Greetings all,
As you may know, we always do a full report after the Lustration of the Ancestors. As the years have gone by, this has become a more and more daunting prospect as Lustration weekends have become full of ever more activities to comment upon!
I want to thank everyone who came out for this Lustration! As always it was wonderful to see old friends and to meet new friends for the first time! I especially want to thank Rev Mary Miller who came in from Nebraska, Rev Eboni Nash who came in from Iowa, Rev Corri Boyett who came in from Tennessee, Rev Brenda Pergande, Rev Aurora Star-Coffman and George Coffman Paladin Squires who came from Chicago, and Rev Alan Salmi HP, Herald of the Order of Paladins, who also came from Chicago!
This was a very special Lustration. One reason that it was so special is that every five years we hold Lustration in Danville, Illinois, the birthplace of our Tradition -it is always great to come home!
As you may know, we always do a full report after the Lustration of the Ancestors. As the years have gone by, this has become a more and more daunting prospect as Lustration weekends have become full of ever more activities to comment upon!
I want to thank everyone who came out for this Lustration! As always it was wonderful to see old friends and to meet new friends for the first time! I especially want to thank Rev Mary Miller who came in from Nebraska, Rev Eboni Nash who came in from Iowa, Rev Corri Boyett who came in from Tennessee, Rev Brenda Pergande, Rev Aurora Star-Coffman and George Coffman Paladin Squires who came from Chicago, and Rev Alan Salmi HP, Herald of the Order of Paladins, who also came from Chicago!
This was a very special Lustration. One reason that it was so special is that every five years we hold Lustration in Danville, Illinois, the birthplace of our Tradition -it is always great to come home!

But this Lustration marked some very important anniversaries. For Lady Krystel and I this Lustration celebrated forty years since our acclamation as First Priesthood of the Tradition. That is a huge milestone. Of course, Lady Krystel has been Retired in Office for many years now with Lady Stephanie being First Priestess. Still, for all three of us personally and for the Tradition as a whole this is a monumental occasion -forty years shows the tremendous stability of our Tradition in the face of the ever-changing world. Much has changed in forty years, both inside the Tradition and in the world at large, but we are still here and standing strong, thanks to our wonderful members!
Above: First Priestess Rev Stephanie Neal, First Priest Rev Don Lewis, First Priestess Retired Rev Krystel High-Correll
But this Lustration marked some very important anniversaries. For Lady Krystel and I this Lustration celebrated forty years since our acclamation as First Priesthood of the Tradition. That is a huge milestone. Of course, Lady Krystel has been Retired in Office for many years now with Lady Stephanie being First Priestess. Still, for all three of us personally and for the Tradition as a whole this is a monumental occasion -forty years shows the tremendous stability of our Tradition in the face of the ever-changing world. Much has changed in forty years, both inside the Tradition and in the world at large, but we are still here and standing strong, thanks to our wonderful members!
Above: First Priestess Rev Stephanie Neal, First Priest Rev Don Lewis, First Priestess Retired Rev Krystel High-Correll

This Lustration also marked the twentieth anniversary of the founding of PURE Sanctuary Temple. Founded in 1999 by Rev Rebecca Ellis HP as an offshoot of the Dancers of Shakti Temple, PURE Sanctuary has had several changes of leadership in its twenty years: Lady Rebecca, Rev Kim Anders HP, Rev Reanna Marie HP, and now Rt Rev Ser Jason Highcorrell. Yet through all these changes they have endured and grown stronger. Any Temple that endures will eventually face a change in leadership: PURE Sanctuary is a wonderful example of how a strong Temple can handle succession in leadership while remaining stable.
Right: Sigil of PURE Sanctuary Temple, celebrating its Twentieth Year!
Right: Sigil of PURE Sanctuary Temple, celebrating its Twentieth Year!

