Sacred Fire Temple, Arlington, TX, USA
22-24 April, Year 11 Aq.
22-24 April, Year 11 Aq.
The Lustration of the Ancestors was held at Sacred Fire Temple in Arlington, Texas, the weekend of 22 - 24 April, Year 11 Aq. This was the Correllian Tradition's first Lustration ceremony in the Southwest, and it went quite well. The Lustration was very well attended and a great deal of fun.
We are very grateful to Rev. Mike and the members of Sacred Fire Temple who worked very hard for many months to make this event the success that it was! Thank you Sacred Fire Temple!
We are very grateful to Rev. Mike and the members of Sacred Fire Temple who worked very hard for many months to make this event the success that it was! Thank you Sacred Fire Temple!
Featured speakers included M. Rev. Donald Lewis, Rt. Rev. Stephanie Neal, Rt. Rev. Terry Power. Famed entertainer Wendy Rule performed two wonderful concerts during the weekend! See the Lustration ceremony above and watch for more video at Magick TV!
The Lustration began Friday evening, April 22, with a gala dinner to welcome Lustration attendees. The keynote speaker was M. Rev. Don Lewis, Chancellor of the Correllian Tradition. The sumptuous feast featured TexMex cuisine and was greatly enjoyed by all. |
At 7 PM we gathered for the Deeming ceremony. The Deeming ceremony has become an important feature of Lustration weekend over the years, and is the ceremony in which Correllian groups are deemed as to their readiness to progress to their next level in the Temple Making process. For this Deeming ceremony Correllian Chancellor Rev. Don Lewis was joined by Rev. Stephanie Neal HP of Sacred Sea Temple in Georgia, and by Rev. Eblis HP of Dragon Temple in Morelos Mexico. |
Groups up for deeming this time included
Circle in the Oaks Proto-Temple (South Carolina, US), Heilen Proto-Temple (Tennessee, US), Clan of Mafdet Proto-Temple (Gauteng, South Africa), Aurora Australis Witan Shrine (Victoria, Australia), Tituba Witan Shrine (Massachusetts, US), Sacred Moon Garden Witan Shrine (Texas, US), and Temple of the Trees Witan Shrine (Maryland, US). After the Deeming came a very special event: the first of two Wendy Rule concerts! Wendy Rule, one of the most talented and exciting performers in the Pagan world, entertained the assembly with a selection of her music. Wendy's voice is amazing, with a wonderfully wide range and a deeply evocative quality - her music never fails to stir the spirit and the uplift the heart. |
After the Wendy Rule concert Friday night concluded with Third Degree initiations. The initiates this evening were Rev. Eblis of Dragon Temple, Mexico, and Rev. Joe Burton both of whom were already members of the High Priesthood but who wished to confirm their initiations at Lustration. Initiatory confirmations during Lustration weekend have become quite a common practice in recent years. |
Saturday saw a number of interesting speakers including Rev. Steff Neal, Rev. Terry Power, and John Smotherman.
Saturday evening the Lustration Silent Auction ended. This Silent Auction was the largest yet, with all manner of wonderful items donated by Correllians for the benefit of the Correllian Tradition. Run by Rev. Mike Neal, who always does a superlative job, the Silent Auction is a great way to get some beautiful items and support your Tradition at the same time!
At 7 PM on Saturday those members of the Witan present at the Lustration gathered for a meeting of the Council.
The two Mikes, Rev. Mike of Sacred Fire Temple and Rev. Michael of Sacred Sea Temple, acted as Heralds to the Chancellor for the event.
As a rule the Witan does not do any actual business at Lustrations, because so few of the members of this international body are likely to be present at any given Lustration, but Lustration Witan meetings are often the occasion of important announcements, as well as occasions to make proposals or discuss policy.
At this meeting a number of important announcements were made, the majority of which were in the form of a letter from the Council of Elders. You can see the actual announcements on video HERE. The text of the letter follows below:
The two Mikes, Rev. Mike of Sacred Fire Temple and Rev. Michael of Sacred Sea Temple, acted as Heralds to the Chancellor for the event.
As a rule the Witan does not do any actual business at Lustrations, because so few of the members of this international body are likely to be present at any given Lustration, but Lustration Witan meetings are often the occasion of important announcements, as well as occasions to make proposals or discuss policy.
