A Spiritual War For Peace
Please join the Correllian Tradition in a Spiritual War for Peace!
The Tradition has many ongoing activities as part of the Spiritual War for Peace - you will find a list below. But it is not necessary to join a sponsored activity to take part - the easiest way to take part is simply pray and focus energy for peace! You can do this privately any time - but many of us are choosing to do it together!
International Peace Warriors Presentation
For The
2015 Parliament of World Religionsin Salt Lake City, Utah.
International Peace Warriors Presentation download file
* Global Rolling Peace Prayer through the Temple of Contemplation on 22nd of each month
* Daily and weekly prayers for peace through the Order of Peace Weavers
* A weekly Peace Prayer Shrine to co-ordinate prayers through Magick TV
* Weekly meditations and workings by the Order of World Walkers
* Weekly Peace Rituals through Our Lady of Peace Formal Shrine
* Monthly Crystal Web Peace Rituals by the Order of Web Weavers
* Ongoing peace prayers and rituals through many Correllian Temples and Shrines
* Creation of energetic constructs to disseminate and amplify positive energies,
including the Peace Wave Generators currently under construction
* You can join the Spiritual War for Peace!
Stay up-to-date on our Facebook page, the International Peace Warriors
Why do we need a Spiritual War for Peace? Look around the world at present - what could be more important? Although there has always been unrest in the world, there have rarely been darker days than these. As magical people we can make a difference. And indeed, as magical people we know that we get the world we create, and so we it is important to create the world we want!
Every day seems to bring more disturbing news of horrors at home and abroad. Is this just the way things are? The Correllian Elders do not believe so. Chancellor M. Rev. Donald Lewis has said that he believes there are people actively working to promote fear and hate as political tools - specifically that people are using psychic and magical means to destabilize parts of the world for political gain. It is no accident that violence is bringing theocratic regimes into greater and greater ascendency, and that secular societies are being battered on all sides.
The idea of the Spiritual War for Peace is that we are actually in a metaphysical struggle for the future of the world, in which negative energies of fear and hatred are being actively magically promoted for the purpose of destabilizing certain societies. By focusing our own energies on peace and love, we hope to counteract these negative energies.
The Chancellor has worked with the Tradition's Oracles and Remote Viewers to pinpoint the origin of this negative energy, and feels that there are several sources. The first and foremost source is the Christian Dominionist movement, which actively seeks to establish Christian theocratic governments in place of secular society, and which has very publicly sponsored "spiritual warfare" using psychic and metaphysical techniques to strike at people and institutions that oppose their aims. The second identified source is a resurgent Russian PsyOps program. Like the US, Russia formerly had a major PsyOps, or Psychic Operations, program which was let go after the fall of the Soviet Union - but which now seems to have experienced a resurgence. These two powers would seem unlikely allies - but one need only look at the interaction of Christian Dominionist figures like Rev. Scott Lively with the situation in Russia, to see that it is not so unlikley after all.
This is a battle for Peace - but peace is more than just an absence of fighting. Peace means a decent life for people, freedom to believe according to their conscience, and to live without fear of being oppressed or killed merely because of their race, religion, gender identity, or ethnicity. Without these things, there is no peace. The survival of secular society based in social justice is vital to the future of the world - and in the end it is this that these powers are working against. It is this that we must protect and strengthen.
So please join us in our Spiritual War for Peace!
Daily and weekly prayers for peace via the Order of Peace Weavers
Contact Rev. Theresa Helton for more information
Email - [email protected] for more information
Weekly prayers for peace via the Our Lady of Peace Formal Shrine
Contact Colin Keller for more information
Email – [email protected] for more information
A recorded version of the Peace Prayer is available to hear on SURN
Contact – Rev. Onyx HP
Email - [email protected] for more information
Prayer, currently praying for countries in Africa
Day: Monday
Time: any time
Time Zone/Country: globally
Contact Rolando Gomez Comon of Shrine of Luntiang Aghama for more information
Email: [email protected]
Series of Peace Prayers
1st peace from the physical body
2nd peace from the emotional plane
3rd peace of mind
4th dedicated entirely to peace from the Higher Self, the Divine Spirit
Day: Every Friday
Time: 21:00
Time Zone/Country: El Salvador
Contact Rvda. Nubia Lazzo for more information
Email: [email protected]
Rolling Peace Prayer
Day: Every Saturday
Time: 20:00
Time Zone/Country: local time (wherever you are in the world at 20:00)
Contact Rev. Ayra Alseret of the Temple of Hecate, Spain, for more information
Email: [email protected]
Day: Every Sunday
Time: 21:00
Time Zone/Country: Mexico
Contact Rev. Eblis HP of the Dragon Temple, Mexico, for more information
Email: [email protected]
Day: Full Moon
Time: 18:00
Time Zone/Country: USA Eastern
Contact Rev. Onyx HP of the Lady of the Circle in the Oaks for more information
Email: [email protected]
Rolling Peace Prayer
Day: 1st of month
Time: 20:00
Time Zone/Country: local time (wherever you are in the world at 20:00)
Contact Lady Moonwitch of the Sacred Moon Garden Temple for more information
Email: [email protected]
Day: 11 of month
Contact Lady Windy of the Order of Web Weavers for more information
Email: [email protected]
Rolling Peace Prayer
Day: 15th of the month
Contact Rev. Teri Helton Ott of the Order of Peace Weavers for more information
Email: [email protected]
Rolling Peace Prayer
Day: 22nd of month
Contact Lady Anna of the Temple of Contemplation for more information
Email: [email protected]
Meditations and Workings
Day: First Tuesday of the month
Contact Lady Stephanie Neal of Sacred Sea Temple, World Walkers, Correllian Shamans for more information on the various events
Email: [email protected]
Day: First Saturday of the month
Contact Lady Laurie Denman of Chosen Path Church, for more information
Email: [email protected]
Day: Third Saturday of the month
Contact Rev. John Ford of Dawn Chariot Formal Shrine for more information
Email: [email protected]
* Global Rolling Peace Prayer through the Temple of Contemplation on 22nd of each month
* Daily and weekly prayers for peace through the Order of Peace Weavers
* A weekly Peace Prayer Shrine to co-ordinate prayers through Magick TV
* Weekly meditations and workings by the Order of World Walkers
* Weekly Peace Rituals through Our Lady of Peace Formal Shrine
* Monthly Crystal Web Peace Rituals by the Order of Web Weavers
* Ongoing peace prayers and rituals through many Correllian Temples and Shrines
* Creation of energetic constructs to disseminate and amplify positive energies,
including the Peace Wave Generators currently under construction
* You can join the Spiritual War for Peace!
