Parliament of World's Religions
October 15-19 2015
Reports by
Rev. Lori Berberio Keigans, Rev. Stephanie Leon Neal, Rev. Don Lewis, and Rev. Edward Highcorrell
Rev. Lori Berberio Keigans, Rev. Stephanie Leon Neal, Rev. Don Lewis, and Rev. Edward Highcorrell
From Rev. Lori Berberio Keigans
This past week almost 10,000 people of many faiths and cultures gathered at The Salt Palace, Salt Lake City, Utah for the 2015 Parliament of World Religions.
This five day conference showed much more than the ability for many faiths and cultures to get along, but how our goal to strive for a world filled with peace and love for Mother Earth is worldwide. For the many that feel our humanity is slipping away it is reassuring to know there are many in the world working to restore it.
The Sikhs went above and beyond spreading peace and oneness throughout the week. Their information booth; packed daily, provided turbans in many beautiful colors for those who wanted to experience wearing one. This beautiful gesture represented all people being equal as opposed to only royalty wearing them. Aside from wrapping thousands of heads The Sikh Religion also provided a daily Langar prepared to feed all who wished to participate. The food that was left over was donated to a local shelter and fed 600 homeless. The generosity, compassion, kindness and gratitude from these wonderful people especially the youth was heartfelt by many. Many cultures can benefit from their values. (See our Magick TV interview with Gulbarg Singh Basi, President of the American Sikh Council, here:
The Utes, the indigenous tribe of Utah, lit a sacred fire starting off the week and maintained its flame throughout the night for all five days. The morning ritual and prayer was spiritually moving. The large metal fire pit had seven slots four of the seven represented the directions or elements one represented Mother Earth one Father Sky and the last all of Us. The surrounding circle had four paths inside of it leading to the pit where we were able to make offerings and give thanks to said guardians of each direction. To see the beautiful ritual and prayer go to Many other indigenous tribes from around the world attended spreading their concerns for Mother Earth and that all that inhabit her are one and equally important and must work together.
The first day of the Parliament was focused on women, with the Inaugural Women’s Assembly. Among the speakers was Bishop Barbara King of the International New Thought Christian Movement (
Attendees at the Parliament represented an amazing variety of religious movements, from Women Roman Catholic Priests ( to Scientologists (! A particularly interesting presenter in the Exhibition Hall was Michael Feder of Prayer Spark (, which offers a high tech twist on the ancient practice of prayer.
This week amongst all in attendance the message was clear; we may all walk different paths, our beliefs may not be identical, ours Gods and Goddesses may have different names all agreed on one thing Peace and equality throughout the world for all race, religions and gender.
The Wiccan and Pagan presence was astounding. The Correllian Nativist Tradition had many in attendance beautifully robed in ritual garb for both opening and closing ceremony. Many clergy members of the CNT presented workshops;
Rev. Eblis Pendragon who did a workshop on Contemporary Paganism and Rev. Jeanine DeOya presented on Diversity in Contemporary Paganism. (See the Diversity in Contemporary Paganism panel at
M. Rev. Donald Lewis Highcorrell, Rt. Rev. Stephanie Neal and Rev. Laurie Denman presented on International Peace Warriors and the crystal web. Another Correllian, Rev. Karen Silva was asked to speak on the subject of sacred dance, what an honor. The CNT were not the only Wiccan's and Pagans there.
Also in attendance were many members of the following groups. Circle Sanctuary FOI (fellowship of Isis) COG (Covenant of the Goddess. The Wiccan religion had a fellow Wiccan co-chair this year’s Parliament: A very big ‘Thank You’ to Phyllis Curott.
This past week almost 10,000 people of many faiths and cultures gathered at The Salt Palace, Salt Lake City, Utah for the 2015 Parliament of World Religions.
This five day conference showed much more than the ability for many faiths and cultures to get along, but how our goal to strive for a world filled with peace and love for Mother Earth is worldwide. For the many that feel our humanity is slipping away it is reassuring to know there are many in the world working to restore it.
