Rev. Debbe Tompkins, HP
Rev. Debbe Tompkins is a High Priestess of the Correllian Tradition, having achieved her Third Degree in Year 6 Aquarius. Lady Debbe is the founding Head of the former Heritage Temple, and retains a seat on the Witan Council as a "Notable Member" of the Tradition.
The now closed Heritage Temple was among the largest of Correllian Temples, and a number of current Correllian Temples and groups descend form its former Formal Shrines. Lady Debbe also formerly headed the Order of Hesychia, a Correllian Order dedicated to spiritual contemplation.
Lady Debbe is a former President of Witch School International. Witch School International formerly operated Witch School before donating its intellectual property to Correllian Educational Ministries in Year 15 Aq. Under CEM Witch School became officially a seminary under the Correllian Nativist Church.
A former Captain in the Air Force, Lady Debbe also holds a Master’s Degree in Education.
The now closed Heritage Temple was among the largest of Correllian Temples, and a number of current Correllian Temples and groups descend form its former Formal Shrines. Lady Debbe also formerly headed the Order of Hesychia, a Correllian Order dedicated to spiritual contemplation.
Lady Debbe is a former President of Witch School International. Witch School International formerly operated Witch School before donating its intellectual property to Correllian Educational Ministries in Year 15 Aq. Under CEM Witch School became officially a seminary under the Correllian Nativist Church.
A former Captain in the Air Force, Lady Debbe also holds a Master’s Degree in Education.
Lady Debbe is the author of the new "Living the Wiccan Life" book, available from Llewellyn Publications in January of Year 9 Aquarius. M. Rev. Krystel High-Correll originally wrote "Living the Wiccan Life', which was then edited by M. Rev. Donald Lewis after which Lady Debbe brought the work to its final form.
Lady Debbe is originally a native of Oregon. For several years she made her home in Rossville, IL, where she operated Hesychia House, a Correllian House of Contemplation.
As a House of Contemplation, Hesychia House was intended to host spiritual retreats. Hesychia House also served as the location for a number of events including Lustrations and Witches' Balls. Sadly, Hesychia House closed around the same time as the former Witch School Headquarters in Rosseville.
Lady Debbe is originally a native of Oregon. For several years she made her home in Rossville, IL, where she operated Hesychia House, a Correllian House of Contemplation.
As a House of Contemplation, Hesychia House was intended to host spiritual retreats. Hesychia House also served as the location for a number of events including Lustrations and Witches' Balls. Sadly, Hesychia House closed around the same time as the former Witch School Headquarters in Rosseville.
Born into a Christian family, she learned the importance of having a spiritual life. As an adult, her religious affiliation changed to the Catholic Church which gave her a love for ritual.
Later she was introduced to the Rosicrucians, Theosophy and metaphysical ideas leading her to Wicca.
Keeping with her belief that all religions are valid, her diverse religious background facilitates her tolerance and acceptance of all religious paths.
Left: Hesychia House, the former House of Contemplation once located in Rossville, IL
Later she was introduced to the Rosicrucians, Theosophy and metaphysical ideas leading her to Wicca.
Keeping with her belief that all religions are valid, her diverse religious background facilitates her tolerance and acceptance of all religious paths.
Left: Hesychia House, the former House of Contemplation once located in Rossville, IL
Rev. Debbe's lineage in the Correllian Tradition is thus:
Rev. Debbe Tompkins is the initiate of Rev. Donald Lewi-Highcorrell, Rev. Donald Lewis-Highcorrell is the initiate of Rev. Krystel High-Correll, Rev. Krystel High-Correll is the initiate of Blv. LaVeda Lewis-Highcorrell, Blv. LaVeda Lewis-Highcorrell is the initiate of Blv. Mable High Correll, Blv. Mable High Correll is the initiate of Blv. Caroline High Correll who is the founder of the Correllian Tradition.
Rev. Debbe Tompkins is the initiate of Rev. Donald Lewi-Highcorrell, Rev. Donald Lewis-Highcorrell is the initiate of Rev. Krystel High-Correll, Rev. Krystel High-Correll is the initiate of Blv. LaVeda Lewis-Highcorrell, Blv. LaVeda Lewis-Highcorrell is the initiate of Blv. Mable High Correll, Blv. Mable High Correll is the initiate of Blv. Caroline High Correll who is the founder of the Correllian Tradition.