APRIL 18 - 20, YEAR 14 AQ.

roup Photo at PURE Sanctuary Temple site after Lustration ceremony. L to R: Rev. John Bertrum Ford, Rev. Angela Munn, Rt. Rev. Jason Highcorrell, Rev. Michael Neal, Rev. Lily Greene, Rev. Rick Keen, Rev. Elizabeth Hamilton, Rev. Eblis Dragon, Rev. Alyssa Maxon, Rt. Rev. Windy Lajoie, Rt. Rev. Stephanie Leon Neal, M. Rev. Donald Lewis, Rev. Janice Christian, and Rev. Terrie Brookins.
The Lustration of the Ancestors was held in Danville, Illinois, on the weekend of April 18 – 20. The Lustration was hosted by PURE Sanctuary Temple in Association with the Correll Mother Temple.
It has been six years since we last held a Global Lustration in Central Illinois, and it was wonderful to celebrate this most central of Correllian rituals in our homeland again. It is the plan of the Tradition to hereafter hold Lustration in Danville every five years –so we will be returning to Danville, in Year 19 Aq.
All Lustrations are special, and each has its own special flavor, but this Lustration was a uniquely transformative and magical event.
It has been six years since we last held a Global Lustration in Central Illinois, and it was wonderful to celebrate this most central of Correllian rituals in our homeland again. It is the plan of the Tradition to hereafter hold Lustration in Danville every five years –so we will be returning to Danville, in Year 19 Aq.
All Lustrations are special, and each has its own special flavor, but this Lustration was a uniquely transformative and magical event.

Four Correllian High Priestesses and a baby. L to R: Rev. Alyssa Maxon HPS of Dancers of Shakti and Nine Suns (New York), Rev. Virginia Powell HPS of Selu Temple (Illinois), Rev. Elizabeth Hamilton HPS of Dancers of Shakti (Pennsylvania), baby Mason (Kentucky), and Rev. Janice Christian HPS of Children of Gaia (Florida). Baby Mason is the grandson of both Lady Virginia and Lady Janice, making him the first Correllian baby to have both grandmothers be High Priestesses and Temple Heads
Activities began well before the weekend, with most of the Correllian Elders in town by Wednesday. Wednesday night Rev. Alyssa Maxon and Rev. Elizabeth Hamilton, Co-Heads for Dancers of Shakti Temple which originated in Danville during the 1970s, had their Third Degree initiations, joining the ranks of the Correllian High Priesthood. Those taking part in this ceremony included – besides myself, Chancellor Rev. Don Lewis – Retired First Priestess Krystel High-Correll, First Elder Stephanie Leon Neal, First Director Jason Highcorrell, High Priestess Gwen Mycroft, and High Priestess Janice Christian. This ceremony was held at the newly acquired PURE Sanctuary Temple building, the first ceremony to take place there – which is fitting since PURE Sanctuary was founded out of Dancers of Shakti when the latter was Headed by Arch Priestess Krystel.
Thursday was marked by a private pilgrimage to Under-The-Hill, the Ancestral home of the Correllian Tradition. Though the land has long passed out of the Highcorrell family, and the buildings have been cleared, traces remain of the foundations of the family houses. While on this pilgrimage a new Crystal Web Access Point was created, to augment those that are already present Under-The-Hill.
Thursday was marked by a private pilgrimage to Under-The-Hill, the Ancestral home of the Correllian Tradition. Though the land has long passed out of the Highcorrell family, and the buildings have been cleared, traces remain of the foundations of the family houses. While on this pilgrimage a new Crystal Web Access Point was created, to augment those that are already present Under-The-Hill.
This was followed by a pilgrimage to the High-Correll family graves, where prayers and offerings to the Ancestors were made.
