Lustration of the Living
August 31 - September 2, Year 7 Aquarius
Vermilion County, Illinois, USA
Vermilion County, Illinois, USA
This years Lustration of the Living was held in Vermilion County Illinois, homeland of Correllianism, over the Labor Day weekend from 31 August to 2 September. The weekend's events took place at the new Witch School Headquarters, Hesychia House of Contemplation, both in Rossville, Illinois, and at Rev. Kim Ander's outdoor ritual circle in Danville, Illinois.
Rev. Kim, a senior Priestess and former Head of the Temple of the Enchanted Realm, kindly opened her beautiful ritual circle to us. This circle stands on land that Rev. Kim's family ahs owned for a century, and has been lovingly constructed by Rev. Kim and her husband. We are very grateful to Rev. Kim for opening her circle to the Lustration.
This years Lustration of the Living was held in Vermilion County Illinois, homeland of Correllianism, over the Labor Day weekend from 31 August to 2 September. The weekend's events took place at the new Witch School Headquarters, Hesychia House of Contemplation, both in Rossville, Illinois, and at Rev. Kim Ander's outdoor ritual circle in Danville, Illinois.
Rev. Kim, a senior Priestess and former Head of the Temple of the Enchanted Realm, kindly opened her beautiful ritual circle to us. This circle stands on land that Rev. Kim's family ahs owned for a century, and has been lovingly constructed by Rev. Kim and her husband. We are very grateful to Rev. Kim for opening her circle to the Lustration.
The first event of Lustration was a Rites of Passage class conducted on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons by Rev. Jacqueline "Twin" deGraaf. The class was held in the classroom/library of the new Witch School Headquarters in Rossville.
As you may know the School had only just acquired this new building in July, and so this was the first time that most Lustration attendees got to see it.
Although Witch School is a secular organization which is separate from the Correllian Tradition, most current Correllian Clergy received their training from the School, which is the foremost resource for Correllian Clerical training in the world. Friday evening the weekend got off to its official start with the Crystal Ball, held at Hesychia House of Contemplation. As usual people had come from all over to attend Lustration, and many of them stayed at Hesychia House, which is a Bed and Breakfast as well as a spiritual retreat center. |
Several of the of the weekend's events would be held at Hesychia House, including the Crystal Ball on Friday, and Temple Deemings and picnic on Saturday. We are grateful to Rev. Debbe Tompkins, Head of the Order of Hesychia and owner of Hesychia House, for opening it to the Lustration. Perhaps most notably a large portion of the membership of Spiral Light Shrine (Connecticut) had caravanned from the East Coast to attend. |
Headed by Rev. Alyssa Maxon, Spiral Light Shrine had just moved from being a Formal Shrine to holding Witan Shrine status. Being a Witan Shrine is the first step in the Temple-making process.
The Deeming, by which groups advance through the Temple-making process, is an important part of every Lustration. The Correllian Temple-making process currently takes several years and involves several Deemings, as groups advance through the stages which lead to full Temple status.
The Deeming, by which groups advance through the Temple-making process, is an important part of every Lustration. The Correllian Temple-making process currently takes several years and involves several Deemings, as groups advance through the stages which lead to full Temple status.
The Deemsters' Court in the Temple Room at Hesychia.
L to R: Lady Stephanie of Sacred Sea (Georgia), Lady Windy of Hooded Crone (Massachusetts),
Lady Virginia of Selu (Illinois), Arch Priestess Krystel, Rev. Pete of Northern Lakes (Wisconsin),
Rev. Aphrodite of Lady of Light (Arkansas), and Lady Debbe of Hesychia Order.
Groups being Deemed for Temple status this Fall included Dreaming Dragon of Corpus Christi, Texas, Headed by the High Priestess Joy Dupnik: Lady of Light Sister Circle of Arkansas, Headed by Rev. Aphrodite: Sacred Sea of Georgia, Headed by the High Priestess Stephanie Neal: and Sanctuaire du Corbeau of Quebec, Canada, Headed by Rev. Mishka Mayana.
Being Deemed for Proto-Temple status were Northern Lakes Shrine of Wisconsin, Headed by Rev. Peter Hertzberg: and Sekhmet of Ontario, Canada, Headed by the High Priestess Mary Keller. |
Led by First Priestess Lady Krystel, the Deemsters included the High Priestesses Windy LaJoie of Hooded Crone Shrine in Massachusetts, and Debbe Tompkins Head of the Order of Hesychia.