At this meeting a number of important announcements were made, the majority of which were in the form of a letter from the Council of Elders. You can see the actual announcements on video HERE. The text of the letter follows below:
To: The honored members of the Witan Council
As you may know the Council of Elders have resolved for several years to accept no new Council members who have served the Tradition for fewer than fifteen years. We feel that this rule has kept the Council of Elders stable, but it has also made it very difficult for the Council to expand, as only a small portion of our Priesthood meet this criteria. As the Council has grown older, and several members have entered into poor health, the issue of expanding the Council has become an increasingly important one.
As you may know the Council of Elders have resolved for several years to accept no new Council members who have served the Tradition for fewer than fifteen years. We feel that this rule has kept the Council of Elders stable, but it has also made it very difficult for the Council to expand, as only a small portion of our Priesthood meet this criteria. As the Council has grown older, and several members have entered into poor health, the issue of expanding the Council has become an increasingly important one.
Members of the Witan Council present at Lustration: Rt. Rev. Stephanie Neal HP of Sacred Sea Temple, Rev. Don, Rt. Rev. Windy Lajoie HP, Rt. Rev. Terry Power of Celtic Cross Temple, Rev. Janice Nalis HP of Children of Gaia Temple, Rev. Eblis HP of Dragon Temple, and Rev. Liz Hamilton of Dancers of Shakti Temple.
On April 1st, Year 11 Aquarius, in order to better prepare the Correllian Nativist Tradition for the future, the Correllian Council of Elders unanimously agreed to create a new position of Provisional Elder. This position will confer all of the duties, rights, and privileges due to an Elder of our tradition, but may be removed by either the First Priest or First Priestess, or by a 2/3 vote of all Vested Elders, for any reason of their choosing. Upon their fifth year of service as a Provisional Elder or upon their 15th year of Service as an initiated Priest/ess of the Tradition, the Provisional Elder will be eligible to become a fully Vested Elder.
This position of Provisional Elder will be continued until we have a established a stronger and healthier council, and will remain in effect until March 31st, 2021. At that time the Elder Council will once again convene to consider continuing or ending this rule.
This position of Provisional Elder will be continued until we have a established a stronger and healthier council, and will remain in effect until March 31st, 2021. At that time the Elder Council will once again convene to consider continuing or ending this rule.
We, The Council of Elders, have chosen this course of action as the Tradition is in need of expanded leadership, to fulfill the duties and offices needed for a Tradition that has become truly global. We respect the membership and felt a need to at least temporarily ameliorate the fifteen year rule, until such time as we can suitably grow the Council of Elders to better handle the expanding requirements of the Tradition.
We now ask the Witan Council to accept and endorse this doctrine which the Council of Elder has seen fit to place into the Bylaws of the Correllian Tradition. |
Rev. Ser Jason Mycroft Highcorrell, Lord of the Pure Sanctuary who now becomes a fully Vested Elder, having served as a Priest of the Tradition since 1996.
Rev. Green Owl, Lady of Trianna, who now becomes a Provisional Elder. Lady Green Owl will become a Vested Elder in 2015. Rev. Anna Rowe, Lady of Sedna, who now becomes a Provisional Elder. Lady Anna will become a Vested Elder in 2015. Rev. Windy Lajoie, Lady of the Hooded Crone, who now becomes a Provisional Elder. Lady Windy will become a Vested Elder in 2015. Rev. Stephanie Neal, Lady of the Sacred Sea, who now becomes a Provisional Elder. Lady Stephanie will become a Vested Elder in 2016. |
Rev. Terry Power, Lord of the Celtic Cross, who now becomes a Provisional Elder. Lord Terry will become a Vested Elder in 2016.
Rev. Raene Packery, Lady of the Clan of Kheper, who now becomes a Provisional Elder. Lady Raene will become a Vested Elder in 2016. We, the Council of Elders, hereby thank you for your recognition of these elevations, and we thank you for honoring and respecting the wishes of the Elders, and we pray that you will ratify our considerations at this Lustration of April 23rd, 2011. Blessings Rt. Rev. Ser Edward August Highcorrell, Elder and First Director of the Tradition. Speaking on behalf of the Correllian Council of Elders” |
In addition to this expansion of the Council of Elders, Correllian Chancellor M. Rev. Donald Lewis also announced some changes in the standing of the existing Vested Elders.