I would like to express my thanks to the members of PURE Sanctuary Temple for hosting this wonderful event. Thank you to Rt Rev Ser Jason Highcorrell AP, Head of PURE Sanctuary Temple and First Director of the Correllian Tradition: Thank you for taking on the job of hosting Lustration for making it such a wonderful occasion! Thank you to Rev Dawn Highcorrell HP for all of your work behind the scenes to make this weekend possible and keep it running smoothly: Thank you Sharayah for helping with food and entertaining outside of event hours: Thank you Simon for your excellent bonfire building skills: Thank you all for allowing us into your home at all hours. Your hard work and warm welcome are deeply appreciated! Thank you all!
Above: Rt Rev Ser Jason Highcorrell of PURE Sanctuary Temple with Rev Corri Boyett and Rt Rev Alyssa Maxon Kemp
Thank you M Rev Stephanie Neal FP for all that you did to make this such a special occasion -the wonderful flowers, the beautiful cake, the posters, and everything else you contributed really made this an event like no other! Everything was so beautiful! When I walked in and saw the room I was floored. Thank you!
Thank you to Correllian Press Secretary Rev Ser Lori Blackman and Rev Chad Blackman for doing such a great job with photos and videography! So much livestreaming! We always emphasize photos and video as a way of allowing people who are not able to physically attend to still take part, and I believe that people very much appreciate this, but I do not believe that we have ever had such thorough and complete coverage as this weekend! Thank you!
Above: Rt Rev Ser Jason Highcorrell of PURE Sanctuary Temple with Rev Corri Boyett and Rt Rev Alyssa Maxon Kemp
Thank you M Rev Stephanie Neal FP for all that you did to make this such a special occasion -the wonderful flowers, the beautiful cake, the posters, and everything else you contributed really made this an event like no other! Everything was so beautiful! When I walked in and saw the room I was floored. Thank you!
Thank you to Correllian Press Secretary Rev Ser Lori Blackman and Rev Chad Blackman for doing such a great job with photos and videography! So much livestreaming! We always emphasize photos and video as a way of allowing people who are not able to physically attend to still take part, and I believe that people very much appreciate this, but I do not believe that we have ever had such thorough and complete coverage as this weekend! Thank you!
And thank you to Rt Rev Ser Michael Neal AP and Rt Rev Anna Rowe AP for all of their hard work on the Lustration auction! Thank you for a wonderful job! Lustration weekend began on Friday with Opening Remarks at 3 PM. |
After this we all went down to the nearby Vermilion River for a special ceremony honoring Blv. Windy Lajoie, our First Elder who passed from this life last August on Lammas day. Blv. Lady Windy’s family had seen to it that she had a full Correllian funeral, complete with Hydrophoria ceremony. The Hydrophoria ceremony is a sharing of water to represent how our lives touch one another, and a mixing of waters to represent the return to Spirit. Arch Priestess Rt Rev Alyssa Maxon Kemp led that ceremony, and she brought back roses and a portion of the Hydrophoria water for use in this memorial ceremony which she also led.

After being blessed with Blv. Windy’s Hydrophoria water, we each received a portion of rose petals and blessed them in a circle of remembrance where we spoke of what Blv. Lady Windy meant to each of us. Then we offered our roses to the Vermilion in Blv. Windy’s honor. After this Rev. Phoenix Williams established a new Crystal Access Point on the spot of the ceremony, which he dedicated the Blv. Lady Windy. It was a wonderful ritual.
Right: Rev Phoenix Williams at the Vermilion River preparing for the Crystal Web ceremony
Right: Rev Phoenix Williams at the Vermilion River preparing for the Crystal Web ceremony
Next came the Fortieth Anniversary party!
This wonderful evening was organized by First Priestess Lady Stephanie -thank you so much Lady Stephanie! There were many gifts and good wishes! Lady Stephanie presented her gifts first which included among others a Cabinet Card specially designed to commemorate the Ruby Jubilee! A Cabinet Card in this sense is a card with a piece of artwork as well as a teaching or commemoration, intended for display. This is the first of many First Priestess Cabinet Cards that Lady Stephanie will be creating!
Thank you everyone for the wonderful gifts! There were so many that I cannot list them all here, but I love and appreciate every one of them!
This wonderful evening was organized by First Priestess Lady Stephanie -thank you so much Lady Stephanie! There were many gifts and good wishes! Lady Stephanie presented her gifts first which included among others a Cabinet Card specially designed to commemorate the Ruby Jubilee! A Cabinet Card in this sense is a card with a piece of artwork as well as a teaching or commemoration, intended for display. This is the first of many First Priestess Cabinet Cards that Lady Stephanie will be creating!
Thank you everyone for the wonderful gifts! There were so many that I cannot list them all here, but I love and appreciate every one of them!