The ceremony was held in the Temple room of Hesychia house,
Rev. Steff of Sacred Sea and Rev. Pete of Northern Lakes were personally in attendance.
Rev. Aphrodite of Lady of Light was also personally in attendance, having driven all night to be at the Deeming, and arriving just before her name was called.
After the Temple Deemings a picnic lunch was held on the Hesychia grounds. This was a pleasant, laid-back social time which allowed everyone to visit informally and get to know each other better. After lunch First Priestess Lady Krystel surprised everyone by holding an impromptu message circle, bringing through spirit messages for each person present. |
In the evening we convened at Rev Kim Ander's ritual ground for initiations. Initiations are always an important part of Lustration. Among the initiates were Rev. Kim herself and Rev. Stephanie Neal, each of whom had their Third Degree initiation. A tent had been erected to act as a pavilion for ritual preparation as well as the sequestering of initiatory postulants. The pavilion also provided a recourse for the main ceremonies in case of rain -though as it happened the weather could not have been nicer. In the pavilion was a display from the Order of Muses showcasing many of the the Order member's artworks. It was a lovely display and much admired. |
The Order of Muses was created to promote the arts within the Tradition and as a showcase for members artwork. It is hoped that the Order of Muses will provide similar displays for future Lustrations as well. Initiations are always a major part of Lustration weekend, and many people seek to have their initiation at a Lustration because of the unique group character of the ritual. In addition many people who are already self-initiated seek an initiatory confirmation at Lustration. This means that there are often many people to be initiated at any given Lustration. This shared experience often creates a special bond between the initiates. |
At some Lustrations the initiation ceremonies have taken as long as four or five hours because of the number of people involved. This often makes for quite an intense experience. Some people seek initiation as soon as they qualify, but others wait for just the right time. Some people wait for years. Rev. Hawkeye, who received his First Degree initiation at this Lustration, has waited some three or four years for the right occasion. |
After the initiations a feast was laid out under the pavilion. Many tasty delicacies awaited those who had survived the initiation ritual.
The "edible portion of the presentation" is very important, especially after a major ceremony, as it helps people to ground. Grounding is important after any kind of psychic or magical working. After the feast many people retired for the night. A few remained however and began a drumming circle in the pavilion. The drumming circle continued for many happy hours, as drumming circles will tend to do. |
Sunday morning we all gathered at Lady Kim's land for the actual Lustration ceremony. Lady Kim and First Elder Lady Bitterwind led a procession to the river where the Lustral water was collected for use in the ceremony.
Lady Kim's ritual circle stands at the edge of the forest, sheltered by the ancient trees. The circle is demarcated by segments of tree trunk. These segments were cut from one of the lands trees which was felled by lightning some years ago. A gateway marks the east, and is used for ceremonial entry and exit. When the circle is not in use, the gate is kept closed. The circle included a number of solar powered lights which light automatically at dusk, as well as Tiki torches for occasions which require more illumination. |
Then the Lustration ceremony began, with Rev. Hawkeye acting as Guardian, and issuing the formal challenge. Lady Reanna of Enchanted Realm and Lady Aine of Crystalline Star led the processional entry of the celebrants. |
Because Lady Kim's ritual circle can only hold a certain number of people, the celebrants stood on the inside of the circle, while those without a specific role in the ceremony stood outside -though the actual magic circle was cast to include the entire area. Rev. Don cast the circle using the ceremonial sword of Enchanted Realm Temple. |
Rev. Jacqueline deGraaf and Rev. Aphrodite acted as Junevocator and Genevocator respectively. Rev. Debbe Tompkins and Rev. Pete Hertzberg offered the Joint Charge. As always the high point of the ceremony was the Oracle of the Ancestors, and the actual lustration itself. This seasons Oracle was decidedly auspicious. |
The Oracle of the Ancestors for the Fall Lustration of Year Seven counseled that the time has come to do the work we are called for -the time for preparation is over and the time to put our ideals into practice is at hand. An unusual and somewhat unexpected Oracle. |
After the Lustration ceremony ended, another feast ensued allowing more social time before people began to head home. The social times are always the best part of Lustration, as they allow us to build our existing friendships and create new ones within our Correllian family. This years Lustration of the Living was a wonderful event, and will be long remembered by all who attended no doubt! |