And Witchschool Education
and Leadership Conference
Commentary by M. Rev. Don Lewis
SEPTEMBER 1 - 4, Year 5 Aquarius
Greetings all,
Well, another Lustration has come and gone -and what a delightful time it was!
Every Lustration is special and unique unto itself, but this Lustration was the occasion of so many "firsts" and witnessed so many changes and transformations as to be quite ground-breaking.
Well, another Lustration has come and gone -and what a delightful time it was!
Every Lustration is special and unique unto itself, but this Lustration was the occasion of so many "firsts" and witnessed so many changes and transformations as to be quite ground-breaking.
First, of course, this was the first Lustration to be held outside of central Illinois. Previous Lustrations have been held in Danville, Westville, Kankakee, and Hoopeston -all relatively near each other. But this Lustration was held in upstate New York.
This opens something of a new era for us and really brings home how much the Tradition has grown and that the spiritual center of the Tradition in many ways must now be said to be everywhere -like the Tradition itself. Secondly, this was the first Lustration to be combined with another major event: specifically the Witchschool Education and Leadership Conference. The combination of the two events greatly enriched each and allowed us all to have a fuller and even more memorable experience. |
We want to thank everyone in both the Correllian Tradition and our educational partner Witch School who worked so hard to make this event a reality!
All this hard work really showed, and we thank you all for your tireless efforts to make this conference the best it could possibly be. We would also like to thank all those who attended the conference -especially those who came from great distances |
Witchschool Dean of Mentors Rev. Karla
Summers from South Dakota: Witchschool Assistant Dean of Mentors Rev. Serenity from Arkansas: Rev Aphrodite from Arkansas: All our friends from Heritage in Ohio -Rev. Debbe, Rev. Dr. Rodney, Herald Debbie, Liz: |
Rev. Aine from Crystalline Star Temple and Jackie from Cincinnati: Rev. Reanna Marie from Danville, Illinois: Paladin Commander Rev. Dave Webb from Indiana: Rev. Pasquale from Canada: Rev. Mike McBride from Florida: Rev. Terry "Silthoron" Power who came from Barbados: And all the many other people, to numerous to name, who came to attend and lend their energies to the specialness of this event. |
Particularly we would like to thank our very special guest Rt. Rev. Pete "Pathfinder" Davis, of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church, who came all the way from Seattle to attend: And our guests Phil Farber, Brian Goldstein, Rev. Shelly O'Brien and Rev. Heidi Gleber from the Pagan Church of the Sacred Pentacle. |
And of course we also want to thank Chancellor's Herald Rev. Ser Jason Highcorrell who had been in New York state for several weeks helping prepare the technical end of the Conference -the online chat room and video presentations. With such fabulous people how could this have been anything other than the wonderful event it was? |