all the peoples of the North know peace and joy. May every road of the North be opened, may every heart of the North be opened, May the Goddess Bless the North now and always! Gods, lands, and peoples of the North –may there be peace between us, now and always! With love and with respect we thank you! May the Blessing Be!”
- “May the Blessing Be upon the Powers of the North!”
The FIRST PRIEST then goes to the West, and raises his wand as the WESTERN GUARDIAN speaks:
- “May thanks be given unto the Gods, lands, and peoples of the West. May the Blessing be upon them and all their works! May all the Gods of the West, both named and unnamed, be thanked and honored by all hearts. May all the lands of the West by fruitful and prosperous. May all the peoples of the West know peace and joy. May every road of the West be opened, may every heart of the West be opened, May the Goddess Bless the West now and always! Gods, lands, and peoples of the West –may there be peace between us, now and always! With love and with respect we thank you! May the Blessing Be!”
- “May the Blessing Be upon the Powers of the West!”
The FIRST PRIEST then goes to the South, and raises his Staff as the SOUTHERN GUARDIAN speaks:
- “May thanks be given unto the Gods, lands, and peoples of the South. May the Blessing be upon them and all their works! May all the Gods of the South, both named and unnamed, be thanked and honored by all hearts. May all the lands of the South by fruitful and prosperous. May all the peoples of the South know peace and joy. May every road of the South be opened, may every heart of the South be opened, May the Goddess Bless the South now and always! Gods, lands, and peoples of the South –may there be peace between us, now and always! With love and with respect we thank you! May the Blessing Be!”
- “May the Blessing Be upon the Powers of the South!”
The FIRST PRIEST then goes to the East, and raises his Staff as the EASTERN GUARDIAN speaks:
- “May thanks be given unto the Gods, lands, and peoples of the East. May the Blessing be upon them and all their works! May all the Gods of the East, both named and unnamed, be thanked and honored by all hearts. May all the lands of the East by fruitful and prosperous. May all the peoples of the East know peace and joy. May every road of the East be opened, may every heart of the East be opened, May the Goddess Bless the East now and always! Gods, lands, and peoples of the East –may there be peace between us, now and always! With love and with respect we thank you! May the Blessing Be!”
- “May the Blessing Be upon the Powers of the East!”
The FIRST PRIEST now returns to the altar with his Staff
The FIRST PRIESTESS takes up the Athame and goes to the middle of the Circle. Starting in the East she turns tuathal around the Circle, devoking it from the center.
- “As Above: So Below,. As the Universe: So, the Soul. As Without: So Within. Behold! The Circle is open yet never broken! Merry Meet, Merry Part, and Merry Meet again!”
*** The SONIFER rings the Bell three times.
All exeunt.