Stay up-to-date on our Facebook page, the International Peace Warriors
Why do we need a Spiritual War for Peace? Look around the world at present - what could be more important? Although there has always been unrest in the world, there have rarely been darker days than these. As magical people we can make a difference. And indeed, as magical people we know that we get the world we create, and so we it is important to create the world we want!
Every day seems to bring more disturbing news of horrors at home and abroad. Is this just the way things are? The Correllian Elders do not believe so. Chancellor M. Rev. Donald Lewis has said that he believes there are people actively working to promote fear and hate as political tools - specifically that people are using psychic and magical means to destabilize parts of the world for political gain. It is no accident that violence is bringing theocratic regimes into greater and greater ascendency, and that secular societies are being battered on all sides.
The idea of the Spiritual War for Peace is that we are actually in a metaphysical struggle for the future of the world, in which negative energies of fear and hatred are being actively magically promoted for the purpose of destabilizing certain societies. By focusing our own energies on peace and love, we hope to counteract these negative energies.
The Chancellor has worked with the Tradition's Oracles and Remote Viewers to pinpoint the origin of this negative energy, and feels that there are several sources. The first and foremost source is the Christian Dominionist movement, which actively seeks to establish Christian theocratic governments in place of secular society, and which has very publicly sponsored "spiritual warfare" using psychic and metaphysical techniques to strike at people and institutions that oppose their aims. The second identified source is a resurgent Russian PsyOps program. Like the US, Russia formerly had a major PsyOps, or Psychic Operations, program which was let go after the fall of the Soviet Union - but which now seems to have experienced a resurgence. These two powers would seem unlikely allies - but one need only look at the interaction of Christian Dominionist figures like Rev. Scott Lively with the situation in Russia, to see that it is not so unlikley after all.
This is a battle for Peace - but peace is more than just an absence of fighting. Peace means a decent life for people, freedom to believe according to their conscience, and to live without fear of being oppressed or killed merely because of their race, religion, gender identity, or ethnicity. Without these things, there is no peace. The survival of secular society based in social justice is vital to the future of the world - and in the end it is this that these powers are working against. It is this that we must protect and strengthen.
So please join us in our Spiritual War for Peace!
Daily and weekly prayers for peace via the Order of Peace Weavers
Contact Rev. Theresa Helton for more information
Email - [email protected] for more information
Weekly prayers for peace via the Our Lady of Peace Formal Shrine
Contact Colin Keller for more information
Email – [email protected] for more information
A recorded version of the Peace Prayer is available to hear on SURN
Contact – Rev. Onyx HP
Email - [email protected] for more information
Prayer, currently praying for countries in Africa
Day: Monday
Time: any time
Time Zone/Country: globally
Contact Rolando Gomez Comon of Shrine of Luntiang Aghama for more information
Email: [email protected]
Series of Peace Prayers
1st peace from the physical body
2nd peace from the emotional plane
3rd peace of mind
4th dedicated entirely to peace from the Higher Self, the Divine Spirit
Day: Every Friday
Time: 21:00
Time Zone/Country: El Salvador
Contact Rvda. Nubia Lazzo for more information
Email: [email protected]
Rolling Peace Prayer
Day: Every Saturday
Time: 20:00
Time Zone/Country: local time (wherever you are in the world at 20:00)
Contact Rev. Ayra Alseret of the Temple of Hecate, Spain, for more information
Email: [email protected]
Day: Every Sunday
Time: 21:00
Time Zone/Country: Mexico
Contact Rev. Eblis HP of the Dragon Temple, Mexico, for more information
Email: [email protected]
Day: Full Moon
Time: 18:00
Time Zone/Country: USA Eastern
Contact Rev. Onyx HP of the Lady of the Circle in the Oaks for more information
Email: [email protected]
Rolling Peace Prayer
Day: 1st of month
Time: 20:00
Time Zone/Country: local time (wherever you are in the world at 20:00)
Contact Lady Moonwitch of the Sacred Moon Garden Temple for more information
Email: [email protected]
Day: 11 of month
Contact Lady Windy of the Order of Web Weavers for more information
Email: [email protected]
Rolling Peace Prayer
Day: 15th of the month
Contact Rev. Teri Helton Ott of the Order of Peace Weavers for more information
Email: [email protected]
Rolling Peace Prayer
Day: 22nd of month
Contact Lady Anna of the Temple of Contemplation for more information
Email: [email protected]
Meditations and Workings
Day: First Tuesday of the month
Contact Lady Stephanie Neal of Sacred Sea Temple, World Walkers, Correllian Shamans for more information on the various events
Email: [email protected]
Day: First Saturday of the month
Contact Lady Laurie Denman of Chosen Path Church, for more information
Email: [email protected]
Day: Third Saturday of the month
Contact Rev. John Ford of Dawn Chariot Formal Shrine for more information
Email: [email protected]