Doors opened for Lustration weekend at noon on Friday at the Holiday Inn Express of Danville. A lunch was served, with the first activity being the Deemster’s Court. The Tradition has seated a new Templar Grand Deemstress, Rev. Angela Munn, to oversee the Temple Making Process, and this was her first public Deeming. Lady Angela was joined on the dais by Arch Priestess Windy Lajoie and Arch Priest Jason Highcorrell. Together the Deeming Tribunal heard applications from five groups seeking advancement. These included … Rev. Lily Greene acted as Deemster’s Herald. See the Deeming Ceremony at:
Doors opened for Lustration weekend at noon on Friday at the Holiday Inn Express of Danville. A lunch was served, with the first activity being the Deemster’s Court. The Tradition has seated a new Templar Grand Deemstress, Rev. Angela Munn, to oversee the Temple Making Process, and this was her first public Deeming. Lady Angela was joined on the dais by Arch Priestess Windy Lajoie and Arch Priest Jason Highcorrell. Together the Deeming Tribunal heard applications from five groups seeking advancement. These included … Rev. Lily Greene acted as Deemster’s Herald. See the Deeming Ceremony at:
After the Deeming, Rev. Don led a presentation on working with the Ancestors. This included a panel discussion with people who regularly work with the Ancestors, followed by a meditation and energetic attunement from the Ancestors. See Rev. Don’s Ancestor Presentation at:

Rev. Alyssa Maxon of the Order of Artificers poses with a display of Heraldic Banners she has crafted. Many of these were newly presented at this Lustration. Shown include banners for the Correll Mother Temple, PURE Sanctuary Temple, Dancers of Shakti Temple, Shrine of the Sacred Song, and personal banners of several members of the Council of Elders.
Next Rev. Alyssa Maxon, Head of the Order of Artificers presented personal and templar Heraldic banners to members of the Council of Elders. Templar banners included the Mother Temple, PURE Sanctuary Temple, and the Order of Worldwalkers. See the banner presentation at:
After the banner presentation, Arch Priestess Virginia “Bitterwind” Smith, Retired First Elder of the Correllian Tradition, spoke on the subject of artwork, and the meaning of “The Dragon and the Butterfly” –an artwork she had donated to the Tradition’s Silent Auction. See Lady Bitterwind’s presentation at:
After the banner presentation, Arch Priestess Virginia “Bitterwind” Smith, Retired First Elder of the Correllian Tradition, spoke on the subject of artwork, and the meaning of “The Dragon and the Butterfly” –an artwork she had donated to the Tradition’s Silent Auction. See Lady Bitterwind’s presentation at:
inally current First Elder, Arch Priestess Stephanie Leon Neal, and Rev. Lily Greene gave a brief presentation on the Tradition’s revamped Intensives Program. Many years ago the Tradition required a series of Sixteen Modules, or Intensives, as part of its Third Degree Program. These were eventually done away with. It has been a two-year collaborative effort between Rev. Don, Rev. Stephanie, and Rev. Lily working to revive the Intensives Program, and this Lustration was the occasion for announcing their return. Unlike before, the Intensives will not be required for Third Degree status, but will be available as elective studies for anyone who wishes to take them. See the Intensives Presentation at: Learn more about the Intensive Program from Rev. Lily Greene at: [email protected]
This marked the end of formal activities for Friday night, and all adjourned for dinner at the DeCoral restaurant.
Saturday’s activities began at 10 AM with a workshop on Energy Working by Rev. Alyssa Maxon. Lady Alyssa discussed various aspects of energy working together with her experiences and perspective as a professional body worker. See Lady Alyssa’s workshop at:
Next Arch Priestess Krystel High-Correll, Retired First Priestess of the Tradition, led a Message Circle. This proved to be the most interactive Message Circle ever held at a Lustration, with the majority of people in the circle bringing through messages. This may have been facilitated in part by the energetic attunement by the Ancestors the previous evening.
This marked the end of formal activities for Friday night, and all adjourned for dinner at the DeCoral restaurant.
Saturday’s activities began at 10 AM with a workshop on Energy Working by Rev. Alyssa Maxon. Lady Alyssa discussed various aspects of energy working together with her experiences and perspective as a professional body worker. See Lady Alyssa’s workshop at:
Next Arch Priestess Krystel High-Correll, Retired First Priestess of the Tradition, led a Message Circle. This proved to be the most interactive Message Circle ever held at a Lustration, with the majority of people in the circle bringing through messages. This may have been facilitated in part by the energetic attunement by the Ancestors the previous evening.
During lunch we were joined by Michael Ferrell, President of Witch School International, Kellie Ferrell, Retired First Elder Edward Highcorrell, and MaryAnn Kay of MyMysticGems. At this time Michael announced the publication, after thirty years in the making, of the Tarot of Hekate and presented the very first copy of the deck to Arch Priestess Bitterwind, who had collaborated with Rev. Don in designing the deck back in the early ‘80s. This was a wonderful event and the people were very excited to see the deck! We were also all very happy to see Ed and MaryAnn, who have contributed so much to the Tradition and to WSI over the years.