The Sikhs went above and beyond spreading peace and oneness throughout the week. Their information booth; packed daily, provided turbans in many beautiful colors for those who wanted to experience wearing one. This beautiful gesture represented all people being equal as opposed to only royalty wearing them. Aside from wrapping thousands of heads The Sikh Religion also provided a daily Langar prepared to feed all who wished to participate. The food that was left over was donated to a local shelter and fed 600 homeless. The generosity, compassion, kindness and gratitude from these wonderful people especially the youth was heartfelt by many. Many cultures can benefit from their values. (See our Magick TV interview with Gulbarg Singh Basi, President of the American Sikh Council, here:
The Utes, the indigenous tribe of Utah, lit a sacred fire starting off the week and maintained its flame throughout the night for all five days. The morning ritual and prayer was spiritually moving. The large metal fire pit had seven slots four of the seven represented the directions or elements one represented Mother Earth one Father Sky and the last all of Us. The surrounding circle had four paths inside of it leading to the pit where we were able to make offerings and give thanks to said guardians of each direction. To see the beautiful ritual and prayer go to Many other indigenous tribes from around the world attended spreading their concerns for Mother Earth and that all that inhabit her are one and equally important and must work together.
The first day of the Parliament was focused on women, with the Inaugural Women’s Assembly. Among the speakers was Bishop Barbara King of the International New Thought Christian Movement (
Attendees at the Parliament represented an amazing variety of religious movements, from Women Roman Catholic Priests ( to Scientologists (! A particularly interesting presenter in the Exhibition Hall was Michael Feder of Prayer Spark (, which offers a high tech twist on the ancient practice of prayer.
This week amongst all in attendance the message was clear; we may all walk different paths, our beliefs may not be identical, ours Gods and Goddesses may have different names all agreed on one thing Peace and equality throughout the world for all race, religions and gender.
The Wiccan and Pagan presence was astounding. The Correllian Nativist Tradition had many in attendance beautifully robed in ritual garb for both opening and closing ceremony. Many clergy members of the CNT presented workshops;
Rev. Eblis Pendragon who did a workshop on Contemporary Paganism and Rev. Jeanine DeOya presented on Diversity in Contemporary Paganism. (See the Diversity in Contemporary Paganism panel at
M. Rev. Donald Lewis Highcorrell, Rt. Rev. Stephanie Neal and Rev. Laurie Denman presented on International Peace Warriors and the crystal web. Another Correllian, Rev. Karen Silva was asked to speak on the subject of sacred dance, what an honor. The CNT were not the only Wiccan's and Pagans there.
Also in attendance were many members of the following groups. Circle Sanctuary FOI (fellowship of Isis) COG (Covenant of the Goddess. The Wiccan religion had a fellow Wiccan co-chair this year’s Parliament: A very big ‘Thank You’ to Phyllis Curott.
Thoughts on the 2015 Parliament of World Religions in Utah
From M. Rev. Stephanie Leon Neal
There were many memorable moments within the Parliament of World Religions, one was when I walked the procession representing the Correllian Nativist Tradition of Wicca. Chancellor Don Lewis High Correll thought it appropriate for a female to walk this procession, due to the entire day’s focus being on women. As I walked, there were small pockets of Pagans cheering me on, I knew then that all Wiccans there were so proud to be represented in such a meaningful way within this procession. The Pagans cheering, yelling, Pagans!, Pagans! Pagans! A few would yell, Women Pagan! Women Pagans! Or Woman Wiccan!There were so many little special moments. An example of one is when I observed a little girl looking up at me as she asked her mother, “Is she important?” I walked up to the little girl and said, “No more than you; you are important!” |
Though humbling, I recognized this was truly a significant moment I was proud to represent Wiccans in the Parliament of World Religions opening procession, even if it was just a fleeting moment in time. The other Wiccans attending made us all proud as well!
See the Opening Procession of the Parliament covered on local news, including our own lady Stephanie!
Though I was privileged to spend time with some amazing Pagan leadership and was grateful for their beautiful presence and insightful conversations, my most special moments were lovely individuals coming up to me to share what being Pagan or Wiccan meant to them in their life. Many stated they needed to remain in the closet for now, yet looked forward to the day that they can step out of the shadows and express their love for the Goddess and God in harmony with everyone.