The eldest member of the Council of Elders, Rt. Rev. Virginia Bitterwind Smith, who has served as First Elder of the Correllian Tradition for nearly a quarter century, has been experiencing a number of health issues during the last few years. Because of this ArchPriestess Bitterwind has decided that the time has come for her to retire from the post of First Elder, as she no longer feels that she can adequately carry out the duties of the office. Lady Bitterwind will now be known as First Elder Retired, and will continue to enjoy the same level of respect and dignity. To become the new First Elder the Council has chosen Rt. Rev. Ser Edward Highcorrell. May the blessing be upon the First Elder!
In addition M. Rev. Krystel High-Correll, First Priestess of the Correllian Tradition, has already been in retirement for several years now. As Retired First Priestess Lady Krystel does and always will enjoy the same level of respect and dignity that she has born for the last three decades of her imperium. Now, after much consideration, we are pleased to announce an Heir to the office of First Priestess: Lady Krystel and the entirety of the Council of Elders are pleased to name Rt. Rev. Traci as Heiress and Acting First Priestess, in accordance with the Rules of Succession of the Correllian Tradition as outlined in the Tradition bylaws. May the Blessing be upon the Acting First Priestess!
We are confident that these changes will help the Correllian Tradition to better meet the many challenges that face us as a global Tradition. We hope that you will join us in welcoming all of the new Elders and the new Officers of Tradition.
Following the Witan meeting we were treated to a second wonderful concert from the very gracious and talented Wendy Rule!
Following the Witan meeting we were treated to a second wonderful concert from the very gracious and talented Wendy Rule!
Saturday evening concluded with initiations for First and Second Degree Clergy and Dedications for Outer Court.
Sunday morning brought the Lustration ceremony itself, always the highlight of Lustration weekend.
Rt. Rev. Terry Power of Celtic Cross Temple acted as Guardian for the ceremony.
Rev. Janis Christian of Children of Gaia Temple acted as Vocifer.
Rev. Sande Shakura Smith of Circle of Atargatis Proto-Temple acted as Sonifer.
Rev. Karen Kelly of Sacred Moon Garden acted as Guardian for the East.
Sunday morning brought the Lustration ceremony itself, always the highlight of Lustration weekend.
Rt. Rev. Terry Power of Celtic Cross Temple acted as Guardian for the ceremony.
Rev. Janis Christian of Children of Gaia Temple acted as Vocifer.
Rev. Sande Shakura Smith of Circle of Atargatis Proto-Temple acted as Sonifer.
Rev. Karen Kelly of Sacred Moon Garden acted as Guardian for the East.
Rev. Catherine Bolton acted as Guardian for the South. Rev. Patricia Worrell of Cardinal Points Witan Shrine acted as Guardian for the West. Rev. Jeffrey Worrell of Cardinal Points Witan Shrine acted as Guardian for the North. Rev. Peter acted as Aquifer, blessing the salt and the water, and cleansing the Circle. Rev. Debby Smith of Circle of Atargatis Proto- Temple acted as Lucifer, blessing the fire and the incense, and charging the Circle. |
Rev. Angela Munn of Compassion Crafts Shrine acted as Junovocator to the First Priestess.
Rev. Mike of Sacred Fire Temple acted as Genevocator to the First Priest. Dr. Joshua and Chris Arkaine of Flowing Water Shrine acted as Rite Priest and Priestess, with Rev. Joseph Burton as Rite Lector. Rev. Eblis of Dragon Temple acted as Elders' Lector. Rev. Liz Hamilton of Dancers of Shakti Temple acted as Elders' Herald. Rt. Rev. Windy Lajoie of Hooded Crone Shrine acted for the First Elder. Rt. Rev. Stephanie Neal of Sacred Sea Temple acted for the First Priestess. |
The First Priest of Tradition, M. Rev. Donald Lewis, enacted his own role in the ceremony and brought through the Oracle, which is of course one of the most important aspects of the rite.
The Oracle for this Lustration was:
The Oracle for this Lustration was:
"We say to you that the Dragon stirs beneath the surface of the Earth, and the wind in the air. We say to that the Dragon stirs among the stars, and the world is changing even as you watch. Behold -the future is the past, but it is different from the past and it will never be quite the same again. All things repeat, but they never repeat exactly. The roads that you are walking are familiar, and totally new at the same time! As you go forward you may not feel the changes that are unfolding, but they unfold beneath your feet as you walk.
"The nature of the world you are living in will be so different by the end of this year -even more so in the coming year- that if we told you all that will come to pass you could not comprehend it. The very way you speak to one another will be different by the time we speak in Africa. The great ones of this world will be different by the time we speak in Africa. In every land the rivers are running -of thought, and word, and spirit. And wherever they are running they are cutting new roads, and you will see these roads unfold before you. You will not know what to think of them, but if you WALK them, you will understand them.