Many of the evening’s gifts were elephant themed, in reference to my association with Elephants and with Ganesha. The most remarkable elephant themed gift was not actually at the party but back home in Jacksonville, where members of Chosen Path Church installed a magnificent altar in my office without my knowing, shared at the party via photographs. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this gift, and to Pam Beck, Rev. Rodney Rexrode, and Patty Vierling for installing and preparing it, and Rt. Rev. Laurie Denman for organizing it!
Left: Pam Beck censing the altar
Again, I cannot list every gift but some of them included an elephant coffee mug from Rev. Ser Elizabeth Correll, a specially created ritual robe hanger from Rev Emerairelhd Eartheart, and engraved memory boxes from Rev. Kai Aiden who presented one to me and one to PUE Sanctuary Temple Head Rev. Ser Jason.
But the most significant gift was a grave marker for my mother, Blv. Regent LaVeda. Installed just before the weekend, and blessed before the end of the weekend, this beautiful stone marks Blv. Regent LaVeda’s resting place. Thank you to all those who contributed to this and to Rev. Ser Lori Blackman for organizing it! |

There were also video greetings from Correllians unable to attend in person including Rev Ser Apu Adman Aghama and Lakay Magbaya Aghama from Luntiang Aghama Shrine in the Philippines, and from Rev. Jinn Erudite, Rev. Aisha Beauchemin, and Rev. Kenneth Kendall from Temple of Arcere in Massachusetts! Thank you all!
And there were also gifts in the form of performances. Thank you Rev. Elizabeth Miller for the wonderful dance! Thank you Rev. D.J. Fortney for the flute solo: Danse de la Chevre by Honegger! And thank you Rev Jon Anastasio for your performance including an original song written about me! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
This was followed by the cutting of the cake. Lady Stephanie had obtained a truly remarkable cake (including a bow tie on the top tier) which I cut using the ceremonial sword of the Mother Temple, and which we all enjoyed immensely!
Thank you to everyone who was involved in this wonderful evening!
And there were also gifts in the form of performances. Thank you Rev. Elizabeth Miller for the wonderful dance! Thank you Rev. D.J. Fortney for the flute solo: Danse de la Chevre by Honegger! And thank you Rev Jon Anastasio for your performance including an original song written about me! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
This was followed by the cutting of the cake. Lady Stephanie had obtained a truly remarkable cake (including a bow tie on the top tier) which I cut using the ceremonial sword of the Mother Temple, and which we all enjoyed immensely!
Thank you to everyone who was involved in this wonderful evening!
On Saturday morning a number of people gathered at 7:30 for a pilgrimage to ‘Under The Hill’, where Correllian founder Caroline High Correll and her immediate descendants once lived.
The official programming began at 10 with a presentation from the Order of Paladins. Paladin Major Rt Rev Ser Jason Highcorrell and Paladin Herald Rev Ser Alan Salmi HP introduced the presentation, followed by Paladin Commander Rev. Ser Elizabeth Correll, and then Paladin General and First Elder Rt Rev Ser Ed Correll AP, who spoke about the mission of the Paladins as a service order. |