Another aspect that I enjoyed is when Lady Laurie Denman asked me to be part of her Peace Panel Presentation along with Chancellor Don Lewis High Correll. We all presented information about the Peace campaign, the Crystal Web and our thoughts about the benefits living in peace would bring to humanity.
See the Opening Procession of the Parliament covered on local news, including our own lady Stephanie!
Though I was privileged to spend time with some amazing Pagan leadership and was grateful for their beautiful presence and insightful conversations, my most special moments were lovely individuals coming up to me to share what being Pagan or Wiccan meant to them in their life. Many stated they needed to remain in the closet for now, yet looked forward to the day that they can step out of the shadows and express their love for the Goddess and God in harmony with everyone.
Another aspect that I enjoyed is when Lady Laurie Denman asked me to be part of her Peace Panel Presentation along with Chancellor Don Lewis High Correll. We all presented information about the Peace campaign, the Crystal Web and our thoughts about the benefits living in peace would bring to humanity.
The best moments were just simply spending time with my Correllian family and my loving husband, Rev. Mike Neal. I am truly humbled by the entire experience and the love poured over us so generously.
The theme of the Parliament this year was Reclaiming the Heart of Humanity; after experiencing this event I feel that Reclaiming the Heart of Humanity has begun.
I was most impressed with all the Correllians that attended, each one made the Tradition proud.
The theme of the Parliament this year was Reclaiming the Heart of Humanity; after experiencing this event I feel that Reclaiming the Heart of Humanity has begun.
I was most impressed with all the Correllians that attended, each one made the Tradition proud.
From M. Rev. Donald Lewis-Highcorrell
I am finally home from the Parliament of the World’s Religions and wanted to take this opportunity to say ‘Thank you’ to everyone who made this event so wonderful!
I especially want to thank the thirteen Correllians who made the trip to Parliament with me: Rev. Susan Caldwell (Florida), Rev. Laurie Denman (Florida), Rev. Ser Jeanine De Oya (North Carolina), Rt. Rev. Eblis (Mexico City, Mexico), Rev. Elizabeth Hamilton (Pennsylvania), Rt. Rev. Ser Edward Highcorrell (Illinois), Rev. Alyssa Maxon Kemp (New York), Rev. Lori Keigans (New York), Rev. Angela Munn (Florida), M. Rev. Stephanie Leon Neal (Georgia), Rev. Mike Neal (Georgia), Rev. Sam Shryock (Missouri), and Rev. Karen Silva (Connecticut). You were all magnificent and I cannot imagine this last week without you! Thank you all so much! |
It was great to see so many old friends and to make so many new ones!
I could not begin to list everyone, but among the many people I am grateful to have gotten to spend time with were River Higginbotham (, Dave and Gail Sassman (, Shel Skau, Peter Dybing, Patrick McColum, Jason Mankey, Michelle Boshears, Genise White, Tim Staker, Andrea Kendall, Annie Crone, Sally Apokos, and so many more! It was especially nice to get to see Gypsy Ravish, one of the great voices of Pagan music as well as a great High Priestess. And I am very grateful to have met and gotten to spend time with Leslie Gaul Hugo! |
In addition we had the pleasure of not only spending time with but also being interviewed by Pastor Phil Wyman, and old friend from Salem, Ma.
You can see Pastor Phil’s interview with Ed and me here: I particularly want to thank Yvonne Conway Williams for spending so much time with us! It was a delight to see you and get to talk with you again! I also greatly enjoyed spending time with the Isian delegation. Arch Priestess Linda Isles, Arch Priestess DeTraci Regula, Arch Priestess Annitra Makafia Ravenmoon, Arch Priest Kasey Conder, and Arch Druidess Mana Youngbear all of the Isian Triad Union. Although there has been Isian representation at all modern Parliaments, not since 1993 has the actual international leadership of the Parliament been represented there. It was wonderful to get to spend time with you all! |
The Parliament is an incredible event with a huge number of workshops, panels, performances, exhibitions, worship services, art installations, etc. However there is so much going on, that it is quite literally impossible to attend everything that you might wish to see. It is an immensely difficult choice to decide what to see, and I found that many things I might like to attend were in fact scheduled for the same time slots –but this is unavoidable when trying to schedule so much material into so few days! Some of the best moments for me were however were not in the formal presentations but in the halls: meeting people, coming upon unexpected things –like this delightful children’s choir (
A major highlight of the event for everyone was the Sacred Music Concert on Saturday night. Held at the Mormon Tabernacle, the concert was so full that people were being seated in the Choir stall (including our Magick TV reporter for the event, Alyssa Maxon Kemp). Even so, not everyone could be accommodated and many people were turned away because there simply was no space left. The concert was a wonderful experience with diverse musical presentations from a wide range of the many religions represented at the Parliament.