"The world is becoming a better place through these things, but as they happen...many blockages are being removed. For many there is fear and pain, but if you watch you will know happiness in these changes. You will see...mountains rising up, islands swallowed by the waters, within the culture of humanity. And you -our children- will be among the mountains, not the islands: though you may not know it as the mountain rises. You will see the Gate is open, the way IS unblocked, and you are moving forward. Beloved Ones, we have come before you but we walk with you now -we go through this gate together and into a future where so many things are unfolding that we have spoken of, which you have worked for, that everything will be different. These then are our words to you."
"The nature of the world you are living in will be so different by the end of this year -even more so in the coming year- that if we told you all that will come to pass you could not comprehend it. The very way you speak to one another will be different by the time we speak in Africa. The great ones of this world will be different by the time we speak in Africa. In every land the rivers are running -of thought, and word, and spirit. And wherever they are running they are cutting new roads, and you will see these roads unfold before you. You will not know what to think of them, but if you WALK them, you will understand them.
"The world is becoming a better place through these things, but as they happen...many blockages are being removed. For many there is fear and pain, but if you watch you will know happiness in these changes. You will see...mountains rising up, islands swallowed by the waters, within the culture of humanity. And you -our children- will be among the mountains, not the islands: though you may not know it as the mountain rises. You will see the Gate is open, the way IS unblocked, and you are moving forward. Beloved Ones, we have come before you but we walk with you now -we go through this gate together and into a future where so many things are unfolding that we have spoken of, which you have worked for, that everything will be different. These then are our words to you."
There were many announcements made during this Lustration, including announcing again all of the newly acclaimed Elders and the new First Elder and First Priestess Elect. We also announced the results of Friday evenings Deeming session.
The results of the weekend's Deemings were as follows:
Circle in the Oaks Proto-Temple
Rev. Bruce Richards, HP
Advanced to Full Temple
Rev. Bruce Richards, HP
Advanced to Full Temple
Heilen Proto-Temple
Rev. T. K. Heilen (Co-Head Rev. Naharin)
Advanced to Full Temple
Rev. T. K. Heilen (Co-Head Rev. Naharin)
Advanced to Full Temple
Clan of Mafdet Proto-Temple
Rt. Rev. Raene Packery HP CCE
Advanced to Full Temple
Rt. Rev. Raene Packery HP CCE
Advanced to Full Temple
Aurora Australis Witan Shrine
Rev. Olivia Watts HP
Advanced to Full Temple
Rev. Olivia Watts HP
Advanced to Full Temple
Tituba Witan Shrine
Rt. Rev. Ed Hubbard, HP CCE
Advanced to Full Temple
Rt. Rev. Ed Hubbard, HP CCE
Advanced to Full Temple
Sacred Moon Garden Witan Shrine
Rev. Karen Kelly
Advanced to Proto-Temple
Rev. Karen Kelly
Advanced to Proto-Temple
Temple of the Trees Witan Shrine
Rev. Connie Blankenship
Advanced to Proto-Temple
Rev. Connie Blankenship
Advanced to Proto-Temple
At every Lustration we also offer awards to recognize the efforts of notable Correllians in the fields of art, education, leadership, and spirituality.
The results of this Award Cycle are: Order of the Golden Wand MaryAnn Kay, Hon. HP Rev. White Eagle Rev. Millie Toupes Rev. Angela Munn Order of the Silver Chalice Larry "Zaracon Sodders" Order of the Iron Pentacle Rev. Karen Silva Order of the Thurible Rev. Gail Selvig Rev. Michael |
Also during the ceremony Wendy Rule was honored for her many contributions to the Pagan community and presented with a Stole as an Honorary High Priestess of the Correllian Tradition. Wendy Rule is not only a magnificent performer, but she is also a truly good person. As the Chancellor said to her during the ceremony: "For someone as talented and as famous as you are, you are a wonderfully nice person." |
All in all this Lustration was a great success and was much enjoyed by everyone present. It was a weekend of momentous changes and many happy hours as well. We thank Rev. Mike and the members of Sacred Fire Temple for making this such a pleasant and memorable experience!
We look forward to next years Lustration of the Ancestors, which will be hosted by Sacred Sea Temple in Powder Springs, Georgia!
We look forward to next years Lustration of the Ancestors, which will be hosted by Sacred Sea Temple in Powder Springs, Georgia!