Next Templar Grand Deemstress Rt Rev Ser Angela Munn AP convened the Deemsters’ Court, with Rt Rev Ser Michael Neal AP and Rev Phoenix Williams HP joining her as Deemsters and Rev Meranda Favro acting as Deemsters’ Herald.
Left: Members of the Deemsters' Court: Rev. Phoenix Williams HP, Rt Rev Ser Angela Munn AP Grand Deemstress, Rt Rev Ser Michael Neal AP, and Herald to the Deemsters' Court Rev Meranda Favro
After this we held a special rededication ceremony to mark the Ruby Jubilee. In this ceremony First Priestess Lady Stephanie and Retired First Priestess Lady Krystel joined First Priest Rev Don at the center to focus the energy and manifest specific goals for the future of the Tradition, while other participants formed geometric shapes around us to help raise and shape the energy: a triangle for transformation and evolution around the First Priesthood, a circle for energy, growth, and expansion around the triangle, and a square for stability and endurance around the circle. After the First Priesthood all participants were asked to add their wishes for the Tradition’s future to the ceremony.
After this came a special moment to honor MaryAnn Kay. MaryAnn Kay has been instrumental in the success of Witch School since it first moved to Hoopeston, IL. Serving as Office Manager MaryAnn’s actual role extended far beyond this, managing memberships, student services, and all manner of special projects. Without her dedication, skill, and heart Witch School could never have become what it is today. An honorary Correllian High Priestess, Lady MaryAnn is now Ser MaryAnn, being installed as a Knight of Orpheus, our religious Order of Knighthood honoring service to the Tradition. Thank you, Ser MaryAnn, for all that you have done these many years and may you be blessed always!
Next came a presentation in which Rt. Rev. Ser Angela Mun AP, Sacred Grandmother, spoke about the importance of interconnectedness, energetic connection, and the Sacred Hug ceremony learned at the Parliament of the World’s Religions, part of the Sacred Grandmother mystery. |

Next came initiations. We do not speak of the details of initiations as such, not because they are so secret but because we want the experience to be new and fresh for each initiate. But I can say that this was the first initiation ceremony at a Lustration in which neither Lady Stephanie nor I took any role, even in organizing (though we did give a blessing).
Above: Rev D J Fortney and Third Degree initiate Rev Emairelhd Eartheart

Considering that this was my fortieth anniversary as First Priest it was especially significant to me to see the entire four-hour (plus) ceremony handled beautifully by others. It reinforced strongly for me that the future of the Tradition is safe and that the younger generations are ready as the older generation passes away. I cannot tell you how happy that makes me. Death comes to all of us and one day others must carry on those things that we loved (and forty year anniversaries make one especially conscious of this) and it is good to know that the future is in safe hands.
Right: Second Degree initiate Rev. Elizabeth Miller with the First Priesthood

I want to congratulate all of the evenings’ initiates! Some of these were first time initiations, some were initiatory confirmations, all were sacred and important!
Congratulations Third Degree initiates Rev Emairelhd Eartheart HP, Rev Judy Hamilton HP, and Rev Ser Alan Salmi HP! Rev. Alan received his Third Degree back in 2012 but this was his first Lustration and first chance to have the real time initiations!
Left: First Degree initiates Rev. Eboni Nash, Rev. Corri Boyett, Rev. Chad Blackman, and Rev. Steven Scott Gilreath with the First Priesthood

Congratulations Second Degree initiate Rev Elizabeth Miller!
Congratulations First Degree initiates Rev Corri Boyett, Rev Chad Blackman, Rev Eboni Nash, and Rev Scott Gilreath!
And congratulations Clerical Dedicant George Coffman!
Whether being initiated for the first time, or confirming a self-initiation, you have all worked hard to be here and we salute you! May you be blessed always!
Right: Dedicant George Coffman with the First Priesthood

Sunday morning we gathered for the actual Lustration ceremony.
Rev Ebony Nash (East), Rev D J Fortney HP (South), Rev Elizabeth Miller (West), and Rev Phoenix Williams HP (North) acted as Quarter Guardians, and performed a special dance to cleanse the ritual space before the beginning of the rite. Rev. DJ delivered his lines in Spanish to represent the Correllian Spanish Speaking community.
Rev Ser Elizabeth Correll HP, acted as Guardian, issuing the challenge before the processional entry.
Above: The Lustration Altar
Rev Ebony Nash (East), Rev D J Fortney HP (South), Rev Elizabeth Miller (West), and Rev Phoenix Williams HP (North) acted as Quarter Guardians, and performed a special dance to cleanse the ritual space before the beginning of the rite. Rev. DJ delivered his lines in Spanish to represent the Correllian Spanish Speaking community.
Rev Ser Elizabeth Correll HP, acted as Guardian, issuing the challenge before the processional entry.
Above: The Lustration Altar