You can see video from the Sacred Music Concert here: , , , , , ,
You can see video from the Sacred Music Concert here: , , , , , ,
Monday night after the closing ceremonies of the Parliament we held our Regional Lustration.
This had been envisioned as a small private ritual for the Correllians at the Parliament, but we ended up being joined by many friends! Thank you to Rev. Angela Munn for arranging this Lustration! Rev. Angela will also be hosting the Lustration of the Ancestors on 15-17 April of next year. The Lustration began with an opening prayer from Rev. Sam Shryock. Then Edward Highcorrell shared with us the story of his experiences during the 23 years of the modern Parliament, what he has learned and how it has affected him. You can see this at |
During the Lustration we were deeply privileged to be able to honor three outstanding Priestesses for their work.
Rt. Rev. Linda Isles, Spokesperson of the Isian Triad Union, was presented with the Order of the Round Table for her work in keeping the Triad Union together and upholding the spiritual legacy of the Blv. Olivia Robertson.
May the Blessing be upon you Arch Priestess Linda! |
And finally Selena Fox was presented with the Order of Tsalv honoring her life’s work, through Circle Network News, Circle Sanctuary, Lady Liberty League, et al. What words can you use to honor someone who has done so much to benefit the spiritual community and the world at large?
Many thousands of people have benefited from Lady Selena’s work, including many who do not even know that she is the one who did it. Our community would not be the same had this great lady not been part of it. Surely Lady Selena is the preeminent Priestess of the Western Traditions, and prima inter pares among the established heads of organized Traditions. May the Blessing be upon you Lady Selena always, even as you have blessed so many through your work! |
Lastly our own Correllian Tradition has seen some important announcements during the Lustration. A full Lustration report will follow soon, but for now let me congratulate Rt. Rev. Harwe Tuileva who has been inducted to the Correllian Council of Elders.
And congratulations to Rt. Rev. Eblis, who has been acclaimed as First Elder of the Tradition. And congratulations to M. Rev. Stephanie Leon Neal who has been declared Coregent First Priestess of the Tradition. |
An investiture ceremony for Lady Stephanie will occur as part of the Lustration of the Ancestors next spring in Jacksonville, Florida (April 15-17, 2016).
Congratulations to all of you, and to all of us to have so many wonderful people serving in so many capacities!
What a wonderful time it was!
Congratulations to all of you, and to all of us to have so many wonderful people serving in so many capacities!
What a wonderful time it was!
From Edward Highcorrell
The Parliament of the World’s Religions has had a profound effect on me.
These events have always guided my faith, giving focus to what it means to be Pagan in this Interfaith world. As a Wiccan and a Pagan, the Parliament has been an amazing journey, from being barely tolerated to being equally accepted on the global stage. |
In each previous Parliament, my personal ministry grew in its scope and depth following the event. This parliament in Salt Lake City was no different. It has brought me to a new level, transforming my faith to dig down and love deeper, giving me a new focus towards serving an Interfaith community in a Pagan way.
My inspiration and most importantly, the motivation to dedicate myself to developing seed banks came from a panel on Permaculture, discussing Seed Freedom, with Dr. Vivanda Shiva, Star Hawk, and Dr. Grove Harris. As I sat listening deeply to them, I felt their expression, their faith, and their commitment to assure seeds were available to women. They made it clear that whole communities’ health depended upon it. Seed represents freedom and freedom is what I deeply believe in. That these women were explaining heroic efforts to retain this basic inheritance, this right of the commons, and the right to ownership. They were filling in thoughts already planted by Mark Brown and Jess Call, who are discussing seed freedom in St. Louis. Sitting at the Parliament, that my calling saw the explicit need and where Pagans uniquely fit in this world. We love nature, and we can be sharers of seed, keepers of life. Seed Banks are the libraries of nature, and all libraries are sacred to us.