First Elder Stephanie Leon Neal then spoke about the state of the Tradition, and how the present and future are built upon the shoulders of the past. Lady Stephanie spoke about the contributions of previous First Priesthood and Elders of the Tradition, including those living Elders who are now in Retirement, and how they have contributed to the Tradition’s well being. See Lady Stephanie’s presentation at:
Next Lord Jason led a tour of Correllian Danville. Participants were taken to Ellsworth park, where the sacred water used in Correllians Lustrations is normally gathered from the Vermilion river. Participants were able to go right up to the river, which is readily accessible. This is an extraordinarily beautiful spot, not far from the “Goddess of Danville” –the famous Laredo Taft sculpture of Minerva whose majestic presence dominates south Danville.
Next Lord Jason led a tour of Correllian Danville. Participants were taken to Ellsworth park, where the sacred water used in Correllians Lustrations is normally gathered from the Vermilion river. Participants were able to go right up to the river, which is readily accessible. This is an extraordinarily beautiful spot, not far from the “Goddess of Danville” –the famous Laredo Taft sculpture of Minerva whose majestic presence dominates south Danville.

At the Vermilion River, Danville, IL. L to R: (Standing) Dan, Rev. John Ford, Rev. Eblis Dragon, Rev. Rick Keen,
Arch Priestess Krystel High-Correll, Arch Priest Donald Lewis-Highcorrell, Rev. Janice Christian, Rev. Elizabeth Hamilton,
Arch Priest Jason Highcorrell, Rev. Alyssa Maxon, Rev. Angela Munn, Lisa, (Kneeling) Rev. Lily Greene,
Rev. Terrie Brookins, Angie Power, Rev. Terry Power.
After this we continued on to Under-The-Hill for a tour of where Caroline’s and her family’s houses had once stood. The most remarkable aspect of this stop Under-The-Hill was the re-emergence of Caroline’s Spring. This cold water spring had once flowed under Caroline High Correll’s house Under-The-Hill, but had been capped off by her son William in the 1960s. Nothing more was heard of this spring nor was it present in succeeding years, including the visit Under-The-Hill just a few days before (though there had been a little mud whose significance we did not them realize). But on Lustration Saturday we found the spring had broken through the ground and was flowing in a new location not far from where Caroline’s house had once stood. We regard this as an omen of great things to come.
Finally, we continued on to PURE Sanctuary Temple so that everyone could see where the Lustration ceremony was to be held. PURE Sanctuary Temple, co-hosting this event with the Correll Mother Temple, is one of very few Correllian Temples that ever had their own dedicated Temple buildings –the only other at present being Sacred Sea Temple in Georgia. However the old PURE Sanctuary Temple site had been destroyed, leaving the Temple without a physical location until this new site was acquired. The new Temple building and adjoining House of Contemplation are lovely and are expected to be the site for future Danville Lustrations.
We then gathered for a massive dinner at the Village Garden restaurant.
We then gathered for a massive dinner at the Village Garden restaurant.

Group photo after Initiation Ceremony on Saturday night. L to R: Arch Priestess Stephanie Neal,
High Priestess Angela Munn, High Priestess Lily Greene, High Priestess Alyssa Maxon, Priest John Bertrum Ford,
Arch Priest Donald Lewis-Highcorrell, High Priest Richard Keen, Arch Priestess Windy Lajoie, High Priest Eblis Dragon,
High Priestess Elizabeth Hamilton, Priest Michael Neal, and Priestess Terrie Brookins.
After this we us returned to PURE Sanctuary Temple for initiations. Rev. Lily Greene received her Third Degree initiation, and Rev. John Bertrum Ford of Canada received his First Degree initiation. Officiants included Chancellor Don Lewis, First Priestess Regent Traci Logan Wood, First Elder Stephanie Neal, First Director Jason Highcorrell, Arch Priestess Windy Lajoie, High Priestess Gwen Mycroft, High Priest Rick Keen, High Priestess Angela Munn, High Priest Eblis Dragon of Mexico, High Priestess Alyssa Maxon, High Priestess Elizabeth Hamilton, and in the First Degree ceremony Rev. Michael Neal and Rev. Terrie Brookins of Canada.