Rt Rev Alyssa Maxon Kemp AP, acted as Sonifer, announcing each stage in the ritual. Lady Alyssa delivered her lines in both English and Spanish to represent the Correllian Spanish Speaking community.
Rt Rev Laurie Denman AP, acted as Vocifer.
Rev Judy Hamilton HP, performed the blessing of the Salt and Water. Rev Scott Gilreath performed the blessing of the Fire and Air. Above: The Quarter Guardians dance
Rt Rev Ser Michael Neal AP, acted as Junovacator invoking the Higher Self of the First Priestess. Rt Rev Ser Angela Munn AP, acted as Genovacator invoking the Higher Self of the First Priest.
Next came the Great Rite with the Joint Charge of Goddess and God. Rev Kai Aiden HP, acted as Rite Lector. Rev Ser Lori Blackman acted as Rite Priestess while Rev Chad Blackman acted as Rite Priest.

Rev Ser Alan Salmi HP, acted as Elder for the rite with Rev Emairelhd Eartheart HP, acting as Elders’ Herald.
Next the names of all those who have entered the Court of the Ancestors in the last year, and who wished to be included in the ceremony, were called and honored: Blv. Windy Lajoie First Elder of Tradition, Beloved Karla Summer Former Witch School Dean of Mentors, Blv. Virginia Power former Membership Officer, Blv. Abby Willowroot High Priestess, Beloved Song, and Blv. William Kunkle Priest. May these and all who are with them be honored as they take their place among the Ancestors!
Above: Rev Emerairelhd Eartheart as Elder's Herald and Rev Alan Salmi acting for the First Elder
The Offerings to the Ancestors were presented by Rev. Meranda Favro and Rev Brenda Pergande
Next came the Oracle of the Ancestors. This year’s Oracle was:
“Behold the words of the Ancestors: Beloved children, we look upon you with pride and joy as you stand here in this sacred place, knowing the work which lies before you, some in greater detail, some in less, but you all know you have not come here for no reason. We have said for some years that the time is upon us for the work we are called to do. And indeed, we all have been doing that work. But now it shall accelerate. Faster perhaps, than anyone anticipates. And we ask you, spiritually, to join hands and to join hearts, as you go forward to take your place in the world as a force in the world, for healing and strengthening the Earth Herself and the Spirit of Life in manifestation. You who are among the High Priesthood have been trained in the techniques of bringing forth energy, healing, and manifestation through Spirit. Never before in your lifetime has it been more needed than it is needed now. And know that you shall be called upon to use these skills that you have learned. Not for nothing have you studied, and not for nothing have you come forward, but rather to play a very important part already laid out before you in the future of humankind and of this Earth. We say to you: take up your role and know that the time to step forward is now, the time to act is now. And you go forward from this Temple, know that already this door is opened, and you are moving through it into a future in which your role, both individually and together, is expanded greatly from what it has been. For many years you have worked to create this situation and to learn the skills that you will need: now is the time to employ them, and to transform the future into one of hope and joy. And we stand by your side, hand in hand with you, working on this same project at this same time. Together, the Living and the Ancestors, One Circle filled with the power of Spirit and the joy of Life. These then are our words to you, and may you be blessed”
The Offerings to the Ancestors were presented by Rev. Meranda Favro and Rev Brenda Pergande
Next came the Oracle of the Ancestors. This year’s Oracle was:
“Behold the words of the Ancestors: Beloved children, we look upon you with pride and joy as you stand here in this sacred place, knowing the work which lies before you, some in greater detail, some in less, but you all know you have not come here for no reason. We have said for some years that the time is upon us for the work we are called to do. And indeed, we all have been doing that work. But now it shall accelerate. Faster perhaps, than anyone anticipates. And we ask you, spiritually, to join hands and to join hearts, as you go forward to take your place in the world as a force in the world, for healing and strengthening the Earth Herself and the Spirit of Life in manifestation. You who are among the High Priesthood have been trained in the techniques of bringing forth energy, healing, and manifestation through Spirit. Never before in your lifetime has it been more needed than it is needed now. And know that you shall be called upon to use these skills that you have learned. Not for nothing have you studied, and not for nothing have you come forward, but rather to play a very important part already laid out before you in the future of humankind and of this Earth. We say to you: take up your role and know that the time to step forward is now, the time to act is now. And you go forward from this Temple, know that already this door is opened, and you are moving through it into a future in which your role, both individually and together, is expanded greatly from what it has been. For many years you have worked to create this situation and to learn the skills that you will need: now is the time to employ them, and to transform the future into one of hope and joy. And we stand by your side, hand in hand with you, working on this same project at this same time. Together, the Living and the Ancestors, One Circle filled with the power of Spirit and the joy of Life. These then are our words to you, and may you be blessed”
This was followed by the Blessing of the Ancestors upon the waters, and the actual Lustration in which this blessing is extended unto the entirety of the Tradition.