In this presentation, it finally engaged me that developing seed sharing, banking, and diversity is something that everyone needs. The freedom of having your ancestral knowledge, combined with living seed, is a direct path of our personal faith in Mother Earth. It is the ultimate representation of sacredness, to bring us back to the soil. We can be agents of life, preserving Mother Earth in her infinite diversity, as best we can.
As this sunk into me, being spirit-led to hear so many words, so many ideas, so many needs, and knowing that the world is in crisis, in change, and all we can really do is live our lives, and do the best we can. This concept of seed freedom, seed as inheritance, moves beyond being a sacred Pagan duty, and saw this as a human duty. As we saw from the Sixth Parliament of the World’s Religions, the divine feminine force, that all faiths seek to share in a continuing future for all humanity.
As an Interfaith Ministry, Pagans are uniquely adapted in both lifestyle and faith, to sharing and running seed banks. It is this skill set we have that forms a true common ground with everyone. After all, we all have stomachs and the desire for good healthy and tasty food. Seed sharing is a deeply shared religious need, human need, one that we can honor our ancestors, and provide an inheritance for our descendants. By this simple action, we have a tremendous opportunity to move towards the life we dream of, in a culture that accepts us, and a civilization we can build with.
Finally, upon returning home, the inspiration and the calling filled me, so it moves me to ask for help of my community to develop Sacred Seed Banks. This is so important, even if we simply start the project, we will find ourselves doing good. So it is I pledge myself to serve the divine, my goddess, Mother Gaia.
To share more contact Edward Highcorrell at [email protected]
My inspiration and most importantly, the motivation to dedicate myself to developing seed banks came from a panel on Permaculture, discussing Seed Freedom, with Dr. Vivanda Shiva, Star Hawk, and Dr. Grove Harris. As I sat listening deeply to them, I felt their expression, their faith, and their commitment to assure seeds were available to women. They made it clear that whole communities’ health depended upon it. Seed represents freedom and freedom is what I deeply believe in. That these women were explaining heroic efforts to retain this basic inheritance, this right of the commons, and the right to ownership. They were filling in thoughts already planted by Mark Brown and Jess Call, who are discussing seed freedom in St. Louis. Sitting at the Parliament, that my calling saw the explicit need and where Pagans uniquely fit in this world. We love nature, and we can be sharers of seed, keepers of life. Seed Banks are the libraries of nature, and all libraries are sacred to us.
In this presentation, it finally engaged me that developing seed sharing, banking, and diversity is something that everyone needs. The freedom of having your ancestral knowledge, combined with living seed, is a direct path of our personal faith in Mother Earth. It is the ultimate representation of sacredness, to bring us back to the soil. We can be agents of life, preserving Mother Earth in her infinite diversity, as best we can.
As this sunk into me, being spirit-led to hear so many words, so many ideas, so many needs, and knowing that the world is in crisis, in change, and all we can really do is live our lives, and do the best we can. This concept of seed freedom, seed as inheritance, moves beyond being a sacred Pagan duty, and saw this as a human duty. As we saw from the Sixth Parliament of the World’s Religions, the divine feminine force, that all faiths seek to share in a continuing future for all humanity.
As an Interfaith Ministry, Pagans are uniquely adapted in both lifestyle and faith, to sharing and running seed banks. It is this skill set we have that forms a true common ground with everyone. After all, we all have stomachs and the desire for good healthy and tasty food. Seed sharing is a deeply shared religious need, human need, one that we can honor our ancestors, and provide an inheritance for our descendants. By this simple action, we have a tremendous opportunity to move towards the life we dream of, in a culture that accepts us, and a civilization we can build with.
Finally, upon returning home, the inspiration and the calling filled me, so it moves me to ask for help of my community to develop Sacred Seed Banks. This is so important, even if we simply start the project, we will find ourselves doing good. So it is I pledge myself to serve the divine, my goddess, Mother Gaia.
To share more contact Edward Highcorrell at [email protected]