To all those initiated at Lustration –Congratulations!
To all those initiated at Lustration –Congratulations!
Finally came Sunday and the Lustration ceremony itself.
The ceremony began with a beautiful offering of song by Rev. Terrie Brookins.
Rev. John Bertrum Ford acted as Guardian: Rev. Alyssa Maxon acted as Vocifer: Arch Priestess Windy Lajoie acted as Sonifer: Rev. Elizabeth Hamilton acted as Aquifer and Lucifer: Rev. Rick Keen and Rev. Janice Christian acted as Junovocator and Genovocator: Rev. Elizabeth Hamilton in the East, Rev. Mike Neal in the South, Rev. Eblis Dragon in the West, Rev. Terrie Brookins in the North, acted as Quarter Guardians: Rev. Rick Keen acted as Rite Lector with Rev. Eblis Dragon and Rev. Alyssa Maxon as Rite Priest and Priestess: Rev. Angela Munn acted for the First Elder with Rev. Elizabeth Hamilton as Elder’s Herald: Arch Priestess Stephanie Neal acted for the First Priestess: and Rev. Don Lewis was First Priest. Arch Priest Jason Highcorrell, Rev. Lily Greene, and Rev. Terry Power acted as camera people. Other attendees included Rev. Gwen Mycroft, Angie power, and longtime Friend of the Tradition Lady Feri. The ceremony was also watched by a number of neighbors and local people who seemed to enjoy the occasion.
The ceremony began with a beautiful offering of song by Rev. Terrie Brookins.
Rev. John Bertrum Ford acted as Guardian: Rev. Alyssa Maxon acted as Vocifer: Arch Priestess Windy Lajoie acted as Sonifer: Rev. Elizabeth Hamilton acted as Aquifer and Lucifer: Rev. Rick Keen and Rev. Janice Christian acted as Junovocator and Genovocator: Rev. Elizabeth Hamilton in the East, Rev. Mike Neal in the South, Rev. Eblis Dragon in the West, Rev. Terrie Brookins in the North, acted as Quarter Guardians: Rev. Rick Keen acted as Rite Lector with Rev. Eblis Dragon and Rev. Alyssa Maxon as Rite Priest and Priestess: Rev. Angela Munn acted for the First Elder with Rev. Elizabeth Hamilton as Elder’s Herald: Arch Priestess Stephanie Neal acted for the First Priestess: and Rev. Don Lewis was First Priest. Arch Priest Jason Highcorrell, Rev. Lily Greene, and Rev. Terry Power acted as camera people. Other attendees included Rev. Gwen Mycroft, Angie power, and longtime Friend of the Tradition Lady Feri. The ceremony was also watched by a number of neighbors and local people who seemed to enjoy the occasion.
As you know, the names of Correllians and Friends of the Tradition who have passed during the year since the previous Lustration of the Ancestors are read aloud and honored as Ancestors as part of the ceremony. This year there were a large number of new Ancestors to be honored: these included Her Holiness the Most Reverend the Honorable Olivia Robertson, Co-founder of the Fellowship of Isis and long time Friend of the Tradition: Her Grace the Arch Priestess Deena Celeste Butta, Isian Arch Priestess and long time Friend of the Tradition: Her Grace the Arch Priestess Laura Janesdaughter, Isian Arch Priestess and Correllian High Priestess: Rev. Anthony Tony Bravi of Moon Water Witan Shrine: Rev. Kimber Marett: and Chris Cook. To you who sit now among the Ancestors we say thank you for all you brought to this world in life, and for sharing your journey with us! Beloved Ones, may you be Blessed always!
The Oracle of the Ancestors was: “Many days have transpired since we have begun this path. Many days more await. This day –this week- marks and acceleration of the walk along that path. As you go forward from this place you will find changes, subtle and profound, in your energy and your working. Chief among these is your awareness of our own presence. Each year has marked an acceleration, though you have often been unaware of that. This year –you will be aware. Many things await in the world this coming year, which are the furrowing of the soil for the garden. The seeds are growing and shall grow stronger, and shall be expanded into newly furrowed soil. Consider yourselves among the gardeners and know that each of you shall be called upon to your own specific plants which will need tending and care but which will grow –no matter what else is happening. The time is here –and long past here- for this work we do! We are far into the garden, but more awaits. Know that the changes you have seen in recent days are but a token of changes yet to come! These then are our words to you –may the blessing be upon you now and always.”