Next, Rev Jon Anastasio offered a song as cups were passed out for the Toast.
After the Toast came the Announcements section. First to speak was Rt Rev Ser Jason Highcorrell, Head of PURE Sanctuary Temple. Jason offered thanks to his Temple members and all attending.
Next Templar Grand Deemstress Rt Rev Ser Angela Munn announced the results of the weekend’s Deeming Ceremony:
Right: Rev. Jon performs during the Toast
Mystical Rainbow Witan Shrine (Georgia), under Rev D J Fortney HP, is advanced to Proto-Temple status.
Path of the Wise Witan Shrine (Philippines) is advanced to Proto-Temple status.
River Gleaan Proto-Temple (South Carolina) under Rev Judy Hamilton HP, is advanced to Full Temple status. A High Priestess of the Tradition, Rev. Judy will now take her place on the Witan Council
Templo de Ptah Proto-Temple (Madrid, Spain) under Rev Mestet Sa Hor is advanced to Full Temple status
Inverness Forest Proto-Temple (Texas, Spain, South America), under Rt Rev Eblis Pendragon and Rt Rev Ayra Alseret, is advanced to Full Temple status
Templo de Ereshkigal Proto-Temple (Zacatecas, Mexico), under Rev Pluma Argenti, is advanced to Full Temple status
Sacred Oak Proto-Temple (Kansas) under Rev Gary Strout HP, is advanced to Full Temple status. A High Priest of the Tradition, Rev Gary will now take his place on the Witan council
Temple of Diana Invicta Proto-Temple (Merida, Spain) under Rev Octavia, is advanced to Full Temple status
Path of the Wise Witan Shrine (Philippines) is advanced to Proto-Temple status.
River Gleaan Proto-Temple (South Carolina) under Rev Judy Hamilton HP, is advanced to Full Temple status. A High Priestess of the Tradition, Rev. Judy will now take her place on the Witan Council
Templo de Ptah Proto-Temple (Madrid, Spain) under Rev Mestet Sa Hor is advanced to Full Temple status
Inverness Forest Proto-Temple (Texas, Spain, South America), under Rt Rev Eblis Pendragon and Rt Rev Ayra Alseret, is advanced to Full Temple status
Templo de Ereshkigal Proto-Temple (Zacatecas, Mexico), under Rev Pluma Argenti, is advanced to Full Temple status
Sacred Oak Proto-Temple (Kansas) under Rev Gary Strout HP, is advanced to Full Temple status. A High Priest of the Tradition, Rev Gary will now take his place on the Witan council
Temple of Diana Invicta Proto-Temple (Merida, Spain) under Rev Octavia, is advanced to Full Temple status
Next Rt Rev Alyssa Maxon Kemp was installed as Armorial Grand Deemstress in charge of Armorial Heraldry and also in charge of Orders and Decorations.
Also, now that the period of mourning for Blv. Windy has passed, we wish to announce the new Heads for her various Orders: Blv. Lady Windy’s Personal Shrine of the Hooded Crone will become the Order of the Hooded Crone, dedicated to Crones and Sages, under Rt. Rev. Ser Angela Munn: Ser Angela will also be heading Blv. Windy’s “I Knew You When” Order for family and friends of substance abusers: The Order of Web Weavers, dedicated to the Crystal Web, will now be headed by Ser MaryAnn Kay: The Order of Recovering Correllians will now be headed by Crystal GypsyRaven.
Also, now that the period of mourning for Blv. Windy has passed, we wish to announce the new Heads for her various Orders: Blv. Lady Windy’s Personal Shrine of the Hooded Crone will become the Order of the Hooded Crone, dedicated to Crones and Sages, under Rt. Rev. Ser Angela Munn: Ser Angela will also be heading Blv. Windy’s “I Knew You When” Order for family and friends of substance abusers: The Order of Web Weavers, dedicated to the Crystal Web, will now be headed by Ser MaryAnn Kay: The Order of Recovering Correllians will now be headed by Crystal GypsyRaven.

Next Lady Stephanie announced those honored in the current Award Cycle. In this cycle the following awards were given:
Order of the Iron Pentacle - For Achievement in Teaching or Writing: Rev. Alauzlel Shem, Rev. Phoenix Williams HP, Gretchen Schork
Order of the Golden Wand - For Acts of Service to Others: Rev. Jenn Lloyd, Mylinda Whiteley, Rt. Rev. Laurie Denman, Rev. Kevin Kopplinger, Rev. Aqua Aidan, Rev. Elbrus Hara, Michael Nelson, Hazsoly Marquez, Rev. Deej Fortney HP, Rt. Rev. Ser. Angela Munn AP, Rt. Rev. Lily Greene AP, Rev. Elizabeth Miller, Rev. Ivy Adams, Rev. Ser. Lori Blackman, Rt. Rev. Ser. Jason Highcorrell AP
Order of the Silver Chalice - For Achievement in the arts: Rev. Pluma Argenti, Roble Tormenta, Rev. Jon Anastasio HP, Rev Ravenwolf Greenfield
Order of the Copper Athame - For Achievement in Physical or Metaphysical Sciences: Rev. Kari Proefrock
Order of the Thurible - For Spiritual Inspiration: Rev. Nesme Rea. Rev. Antimony Corvidae
Order of Artemis - For Working To Help Animals: Marvin Hafid Meneses Lavalle, Rev. Octavia
Order of the Obsidian Mirror - For Achievements in Media and Communications: Rev. Ser Rolando Gomez Comon
Order of the Iron Pentacle - For Achievement in Teaching or Writing: Rev. Alauzlel Shem, Rev. Phoenix Williams HP, Gretchen Schork
Order of the Golden Wand - For Acts of Service to Others: Rev. Jenn Lloyd, Mylinda Whiteley, Rt. Rev. Laurie Denman, Rev. Kevin Kopplinger, Rev. Aqua Aidan, Rev. Elbrus Hara, Michael Nelson, Hazsoly Marquez, Rev. Deej Fortney HP, Rt. Rev. Ser. Angela Munn AP, Rt. Rev. Lily Greene AP, Rev. Elizabeth Miller, Rev. Ivy Adams, Rev. Ser. Lori Blackman, Rt. Rev. Ser. Jason Highcorrell AP
Order of the Silver Chalice - For Achievement in the arts: Rev. Pluma Argenti, Roble Tormenta, Rev. Jon Anastasio HP, Rev Ravenwolf Greenfield
Order of the Copper Athame - For Achievement in Physical or Metaphysical Sciences: Rev. Kari Proefrock
Order of the Thurible - For Spiritual Inspiration: Rev. Nesme Rea. Rev. Antimony Corvidae
Order of Artemis - For Working To Help Animals: Marvin Hafid Meneses Lavalle, Rev. Octavia
Order of the Obsidian Mirror - For Achievements in Media and Communications: Rev. Ser Rolando Gomez Comon