Templar Grand Deemstress Angela Munn announced the results of the Deeming session, which were: Our Lady of the Circle of the Oaks Witan Shrine under Rev. Charles Chapman is advanced to Proto-Temple: Arcere Witan Shrine under Rev. Sinn Erudite is advanced to Proto-Temple: Templo de Hecate Proto-Temple under Rev. Ayra Alseret, is advanced to full Temple status:
Arch Priestess Windy Lajoie announced the results of this seasons Awards Cycle, which were: The Order of the Copper Athame to Rev. Lon Dubh for creating online educational material for student in Spain, the Order of the Golden Wand to Rev. Robbie McDowell for his compassion in assisting a student whose children passed, to Rev. Purple Tide for creating a Correllian presence in Morocco, to Rev. John Ford for his service as Rev. Alyssa’s department assistant in the First Degree Department, Rev. Kent Hesselbeine for taking over the Spotlight Light Interviews, Rev. Chuck Chapman HP for keeping the Groups lively and his weekly teaching, Rev. Sinn Erudite For helping with Word Smiths in several capacities, to Rev. Phoenix Cee-Williams For keeping the Second Degree Department hopping, to Lady Alyssa Maxon for instituting Throw back Thursdays as well as continuing developing the Artificers' Order and the Banners, to Lady Sande Smith for instituting Inspiration Thursday and Fridays, to Lady Elizabeth Hamilton for working on updating the site along with many other admin tasks she has accomplished, to Rev. Morne Pretorius for his work as Shrine Keeper the Sewanian Wolf Witan Shrine, to Lady Zaina Katherina Ghazzoul for her many live and online weekly Degree Classes: The Order of the Silver Chalice to Lady Lily Green for helping Lord Don and Lady Stephanie revamp the Intensives for the last two years as well as activating the Entertainment and Arts Departments: The Order of the Iron Pentacle to Rev. Ayra Alseret for her work mentoring in Morocco: The Order of the Thurible to Lady Harwe Tuileva for her continued hard work on the Spanish Correllian Shaman.
And finally in addition to our ordinary Awards Cycle, we also have a special presentation of the Order of Tsalu to Rev. Rolando Comon AKA Apu Aghama, for his humanitarian efforts in helping others in the aftermath of the Philippines typhoon tragedy.
Congratulations to all Award winners and all successful Deemings!
Also during the ceremony, stones donated by Rev. Brett Burgell of Clan of Kheper Temple in Africa at last year’s Global Lustration, were distributed among Temple Heads.
The ceremony was followed by a wonderful feast of chili and vegetable soup with corn bread made by the incomparable Rev. Gwen Mycroft!
You can see the Lustration ceremony in two parts at and
Congratulations to all Award winners and all successful Deemings!
Also during the ceremony, stones donated by Rev. Brett Burgell of Clan of Kheper Temple in Africa at last year’s Global Lustration, were distributed among Temple Heads.
The ceremony was followed by a wonderful feast of chili and vegetable soup with corn bread made by the incomparable Rev. Gwen Mycroft!
You can see the Lustration ceremony in two parts at and
I want to thank Rev. Jason Highcorrell and Rev. Gwen Mycroft of PURE Sanctuary Temple for all of their efforts in staging this wonderful event! We are all very grateful or your hard work! I also want to thank all those who traveled far to join us for Lustration in the Homeland: Rev. Stephanie and Rev. Mike Neal from Georgia: Rev. Windy Lajoie from Massachusetts: Rev. Janice Christian and Rev. Rick Keen from Florida: Rev. Terrie Brookins and Rev. John Ford from Canada: Rev. Eblis Dragon from Mexico: Rev. Alyssa Maxon from New York: Rev. Elisabeth Hamilton from Pennsylvania: Rev. Terry and Angie Power from Georgia: Thank you everyone!
Lustration in Danville was a wonderful event and we look forward to next year’s Lustration of the Ancestors at Sacred Moon Garden Temple in San Antonio Texas! Hope to see you there!
Lustration in Danville was a wonderful event and we look forward to next year’s Lustration of the Ancestors at Sacred Moon Garden Temple in San Antonio Texas! Hope to see you there!