In addition to the ordinary Award Cycle, two religious Knighthoods were awarded:
Religious Knighthoods - Order of Orpheus
For Extraordinary Services to the Correllian Tradition
Rev Ser MaryAnn Kay For her many years of dedicated service to Witch School and its students as well as her work in expanding and maintaining the Crystal Web
Rt. Rev. Ser Ayra Alseret For her commitment to Correllianism in Spain and the Spanish Speaking Correllian Community.
Religious Knighthoods - Order of Orpheus
For Extraordinary Services to the Correllian Tradition
Rev Ser MaryAnn Kay For her many years of dedicated service to Witch School and its students as well as her work in expanding and maintaining the Crystal Web
Rt. Rev. Ser Ayra Alseret For her commitment to Correllianism in Spain and the Spanish Speaking Correllian Community.
Next, Lady Stephanie introduced a new award honoring Lifetime Achievement:
Lifetime Achievement Awards – Honoring people who have spent a lifetime in service to the Tradition
Retired First Priestess M Rev Krystel High-Correll
Retired First Elder Rt Rev Virginia Bitterwind Smith
First Elder Rt Rev Ser Ed Correll
Rt Rev Anna Rowe, Elder and Herald of the Witan
Lifetime Achievement Awards – Honoring people who have spent a lifetime in service to the Tradition
Retired First Priestess M Rev Krystel High-Correll
Retired First Elder Rt Rev Virginia Bitterwind Smith
First Elder Rt Rev Ser Ed Correll
Rt Rev Anna Rowe, Elder and Herald of the Witan
After this a new Elder and two new Arch Priesthood were acclaimed:
Arch Priestess Rt Rev Ayra Alseret was acclaimed a Correllian Elder and will take her place on the Council of Elders. Rt Rev Phoenix Williams was acclaimed an Arch Priest of the Tradition, and Rt Rev Jon Anastasio was acclaimed an Arch Priest of the Tradition. |

Rev Meranda Favro then presented the new Arch Priests with the hand-made medallions that symbolize their new office. Among her many duties Rev Meranda is the artificer who creates all of the Arch Priesthood and Elders’ medallions.
This was the official end of the weekend, and what a wonderful weekend it was! But there was one more event for those who did not have to leave immediately. After the Lustration ended, we who remained gathered at the graves of the Correllian Ancestors. We first paid respects to the individual Ancestors at their gravesites, then gathered at the grave of Correllian founder Blv. Orpheis Caroline High Correll for the actual ceremony.
Right: Rt Rev Jon Anastasio, Rev. Meranda Favro, and Rt Rev Phoenix Williams

Just as we were gathering Lady Krystel received a call informing her of that Rt. Rev. Virginia “Bitterwind” Smith, Retired First Elder of the Correllian Tradition, had passed from this life. Blv. Lady Bitterwind had been expected to be present for part of the Lustration, and we had wondered what had happened, but her health had been tenuous in recent years and we assumed that she simply was not feeling up to it. As it happened, she had left this life just before the weekend began, dying on Beltane. Lady Bitterwind was an amazing woman and a huge influence on the Correllian Tradition during her twenty-two years as active First Elder. May she be blessed as she takes her place among the Ancestors! This places the Correllian Tradition once more into official mourning for a six-month period in Lady Bitterwind's honor, until Samhain.
Above: Blv. Lady Bitterwind
What a magnificent weekend it was! Thank you to everyone who attended, everyone who helped livecast the event, everyone who took part remotely, and everyone who shared the weekend with us in spirit! May you be blessed now and always! As we head forward into the next forty years, we do so knowing that the Tradition is in good hands both now and in the next generations!
Blessings to all!
M. Rev. Donald Lewis-Highcorrell
First Priest and Chancellor
M. Rev. Stephanie Leon Neal
First Priestess
Blessings to all!
M. Rev. Donald Lewis-Highcorrell
First Priest and Chancellor
M. Rev. Stephanie Leon Neal
First Priestess